Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 7 This girl fell in love with him at first sight!

"Okay, I want eight...five catties."

Even if you burn the kang, Yan Hui, who is afraid of the cold, still wants eight catties of cotton, but suddenly realizes that she has no money now.

Mu Yuan also noticed this, but he didn't have any good intentions to help her. The two of them didn't know each other well. If they really helped, it wouldn't do her a good reputation. Just a deposit."

Yan Hui gave him five yuan, and asked again: "Do you know where there is fabric?"

"What fabric?"

"The fabric for daily clothes, I want to wear a padded jacket, and I also need fabric."

"Let me help you ask, if there is any, I will bring it back for you. How much do you need?"

"...Four dollars." Yan Hui lowered his head and whispered.

Mu Yuan didn't say anything: "Okay, I'll go back to sleep."

"Yeah." Yan Hui felt that he hadn't slept yet. When she was a teacher in the commune, he gave her many, many very precious things. If she hadn't had a small dormitory, she wouldn't have been changed by others. Violent criticism.

There are so many precious things, so with a little guesswork, you can know what he is doing now, buying and selling!

Yan Hui knew that he was very careful, and he never showed it to others, nor did he intend to dissuade him, but she really had to earn money.

It's been a long time since I was so stretched.

When work started in the morning, Yan Hui went to the accountant to register for farm tools, and then was sent to Wu Meili and the other female educated youths to dig vegetable ditches.

Dig a ditch with a hoe, then sprinkle its seeds evenly into the ditch, and then dig a little to cover the seeds.

But for those who have never done physical work, suddenly doing physical work is really a bit overwhelming, Yan Hui also gritted his teeth and worked.

Wu Meili saw that she was doing well, so she didn't say anything, but frowned at Yang Heqin: "What are you digging, how will you plant the seeds later, how will the vegetables grow in the future, obviously you are an educated youth who came here in a day, why do you It’s so different from Yan Zhiqing, look at how well Yan Zhiqing digs, how many times you have rested without saying a word, and now there is no sun.”

"What's wrong with me, I rest if I like to rest, can you control me? You, I'm tired and I can't rest for a while. When you are new, you can do so well. Pooh, don't you rely on The working people help you with your work, directing things blindly all day long, with such a serious bureaucratic tone, tsk!"

Yang Heqin was not immune to her uselessness, threw away the hoe and left!

Her two servants hesitated and left as well. After all, Yang Heqin had three workers in her family. If it wasn't for the rigid demand that one child needs to go to the countryside, how could Yang Heqin come.

And following Yang Heqin, they can eat well and dress well, so they naturally know how to weigh the pros and cons.

It's just that before they left, they gave Yan Hui a hard look, and Yan Hui was speechless, it was obviously Wu Meili who started the war, okay?

She worked so hard to farm the land, who did she offend?

Yan Hui continued to work hard.

Wu Meili was pissed off by Yang Heqin. She had a very standard face with Chinese characters and two braids. She looked like a generous girl, but now she became angry from embarrassment, and she was a little hideous: "I didn't do this for her own good, she How dare you slander me, no, I want to talk to the team leader, I kindly brought her to familiarize with the new environment and new life, and I was wrong!"

Yan Hui remained silent.

Just pretend she doesn't exist.

Now she is really too tired to talk.

Otherwise, she would have broken up with Wu Meili just now. In autumn, she was sweating all over, and she was so tired that she was panting.

Long live the working people!
the other side.

When Captain Mu heard that Wu Meili was looking for him, the veins on his forehead twitched, and he waved his hands when he heard what she said: "That's what you educated youths should solve. If you don't work hard, you won't have food. Simple, if her family has money and food, I can't take care of it."

Some educated youths are really like the young masters and young ladies who came to escape. The family is worried to death, and they send all the good things. These people are not afraid of not working if they have those good things. At most, they will be criticized. .

Unless someone wants a degree from the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University, then he needs to work hard to be recommended.

Of course, being a captain is not eligible for recommendation, only the director of the commune is eligible for recommendation, so many educated youths don't work so hard unless they really have connections.

Wu Meili was very angry when he saw that his hands were spread out and he was too lazy to care. When he went to the countryside to come to the herding brigade, he was rubbed by the captain: "Captain, the educated youths go to the countryside to build the motherland. , how can you be so lazy? As the team leader, how can you not discipline them well, and how will you explain when the commune director comes to investigate?"

Captain Mu's head hurts: "Then what do you say?"

"I think she should be criticized seriously and let her work hard."

"Okay, then you can go." Captain Mu waved his hand and took a sip of the water in the large porcelain jar.

"Captain, you are the captain, so you should say it." Wu Meili felt that what she said had no weight at all, and Yang Heqin didn't listen to her at all.

Captain Mu was helpless, and stood up and followed her to talk to Yang Heqin. Yang Heqin came back to work in the field aggrieved, and was shocked and surprised to find that Yan Hui had done so much.

Obviously they are all from the city.

How did she adapt so quickly.

Not only her, but the captain of the animal husbandry team were all surprised, feeling that she was a very diligent little girl.

At first, looking at her thin skin and tender flesh, I thought she would be a delicate girl, but now I see that she can bear hardships and stand hard work?Not bad, this is what a new youth should look like.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Captain Mu praised Yan Hui well.

And applaud her enthusiastically

It made Yan Hui a little bit social.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to raise his head.

As a result, Yan Hui earned 5 work points a day!
Yan Hui's whole person is not well.

She is diligent, but not as fast, and does not do as many things as others. Women in the village can get up to 8 work points, and men can get up to 10 work points. Her 5 work points are not bad.

Yan Hui, who had been exhausted all day, ate the food cooked by Grandma Mu, she was so fierce, she starved to death!

Mu Yuan twitched the corners of her mouth, but she felt that she was quite a peaceful person, without any airs, but she was too good-looking.

Today, Mu Yuan heard that Mu Minglai, a gossip expert, shared with him that so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so fell in love with Yan Hui.

At that time, Mu Yuan was thinking.

So what if you like it?
This girl fell in love with him at first sight!
"Why are you looking at me?" Yan Hui looked up at him, a little puzzled, maybe he was too hungry to eat too fast, resulting in rice grains on his face.

Yan Hui touched his face.

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