The corner of Mu Yuan's mouth was slightly hooked, his heart was soaked in honey, and he said stinkingly, "Don't worry, I understand this point, you are a little girl who worries so much, be careful of getting old."

Hearing what he said, Yan Hui didn't even want to talk to him, so he went to Muming to chat: "What do you mainly do? Are you harvesting clothes?"


"Yes, I have made several ready-made garments. If there are fabrics, I can also wear Lenin, but I need to save money to buy a sewing machine. I remember that the sewing machine costs two hundred. I will work hard for this money. It’s ok, but it’s short of a sewing ticket.”

No matter what you buy now, it's hard to find a ticket.

Especially the ticket with three turns and one sound.

"Well, my boss has a sewing ticket, you can ask him for it." Mu Yuan really couldn't bear his boss's sour eyes that wanted to kill him, "Yan Zhiqing, I have something else, you and my boss Chat, I'm going to work."

The house is two rooms and one living room.

It was in a remote mountain valley, the outside was really not too dilapidated, but the inside was fine and bright, Yan Hui walked around like a leader patrolling the territory with his hands behind his back, and found a lot of delicious food on the table in the living room.

Walnut crisps, lump sugar, even malted milk and jerky.

At least they don't have to worry about eating.

Mu Yuan took the kettle and made malted milk for her: "Drink some, keep warm."

After taking his malted milk, Yan Hui looked at his wet clothes, "Then what should you do? Will you catch a cold? Do you want to go home and change?"

"Don't worry, I won't catch a cold because of this, drink it quickly, you won't be full all day long."

He has a lot to eat here.

But his grandparents don't want him to eat.

He is not allowed to take these things home for his younger brothers and sisters to eat, it makes him aggrieved.

"I can't get enough to eat, don't talk nonsense." Yan Hui glanced at her, and took a sip of malted milk essence, the sweet milky fragrance spread into his stomach, and his whole body warmed up: "The weather will be getting worse and worse. cold."

"En." Mu Yuan nodded.

Hei Mou cast her gaze on her face, holding an enamel cup with a pair of small hands, a palm-sized face was mostly blocked, like a cute bunny, drinking malted milk carefully, the exposed eyes were black and white, A pair of grape-like pupils are embedded inside, and the streamer is shining.

Looking at it, Mu Yuan's heart softened.

Sensing his gaze, Yan Hui raised his eyes to look at him: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Who told you to drink malted milk, you can't drink it clean, it's all over the corner of your mouth." Mu Yuan clicked his tongue.

With the lessons learned from the past, Yan Hui looked at him vigilantly: "Don't fool me!"

Mu Yuan shrugged indifferently: "Do you believe it or not."

Yan Hui checked his face, raised his hand hesitantly, and wiped his mouth, and found that the smile on the corner of someone's mouth was getting bigger and bigger, and Yan Hui shouted angrily: "Mu Yuan!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Mu Yuan smiled recklessly: "No, I didn't expect you to believe it."

Yan Hui was really angry and annoyed, took a deep breath, and looked at him expressionlessly: "Is it funny?"

"It's not funny." Mu Yuan shook his head.

It's just that the smile revealed between the eyebrows can't be concealed no matter what.

"Mu Ming just said that you have a sewing ticket, how much can you sell it to me." Yan Hui tried his best to turn the topic on the right track.

"It's useless for you to ask for a sewing ticket. You don't have a job. Sewing machines and TV tickets are the most difficult to get. If you take them, others will investigate you. Don't buy them."

Three turns and one ring and industrial tickets are the most difficult to obtain. Mu Yuan has quite a few in his hand, but he has never used them for his family.

Now each family uses their brains a little bit, and can even calculate how many pairs of underwear the other party has. For example, Yan Hui has earned a manuscript fee, but there is no public knowledge at present. When she buys a little something, it must be known.

"Is that so..."

Yan Hui drank the delicious malted milk, squinted his eyes to see him watching a good show, and said angrily: "Why are you staying here? Why don't you work? What are you watching?"

"Tsk, are you the housekeeper?"

Mu Yuan rolled up his sleeves and went into the room where he assembled radios and TV sets. Yan Hui also followed up cheekily. Mu Yuan glanced at her: "What are you looking at? Are you not doing business?"

"Leave me alone."

"You are only allowed to control me, and I am not allowed to control you, right? Do you think you are a bit too much?" Mu Yuan complained while taking tools.

"I'm not overdoing it, don't talk nonsense." Yan Hui squatted down and looked at the TV and radio, and asked him, "How much is this radio?"

"Fifty if you have a ticket, and [-] if you don't have a ticket."

The radio is the cheapest among the three turns and one sound, and its practicality is also quite high. In addition, Haishi was updated last year, the effect is better, and the sales volume has also increased.

"Then I'll buy one then."

"Why are you here?"

"Listen to Grandpa Mu and Grandma Mu, they are not bored in winter, and I can't tell them stories from the newspaper all the time, when there is a radio, they will be able to hear many new things." Yan Hinoki said casually.

Mu Yuan, who was assembling, was confused.

After a while of silence, he said: "When you have enough money, just tell them you bought it, then take it back from me, and just save your own money."

"Then I'm taking advantage of you."

Yan Hui laughed.

"Didn't you say it's for my grandparents? As a grandson, what's wrong with my contribution?" Mu Yuan lowered his head and inserted all kinds of complicated wires. Yan Hui couldn't understand, but his eyes were shining, and he felt that he was working now. Mu Yuan is really handsome.

Mu Yuan is obviously a very skilled person, but seeing her sparkling eyes, she made a mistake, "Don't look at me, it makes me feel like a student writing in front of the teacher, get nervous, get out."

Yan Hui's smile restrained: "You are really enough."

Now when he speaks, it doesn't hurt people a little, it really hurts people very much, and she is always running away with anger.

"I'm telling the truth."

Seeing her swollen appearance, Mu Yuan rejoiced, "Okay, I'll treat you to chicken legs later."

"I don't care!"

Yan Hui snorted, very stiff.

But in front of the chicken legs, she...she...she really couldn't help it, woo woo, the big chicken legs are so delicious.

The chicken leg rice was delivered by a little boy, and there were three servings. Yan Hui didn't even know how he knew there were three of them.

"Xiao Hei is an orphan, but he has a younger sister who is good at cooking. I let him cook for us. Normally, one meal at night is enough, but today is an exception."

Mu Yuan gave her the chicken legs in the bowl: "Eat more, so that you won't be able to catch me if you have thin arms and legs."

Yan Hui really wanted to give him back the chicken leg just now, but after hearing what he said, the desire to give him something back disappeared instantly: "Don't worry, I will definitely catch you."

"Really? I'll wait."

Mu Yuan and Yan Hui are flirting.

Mu Ming didn't even notice.

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