Mr Huo wants to spoil me

Chapter 14 The Desperate Bai Anru

A group of people in the ward were talking and laughing, Huo Daosheng coaxed by Bai Anru was very happy, and he didn't leave with Huo Xuye until he fell asleep.

After returning from the hospital, seeing Huo Xuye who was about to go upstairs, Bai Anru opened his mouth.But in the end, he didn't say anything, and watched Huo Xuye go upstairs.

Will he believe these words?
Maybe she still thinks that she is sowing discord!

But it's not good not to say, this Huo Donghui, if he can hurt grandpa once, he can hurt grandpa twice.

Bai Anru got up from the sofa and went upstairs, stopped in front of Huo Xuye's room, bent her fingers to knock on the door, but finally put it down.

In front of the door, she came and went.

"What are you doing here?" The door was opened suddenly, and Huo Xuye, dressed in a suit, suddenly appeared by the door and asked in a deep voice.

Bai Anru put her hands in her trouser pockets, smiled and nodded, swallowing what she wanted to say.

"Oh, it's nothing, just accumulated food, come out for a walk."

Let's not say it, this guy probably won't believe her.

Huo Xuye sneered, "Walk in front of my door? You're in a good mood."

After closing the door with a bang, Bai Anru touched his nose and entered his room.

Last time Chairman Su called her and introduced her a list, so he didn't have to accompany Huo Xuye to the hospital to see Mr. Huo today, and went out early in the morning for a visit.

The man also arranged for a driver to pick her up, but asked her to wait a little longer.

Go out from Huo's villa, walk out of the intersection of that street, and wait for the car on the side of the road while swiping the phone boredly.

Suddenly covering her mouth and nose with both hands from behind, Bai Anru struggled hard, as if he smelled something, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

Huo Donghui was in a black car, looking at Bai Anru who was being dragged over and sneered.

Didn't it fall into my hands?

After all this was done, the driver drove away, and he made a phone call.

"Hey, you can continue, this time you do it well for me, don't let people find you again! If people find out, and find out the lives of me, your wife and daughter, you can be careful!"

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and looked handsome, but the words he said were extremely vicious, and he wanted to kill the grandfather who brought him up with one hand.

At this time, in the Huo family villa.

"Mr. Huo, the old man is critically ill again! The hospital has issued several notices of critical illness, and now there is an agreement to be signed. Come quickly and preside over the overall situation!"

Huo Xuye threw away the documents in his hand, picked up the clothes that were put aside, and hurried downstairs to drive the car.

He was about to call Chairman Su when a strange call came.

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Huo Xuye frowned more and more.

Huo Xuye's hand holding the steering wheel was tight, and his brows hadn't been relaxed. He just hit a red light in front of him. Huo Xuye stopped, looked at the long queue, and punched the steering wheel.

The violent roar caused the driver in the car next to him to poke his head out.

"Are you sick!"

"Check! Where did he go! Make sure to find him!"

After connecting the phone, Huo Xuye's voice was very irritable.

I hurried to the hospital and signed an agreement. The doctor in charge frowned, "Mr. Huo, look, Mr. Huo was treated well at our place. For some reason, it may be that Mr. Huo's condition has not stabilized. You Don't worry Mr. Huo, we will do our best to treat Mr. Huo!"

In the corridor of the hospital, Huo Xuye was sitting upright on a chair in the corridor. He was usually as stable as ever, but today he was a little restless.

His right hand tapped irregularly on his leg, and he looked at his watch from time to time.

A phone call came.

Without even thinking about it, Huo Xuye took the clothes aside and got up to leave.

When Bai Anru opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar environment, like an abandoned factory.

She was tied hand and foot to a steel pillar, and the yellow-haired and green-haired people at the table opposite were eating meat and drinking wine.

Bai Anru forced herself to calm down.

Try not to attract the attention of that group.

Huo Donghui, how dare you!

I'm furious!

She looked to the side with the only moving eye, and there was a wine bottle not far from her hand.

She moved her body secretly, wanting to get the wine bottle.I took it and secretly hid it under my body.

"This chick is awake!" A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked at Bai Anru's whole body with furtive and wretched eyes, and then said in a disgusting voice to the big guy sitting in the middle, "Boss, Mr. Huo didn't let us, How about...?"

The big man in the middle laughed lewdly, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

"Okay! You kid has an idea!"

"Help me watch it! I'll let you do it when I'm done!" He stepped out and untied his belt.

"Uh, uh..." Bai Anru struggled hard.

Calm down, Bai Anru!clam down!
The big man came up to him, stood in front of her, and knelt down to look her directly in the eyes. "This girl has beautiful eyes!"

"be honest!"

The big man took a rag out of her mouth.

"You have to untie my hands." Bai Anru spat hard, spitting out the dust in his mouth.

"Hey, this girl dares to ask for it herself!" The big man seemed to be amused by her words, and he stepped on the stool next to him, while lifting her chin.

"I want to have a spring evening with my master so much, I'll satisfy you!"

Bai Anru tried her best to move the wine bottle under her buttocks, taking advantage of the big guy to untie her hands, taking advantage of his blind spot.

He raised his hand and smashed the wine bottle at the big man's head.

"Damn it, you bitch!" Blood flowed from the big man's head, he raised his hand at Bai Anru and slapped her, making her dizzy.

Those green hairs behind rushed forward and surrounded Bai Anru, and stepped forward to hold her hands and feet down.

Bai Anru was pinned down by a group of men and couldn't move her whole body. The big man walked towards her and unbuttoned her clothes one by one lewdly.

"You still dare to hit me? You bitch! Shameless bastard!"

Halfway through taking off his clothes, the big man stepped forward and slapped Bai Anru twice again. Both of Bai Anru's faces were swollen and turned up high.

"Bitch, I'll show you what a real man is today." The big man tore off his short sleeves angrily, and then rushed towards Bai Anru.

"Go away! Don't come over!" Really desperate, Bai Anru knew that he was doomed, but still shouted, frantically pushing the big man in front of him.

"Spicy enough, exciting enough! I'll try your mouth first to see if your mouth is moist and spicy enough!"

But Bai Anru's yelling gave the big man a sense of stimulation, his right hand grabbed Bai Anru's long hair, and he opened his mouth to kiss him.

It's over, it's really over...

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