But for some reason, everyone in the family feels that Mu Yuan is extraordinarily delicate today, especially Yan's mother, who looks at Mu Yuan in a particularly strange way.

Seeing Mu Yuan was a little creepy.

At the dinner table, he lightly touched Yan Hui's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with our mother today?"

"What's wrong?"

Yan Hui looked at his mother and found that she glanced at Mu Yuan from time to time, thinking of the scene just now, he said, "I'm afraid you mind if she didn't treat you very well???"

"well enough."

Mu Yuan recalled Yan's mother's attitude towards him at that time, except for telling him one night: You are not worthy of my daughter.

Nothing else is done.

Put yourself in the shoes of others.

If his daughter married a gangster out of nowhere, he would definitely break that man's leg first, and then talk to him about life and ideals.

Besides, even if Mother Yan didn't like him, she never said anything bad about him in front of outsiders, especially when she came to the capital, she always heard praises.

Even though I closed the door at the beginning, I still had a cold face...

The main reason is that the relationship between the two is good now.

"That's okay, but that man outside is miserable." Yan Hui sighed slightly.

Under the background of this era.

Something like this happens.

Really common.

Her students alone did such things, and when she heard about it, she wished she hadn't taught them.

"Are there any more steamed buns?" Grandma Mu came into the kitchen and asked Mu Yuan, and Mu Yuan went to the kitchen to check, "Yes, how many do you want?"

"A dozen or so..."

"so many?!"

"If you have any, bring it to me." Grandma Mu urged, and Mu Yuan didn't hesitate any longer, packed the steamed buns for her, and saw Grandma Mu going out with the steamed buns in her arms.

Yan Hui said: "Grandma probably feels sorry for that man and wants to help."

Mu Yuan is not a nosy person.

But both Yan Hui and Grandma Mu are people who want to help when they see something, and they are not afraid of getting dirty.

Mu Yuan frowned fiercely, "Shall I go over and have a look?"

"Okay, you go."

Yan Hui encouraged him, his experience in dealing with such matters must be much better than hers.

Mu Yuan looked at her, then sat down suddenly, "I'm not going."

Yan Hui rolled his eyes, if he wasn't eating, he really wanted to kick him over and fix it, "Whether you like to go or not, don't pull it down."

"What's the good of me going?"


There is no benefit in going.

But if you don't go.

You will reap an angry daughter-in-law.

Mu Yuan pinched her bulging cheeks, Yan Hui patted his hand away, "It's time to eat."

"Ancestor, I'll go, don't be angry, okay?" Mu Yuan sighed helplessly, and Gu Linran couldn't hold back his laughter, so he could only cough lightly.

Just now someone said he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business.

In the end, my sister-in-law just got a little unhappy and went crazy. This face was really slapped.

Mu Yuan cast a cold glance at Gu Linran.

Gu Linran lowered his head to cook.

He can't see anything.

By the way, this goose meat is really delicious.

Brother Yuan is a master at cooking.

"Gu Linran, are you full? Are you full? Come and see with me when you're full."

Gu Linran: "..."

You might as well just call me.

Please also ask me, old man.

This is troublesome.

"Okay, let's go then."

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, the two of them went to the sub-district office together with Mu Tianhu who was carrying the rice bowl.

While stuffing rice into his mouth, Mu Tianhu asked Mu Yuan, "Father, why did that old aunt say that planing food in the ground is not good?"

She just planed to eat in the ground.

Her younger brother's family members all planed to eat from the ground.

"Because she's stupid."

Mu Yuan sneered, then squatted down and took out a handkerchief from her pocket in disgust to wipe off the rice grains on her mouth, "Waiting for supper?"

"Hey Hey."

Mu Tianhu was also a little embarrassed.

Quickly took two more bites.

But not long after she came out, the food became cold, making her brows wrinkle into small bumps, she was not full yet.

Mu Yuan's depressed mood was completely amused by her, "It's what you deserve, why do you like to watch fun."

"When I was in my old home, the food was not cold when I went out." Mu Tianhu pursed his lips unhappily.

Gu Linran brought her rice bowl over: "There will be some warm food when I get home later, so I will eat some later, don't be hungry."

"Yeah, thank you, Uncle Lin Ran."

Mu Tianhu had no job and ran forward happily, she didn't know where the sub-district office was, but she had already heard Grandma Tai arguing with others~

Why is she so excited?

When she arrived at the sub-district office, Grandma Mu was already arguing with the women's director, "I'll give you a steamed bun when he comes all the way. Why is he breaking the law? Can you guys stop being so unreasonable?"

"What do you mean we are unreasonable? We also act in accordance with the rules and regulations. Now we haven't interrogated you clearly, so you just come in and mess around. If everyone is like you, how can we manage things?"

"Then you have to see who it is and what's going on. He's so cold and hungry that he's about to faint." Grandma Mu was furious.

She just sees this young man as pitiful.

Want to come and help.

Did not expect to be stopped directly.

She also said she didn't know the rules.

She originally wanted to speak well, but when provoked by her, she immediately swears.

I was taught a lesson later.

Can make her angry! ! !

The sub-district office is not a large one. There are only five cadres, namely the director, the deputy director, the women's director, and two new recruits.

Now the women's director thinks that Grandma Mu is not pleasing to the eyes. She hasn't lost her temper yet, but she started yelling, "What does it have to do with you? You have to come here to meddle in your own business and take so many steamed buns. You are really rich." ah."

Rich people are not a good thing now.

Grandma Mu's face darkened: "You are the only one who is rich, and you behave exactly like a capitalist, you know how to bully poor people."

"Say it again, I am an honorable cadre, serving the people, and which family you are from, tell me clearly, I want to see, anyone who dares to come here will make trouble!!"

The female director is tall and burly.

He looks very strong.

Still very fat.

In front of her, the thin and thin Grandma Mu was a lot shorter. When she heard that she wanted to ask which family it was from, Grandma Mu was a little timid, saying that they were also newcomers.

It's really not good to make a big fuss.

The officials crushed people to death.

They are still in charge of managing their own area, and Grandma Mu couldn't help swallowing, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, what do you like, anyway, I won't be responsible if someone dies."

"Of course you don't need to be responsible, he can smash the wall with a stone hammer, and he can starve to death." The female director coldly snorted, and looked coldly at the young man who was about to fall, "Don't call me innocent, you Even if you look like this, you can deceive these good-hearted people, let me tell you, the Li family is certainly wrong, but if you act with violence, it is just adding more mistakes!!!"

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