"Sorry, I have an appointment."

Bai Anru refused lightly.

If it was before, she wouldn't mind being a King of the Sea without Huo Xuye's terrifying demon, but just because of Huo Xuye's jealous king, even though Bai Anru is not his favorite, as long as she bears the name of Mrs. Huo, Bai Anru will be Don't try to be Aquaman.

"Also, I'm really married, I didn't lie to you."

Liang Wenfeng looked hurt, but Bai Anru calmly let him go and left.

In Uncle Wang's car, Tan Xuanbai sent her a message: "Anru, let's go to the movies this week, just watch the new one."

Bai Anru thought for a while, there should be no other arrangements this week except to visit the old man once, so she replied yes.

Speaking of which, she hasn't hung out with her good sisters for a long time.

At home in the evening, Huo Xuye hadn't come back yet.

Bai Anru is also used to it.

Aunt suddenly ran over, "Ma'am!" and called Bai Anru to stop.

"Huh?" Bai Anru stopped her footsteps, looked at her aunt, "what's the matter, aunt?"

The aunt lowered her head, "Hey, my useless son got into trouble outside, and I have to go back."

Bai Anru nodded, "Well, then go back, Auntie."

The aunt raised her head again, "Ma'am, then I would like to ask you one thing."

Bai Anru nodded.

Auntie is a little strange today, she seems to be restrained before she wants to promote, and she speaks in a tricky way.

"Today is my husband's birthday. I usually cook a bowl of longevity noodles for him according to the old man's instructions, but today I am too late. I will leave this matter to you, madam."


Today is Huo Xuye's birthday?
This news had a huge impact on her.


Before Bai Anru finished speaking, the aunt covered her face and ran away in tears.

I am also very tired!
I make noodles for Huo Xuye?

God, get around her!
Bai Anru dragged her tired body and went to the kitchen. The aunt had already prepared all the ingredients. The noodles would not taste good if they boiled for a long time and fell off. Bai Anru thought about it, and resigned herself to calling Huo Xuye Telephone.

After two beeps on the phone, it was indeed a girl who answered the phone.

"Hey, are you looking for Xu Ye?"

Xu Ye?Such an intimate title?

Xiaosan protesting against the main house?
Bai Anru trembled twice.

However, this mistress was doomed to be disappointed, she wished that Huo Xuye had someone outside, so that she could be the king of the sea in a legitimate way.

"Well, is he there?"

Looking at the calm voice on the phone, Tan Jingjing smiled with her bright red lips. In her opinion, this Bai Anru must be faking.

"Then please wait a moment, he is-" taking a bath.

Before the last two words were spoken, Bai Anru knew what the mistress was going to say, but before the answer Bai Anru was thinking of, Huo Xuye's dark voice appeared on the phone.

Bai Anru couldn't hide her disappointment.

"Huo Xuye, when are you coming back?"

Huo Xuye looked at his watch, "It should be soon, there is still a video conference."

Bai Anru gave a light oh, and then asked cautiously, "I didn't disturb your good business, did I?"

Huo Xuye twitched the corners of his mouth, and silently hung up the phone.

Then he glanced at Tan Jingjing who was standing beside her, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Tan Jingjing was on the verge of crying, "Mr. Huo, Ma'am, did you misunderstand you? It's all my fault. I blamed me when I saw Mr. Huo's cell phone ringing. When I saw that the caller was from an unfamiliar number, I was afraid that it was a call from a customer." , so I picked it up, I'm really sorry, if Ma'am misunderstood you, then I would be guilty of a serious crime."

Huo Xuye just glanced at it lightly, then withdrew his gaze, and walked towards the office.

After a while, I packed my things and went out.

Tan Jingjing looked at Huo Xuye's back and bit her lower lip.

How does she feel that Huo Xuye is angry?

Tan Jingjing stamped her feet angrily!Went to the bathroom.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she took out the lipstick in her bag, applied her makeup, and glanced at her exquisite face. Tan Jingjing pursed her lips and spread the lipstick evenly, "A phone book connected to Huo Xuye How can you fight me if you don’t have anyone?”

"Do you think that taking the position of Mrs. Huo San can occupy Huo Xuye?" Tan Jingjing smiled.

Huo Xuye drove all the way back. For some reason, he held his breath and ran through many red lights along the way.

When he got home, Bai Anru was still leisurely curling his hair and doing maintenance for himself.

"Huo Xuye? Why did you come back so early?" Seeing the man's car parked downstairs, Bai Anru asked suspiciously.

Isn't there another video conference?Why are you back so early?
Huo Xuye sneered, "Why, Miss Bai still wants to hide someone at home? Don't let me see it?"

Bai Anru silently rolled her eyes in her heart.

I'm afraid Huo Xuye has persecution paranoia!

Bai Anru remembered his aunt's explanation, and pulled Huo Xuye over, clasping his hands together, Huo Xuye looked at Bai Anru who was holding his hand in front of him in disbelief.

"Miss Bai, you know, what happened to the person who dared to touch me last time?"

Bai Anru curled her lips, "I'm not interested, but all I know is that I'm completing a task now."

mission accomplished?What task to complete?
Huo Xuye was dragged by Bai Anru to sit aside, and then Huo Xuye saw Bai Anru casually tied her hair and went to the kitchen.

Bai Anru's hair is that kind of black, long and straight.

One thing to say, Huo Xuye likes that kind of thing.

So this time, Bai Anru's freshly washed hair was draped so slantingly, it really felt good. Huo Xuye squinted his eyes as he looked at the long hair hanging down.

Bai Anru was making noodles in the kitchen, and she didn't expect that the man would wait for her quietly in the living room, and when the time came, she would bring the noodles up, maybe she would be ridiculed by him again—a mockery from a superior.

too difficult.

Bai Anru muttered in her heart.

But when she went out, she saw that Huo Xuye was still in the living room, but the clothes on her body had been changed into Huo Xuye's usual home clothes, which looked really homely.

At this time, he was facing the computer, and Bai Anru guessed that he should be dealing with things.

Just ignore him.

It wasn't until he started rubbing his temples that Bai Anru called him.

"Huo Xuye, come here!"

Huo Xuye looked at her puzzled, but he stood up from the sofa obediently and walked towards her.

"Come here, try it, there is no chopped green onion." Bai Anru handed the chopsticks in his hand to Huo Xuye, and then pressed him to the dining table, letting him look at the steaming bowl in front of him. Good noodles.

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