Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 405 Consider the future.

Back to Tsinghua University side by side.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Mu Simo asked anxiously, "Sister-in-law, how is Huhu Chengcheng?"

"It's being dripped. My parents are helping to watch it. It should be fine. If there is anything, I will call me." Yan Hui is also worried about the child.

Did not sleep well at night.

Wait there for the call.

Just to prevent someone from coming to her.

While Yan Hui was brushing his teeth in a daze, a call finally came, and it was from Yan's mother, saying that the child's fever had subsided and he was just coughing, and he should take medicine first to see if he could recover.

"Don't worry too much, the child is nothing serious, it's serious to study hard." Mother Yan instructed.

"Well, we know, it's just too much trouble for you, Dad is also asking for leave today."

Yan Hui is really embarrassed.

"Hey, your dad is fine. He is exhausted every day, and it is rare for him to rest for two days. You should study hard, treat yourself well, eat enough and dress warmly, and remember to tell Xiao Yuan that the child is fine. "Mother Yan exhorted.

"Yeah, I know, you should eat well too."

Hang up with mom.

Yan Hui finally felt more at ease.

Originally, I wanted to go to the Department of Architecture to find Mu Yuan, but when I came downstairs, I found that he was already waiting there.

"How is the child?"

"Mom said that the child's fever has subsided and his cough is not recovering."

"The problem of coughing is not that big. I never took medicine for my cough when I was a child. It's all my own good." Mu Yuan said, slightly satisfied, and patted Yan Hui's shoulder: "Don't worry, your daughter will follow her father, it's fine. "

The corner of Yan Hui's mouth twitched.

"Go eat, I want to eat wonton noodles today."

"Let's go, your man invites you."

Mu Yuan waved his hands proudly.

Yan Hui chuckled, put his shoulders on his shoulders, and raised his eyebrows: "Since it's my man, I'm not stingy. I'll treat you to two bowls of wanton noodles today."

Mu Yuan smiled brightly.

"Okay, then it's troublesome."

"No trouble, no trouble."

When queuing up in the cafeteria, Yan Hui specially swiped his meal card and brought him two bowls of wanton noodles: "Please."

"thanks, thanks."

Mu Yuan quickly thanked him.

Yan Hui turned his head to the side and smiled, his beautiful eyes filled with sweetness.

Wonton noodles have two kinds of fillings.

Shrimp and Crab Wonton Noodles, this must be the main dish. The big wonton contains the whole shrimp and meat. When biting the shrimp, the whole piece is really satisfying.

The wonton noodles with fresh corn and meat are quite different in size than fresh shrimp, but with corn, it is quite sweet.

Both of Muyuan's bowls were fresh shrimp and crab roe wanton, Yan Hui ordered wonton noodles with corn and fresh meat, and when they ate together, Yan Hui would grab a few in the bowl for himself, and then gave him his own.

Mu Yuan glanced at her: "Do you have enough to eat?"

"That's enough, eat quickly. I'll have morning class later. How are you doing? I heard that you are valued by the professor." Yan Hui didn't have that much talent in the Chinese Department.

Talented scholars and talented women who are widely spread now.

All can write poetry.

Let her write articles and books no problem.

But writing poetry...

She really doesn't have that kind of romantic feelings.

So her popularity is really low now.

Instead, it was Mu Yuan.

He is quick-witted, has a good relationship with the professor, and his grades are still at the forefront of the Department of Architecture, so he naturally attracts attention.

But that was her man.

"What the school can do, I just want to see if I can take all the scholarships I can get, otherwise I will lose money."

He spends so much time studying and still can't get a scholarship, then he will die.

"Then do you want to develop architecture?"

"It depends on the situation. In our country, if we are engaged in construction, it should start with the assistant of a construction engineer. It will take a lot of time to get the blueprints. Let me have a look."

State-owned enterprises are fighting for qualifications.

First come, first served and the connections behind it.

Much more important than strength.

Mu Yuan doesn't want to be under the influence of others, so he has no plans to work in the construction industry so far.

Yan Hui nodded thoughtfully.

He's an 80s talent in real estate.

It was also in the south at that time.

Now, it should not be in a hurry, and the time for reform and opening up has not yet come.

"What about you, just want to be an interpreter?"

Mu Yuan asked her.

Yan Hui nodded hesitantly: "It's about the same, I should slowly improve my education, and then I'll see."

She was full of confidence.

But after she got acquainted with a person from the English department, she found that his translation speed was much faster.

She wants to see how her road changes after the reform and opening up.

"Don't worry, take one step at a time."

Mu Yuan comforted.

Yan Hui nodded.

The wanton noodles are also finished.

The two went to class separately.

Mu Yuan came to the classroom, and the girl who greeted him yesterday came to greet him again, "Comrade Mu Yuan, good morning."

Mu Yuan nodded and left.

The attitude is neither cold nor cold.

Everyone thinks it's normal.

When the professor was in class, everyone became quiet again. Mu Yuan watched the professor explain the urban planning of Hong Kong City, and compared the little map with the Hong Kong City in his mind.

Mu Yuan wondered if he should buy more houses and be a renter for the two children in the future.

after class.

The professor asked him what he thought.

Mu Yuan has a lot of opinions, but he can't say anything, because he is afraid that his professor won't let him be a party member, so he can only pick the good ones to say.

He suddenly found out.

Are they Chinese people?

Can't hear criticism.

Instead, he waited for outsiders to slap him in the face.

Then hold back and grow up.

Then hit back hard.

Really, an endless loop.

Mu Yuan said something, and the professor was very satisfied.

Then patted him on the shoulder, telling him to study hard in the future, don't slack off.

Architecture has a lot to offer.

Mu Yuan nodded seriously, with a sincere expression.

Can't fault it at all.

When the professor left, Gu Linran patted Mu Yuan on the shoulder, "Brother Yuan, yes, study hard and add strength to the motherland's radiance."

"Go away, stay away from me."

Mu Yuan patted his hand away, and saw another female classmate ask him a question, Mu Yuan directly pushed Gu Linran out, "I don't understand, he will!"

After finishing speaking, leave directly.

"Hey hey..."

Gu Linran didn't even extend his hand, and left, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, Brother Yuan is really generous!
Then he smiled gently and looked at the female classmate in front of him: "Hello, do you have any questions?"

"that's all, thanks."

Gu Linran is also very good.

But the good ones are too ordinary.

There is no sense of leadership.

She doesn't like it.

Looking at the girl's eyes, the corners of Gu Linran's mouth twitched, she can do it, she is amazing.

Don't ask if you don't ask.

Who wants to answer questions casually for her, he is busy.

Take some time to see Mu Simo and see how she is doing recently. I heard that she went to dance, but it was on Sunday afternoon, and he will have to join in the fun next week.

There are dance studios for both men and women.

Still quite dangerous.

Fortunately, Chen Zeying was there, and the big devil was there, so no one would dare to provoke him, otherwise, if Bang Bang Bang beat him up, everyone would be disabled.

The female classmate who disliked her still thought he was ignorant, she really didn't understand what he was getting involved with when she wanted to meet Mu Yuan! ! !

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