Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 78 Yan Hui is so happy to be scolded

Captain Mu was so angry that Mu Yuan had nothing to say, so he asked the people in the brigade to remove the door panel of Mu Minglai's house, and took his elder brother to the commune clinic to have a look.

Wait until he wakes up to deal with it.

Muyuan's house.

Mu Minglai just had a life-and-death struggle with his elder brother, and now he is crying in front of Mu Yuan: "He is too much, I don't even want to argue with him, and he still sees me as a bully and says Jiajia betrayed me to propose marriage to another man , How can I bear such a thing?"

"Okay, don't cry like a bitch, it's fine if you have to deal with something, there are always more solutions than difficulties." Mu Yuan patted his head in his own way as a comfort, "Why is there blood on your forehead? What? Do you want to go to the clinic?"

Judging from his fighting experience.

Looking at Mu Ming's horrific injuries, they were actually not hurt.

Mu Minglai also shook his head: "I didn't realize it at the time. In fact, it's nothing serious. There's no need to waste money. I'm so poor now, boss."

"Then earn it." Mu Yuan was speechless.

"I want to build a house and share a house with my wife, but I don't know how to get the money out now." Mu Ming struggled.

Mu Yuan directly took out ten cards of Great Unity and gave them to him: "My dad and good brother gave me 500, you take 100."

Mu Minglai stared blankly at Mu Yuan, and hugged him: "Boss, you are really the best boss in the world."

"Get out!" Mu Yuan pushed him away, "Don't give me a bitch, it's disgusting."

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Mu Minglai didn't care what he said, just took the 10 cards of Great Unity and laughed silly.

100 yuan.

He can make mud bricks by himself, and then ask a few brothers from the brigade to help, and ask the boss to beat them if he doesn't help.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

It's great, I didn't expect to have such a great harvest in fighting.

I couldn't be happier.

Although his injury didn't need to go to the clinic for treatment, it was bandaged up.

When Mu Ming came to see Yan Hui, he asked, "Yan Zhiqing, I really thank you and your mother before, uh... do you have time to help me now, we have discussed that we will not hold a wedding, but I figured she'd still be able to wear a new outfit when she came to us."

"Okay." Yan Hui replied in one gulp.

Mu Minglai quickly thanked, "Thank you."

"There's no need to be so polite." Yan Hui said, "Jiajia is a good girl, you have to cherish her from now on."

"I'm sure I will. If I treat her badly, I'll kill her with a headshot."

Mu Ming came to make a promise.

Yan Hui didn't question it either, because in his previous life, Mu Ming was also very prosperous, and he had many Yingying and Yanyan around him, but he never liked any of them. In his heart, perhaps only the little daughter-in-law he raised since childhood is his real daughter-in-law. .

When Yan Hui went to class, it was another brand new week, and there was still one and a half weeks to go before a month.

But their class is still in the middle.

Therefore, the chance of Yan Hui staying is very low.

But for other teachers, it doesn't matter whether the position of brigade teacher stays or not, the key is the commune teacher!

That's rich.

The educated youths all worked hard.

After Yan Hui had a few days of leisure, he received another telegram, "If you don't send money, you will die."

That's five words without punctuation.

Even with such a simple five words, Yan Hui could see that Yan Xue and her adoptive parents were in a state of desperation.

According to international practice, tear up and burn.

Some nasty things that shouldn't exist in this world are better not to exist.

Yan Hui didn't pay much attention to their family, and rumors began to spread in the brigade that the parents who came before were not the parents who raised her, but there were parents who raised her, but in the end she gave up her adoptive parents in order to climb high.

Even if the manuscript fee is earned, it will not be sent home.

Just spend it on the rednecks you like.

She eats and drinks all day long, regardless of the hardships of her previous adoptive parents in raising her. Some parents even persuaded their children not to listen to her. How can such a morally corrupt teacher be worthy of this position?
For a while, many people were scolding Yan Hui.

Unlike the scolding before, because it was unreasonable before, now they are standing at the highest point of morality.

And very jealous.

The villagers are jealous of Muyuan's family.

The educated youths are jealous of Yan Hui, obviously she came to the countryside to endure hardships, but she lives so well all day long.

Both parties tried their best to discredit Yan Hui.

Yan Hui was speechless after hearing the rumors.

She felt that there was something wrong with the minds of the educated youths. They all had the position of commune teacher in front of them. Instead of concentrating on researching this position, they tried their best to discredit her.

No... to discredit her.

It seems that because they are incompetent, they feel that they are most likely to enter the commune as a teacher, so they discredited them in advance? ? ?

Think about this truth.

Yan Hui laughed.

Sometimes invincible is so lonely.

The enemy dared not even fight head-on.

How is this good?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

What's the matter with being scolded all of a sudden?

Mu Yuan, who didn't know the situation, sneaked out a few boys from the brigade at night: "I heard that you are saying that I eat soft rice recently, do you really want to have a bite?"

"No, Brother Yuan, how dare we speak ill of you, don't you?" The boys who were carried over panicked.

"Don't dare, I think you are very brave."

It's fine to say him, what do you want to do by spreading bad things about that little girl.

"Brother Yuan, we didn't hear anyone talking about you, only that Zhiqing Yan." Someone couldn't help but say.


Just say Yan Hui, what logic?

Mu Ming came to see Mu Yuan lose his temper, and became the one to persuade: "Brother Yuan, I'll come, don't get your hands dirty."

He was afraid that if the boss got too angry, he would directly break his bones and make things worse.


People are like that.

Before he fought, he was not afraid to make things big.

But when it was the boss's turn, he was afraid.

Mu Ming came to clean them up, "I warn you to keep a close eye on your family next time, otherwise it won't be such a simple matter."

The faces of those who were beaten were wrinkled in pain.

The main reason is that Mu Yuan directly attacked, while Mu Minglai suppressed with weight. Damn, the feeling of being suppressed is really bad.

Muming laughed hehehe: "It's been a long time since I hit anyone."

Everyone: "..."

You fucking beat your brother into the clinic, did you forget?

But in fact, Mu Minglai didn't really mean it, and he sighed and persuaded: "Actually, I don't want to be yours, you look at my sincere eyes, you have to be good, don't mess with my boss, and don't mess with my benefactor—— Yan Hui."

His Kazilan big eyes for everyone to see.

Everyone just ignored it.

What's so good about a man's eyes?
Mu Minglai said again: "I didn't come to you today to beat you up. After all, we don't have that much free time. We still have to play cards. There is one thing I want to discuss with you. There is money to be made. Would you like to come? "

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