It's cold here, and many people sleep on kangs, but the courtyards are full of beds, so they have to use coal for heating, and then they have to bring coal back.

"It's really expensive here."

Grandma felt a burst of pressure when she didn't live there, and she didn't know if there was any way to work to make money in the future, otherwise how would the whole family live.

And both husband and wife will not be able to make money in the future.

Spending money is a wise way.


"Grandma, I will make money!"

Mu Tiancheng comforted Grandma Mu, and Grandma Mu smiled from ear to ear, "Chengcheng will make money for grandma in the future, oops, grandma's good grandson is really sensible."

Mu Tiancheng revealed a small dimple.

She is thinking about making money from her parents in the future, they have a lot of money, so she can get their money and give it to grandma.

Plan pass!
Hee hee hee hee hee hee……

Mu Yuan was looking at his and Yan Hui's room. The house the two of them lived in was naturally a relatively inferior house. The main room of the best house must be reserved for grandparents, there is no doubt about it.

Their room is in the east wing.

There are two rooms over there.

Next door to them is the house where the children live.

There are two west wing rooms.

It belongs to the two brothers and sisters.

The area of ​​the main house is 16 square meters, while their wing room is only 12 square meters. Compared with the hometown, it is really much narrower. There is not much space for a large wardrobe and a bed.

But compared to many people living in a tube building, where the whole family lives in more than ten square meters, this is only one room, which is quite spacious for two people.

Everyone started to get busy and tidy up their houses. According to common sense, Gu Linran and Chen Zeying, the two locals in the capital, should go home instead of living here.

But neither is fit to go home right now.

Gu Linran is homeless.

His severance of ties with his father also meant that he lost the right to inherit the house in the capital. Of course, the house had already been returned to the state, but it meant that he had no place to live except to go to the housing management bureau to apply for a rented house.

As for Chen Zeying, it was because her grandparents forbade her to go home. Now that she is a college student, her status is considered very good, and her social status is relatively high.

If she was living at home all the time, it would affect her to some extent. What she was most afraid of was that her degree would be pulled down suddenly before school started.

So the family had already agreed before coming to the capital that they would not meet or get together before school started.

The story is somewhat sad.

Especially this house is not very far from home, Chen Zeying only needs to walk for more than 30 minutes.

But she was also afraid of being stared at.

Now that a college student can be pulled down because of the failure of the political examination, then there will be one more university quota, and someone will definitely watch her and let her children go to Tsinghua University.

Gu Linran misses grandpa and mother

You can't be impulsive.

Because she knows that grandpa and mother don't want to see her now.

Instead, Gu Linran proposed to go to his grandfather tomorrow. His grandfather is currently a professor at the Capital Institute of Civil Engineering and Engineering, and it is very close to the second ring road. He hopes to visit his grandfather tomorrow.

Mu Yuan naturally has no objection: "Go if you want."

"Uncle Lin Ran, I want to go too!"

Mu Tianhu, who will never be absent for the fun, hastily raised her hand. She is not yet familiar with the surrounding environment and people, so she really wants to go out for a stroll.


Gu Linran picked her up, "Then I'll ask you to go play together tomorrow morning."


Mu Tianhu laughed happily.

Hahaha, she knows she can play again~
The two couples are very speechless, but they also know that their daughter really wants to go out for a walk more, otherwise it will be very noisy. The whole family will clean up the house here tomorrow, and they really don't have much time to take care of her, so they let her go .

The next day.

Gu Linran took Mu Tianhu to see his grandfather.

What he held in his hand was a specially prepared gift from his sister-in-law, saying that it was because Mu Tianhu was bothering him, but it should have been prepared in advance to show him his relatives.

Gu Linran pursed his lips.

He looked down at the bouncing Mu Tianhu again.

Rubbing her hair, Mu Tianhu looked up at him, and asked curiously, "Uncle Lin Ran, what will the School of Architecture build the house into? Is it good-looking?"

"It's beautiful, it's a cultural building of our country." Now there are quite a lot of bungalows in the School of Architecture. It's naturally good-looking, but it's not as stunning as it is at first glance. However, the current School of Architecture is much different from what he left a few years ago. Variety.

Gu Linran showed his ID card, and after registering with Mu Tianhu, he walked to the professor's dormitory building. Mu Tianhu's eyes were rolling around all the way. He felt that this place was so big that he could come and make trouble in the future.

"Wow, what are they doing!"

Mu Tianhu pointed to a group of people playing basketball and asked.

"Want to play basketball? I'll get you one to play with when you get home, okay?"

"Wow, wow!!"

Mu Tianhu should be straightforward, if he didn't know that Uncle Lin Ran had to visit his grandfather, he would have stayed there to watch basketball. Before he left, he just saw a person put a basketball into the basket and broke free from Gu Linran's grip. Hands bouncing up there to applaud others.

The boy who hit the basketball also looked back, and the little girl smiled a little embarrassedly when she saw him applauding her excitedly and scratching her head.

Gu Linran couldn't laugh or cry, "You like basketball, don't you?"

"Yeah, I want to put the basketball in the basket too."

Gu Linran looked at her height.

Mu Tianhu walked forward furiously, Gu Linran couldn't help laughing, took her hand again and walked inside, stopped in front of the professor building and asked where Chen Anguo was?

The other party asked him who is Mr. Chen's?


The man looked Gu Linran up and down, and found that this man was handsome, "I'll ask Mr. Chen, wait a minute, is this your daughter? She looks so festive."

"No, my brother's daughter, I'll take her here for a stroll." Gu Linran explained.

"Oh oh, so."

He just said, looking at Gu Linran, he doesn't look very old, how could he have such a big child all of a sudden.

Getting married in the capital is not as early as in the countryside.

Otherwise, just like Yan He's situation, he would have been scolded to death long ago. Gu Linran is only 20 years old now, and has a three-year-old girl, so why not start having children at the age of 16? ?

After thinking about it, the middle-aged man shook his head.

Let go of that horrible thought.

Then I hurried to ask Mr. Chen if he had a grandson?They all knew that Mr. Chen had a daughter, but that daughter had already passed away, and they heard that there was a mistress living in their family, anyway, it was a miserable situation.

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