Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 354 Siyan is admitted to university~

After prescribing the medicine, Grandpa Mu complained to his two grandsons: "The doctor said it's nothing serious, but you just came here to waste money. Look, the medicine for five days cost a full five yuan. If you have this money, It would be nice to buy some meat for the children."

Five dollars and five! ! !

How long does it take to earn.

The two brothers acted as if they couldn't hear.

"Let's go, hurry up." Grandpa Mu's eyelids kept twitching, and his footsteps were rushing home like wind. Not as good as an old man like me."

The two couldn't understand his nervousness.

Can only keep up.

But that speed was just a trot.

Grandpa ran forward while coughing, which made the two brothers fearful.

I'm afraid that he accidentally fell down, the most important thing is - grandpa doesn't know the way!

Mu Yuan smiled and said, "Go here by car."

Grandpa Mu paused and followed his grandson silently.

Both brothers couldn't help laughing.

It's rare that grandpa has such a childish side.

Back at the brigade, Mu Siyan under the tree at the brigade’s entrance was surrounded by crowds, applauding and cheering there. He was not the first in the brigade to be admitted to university, but he was the first to be brought over by the secretary of the commune with an advance notice .

Was notified to be admitted to university.

At that moment, Mu Siyan felt that his whole body was floating.

His mind was empty, and then a cluster of fireworks scattered, making a violent explosion in his mind.

The fine and dense fireworks bloomed and fell.

Until grandpa asked them tremblingly: "Is it true? My child has been admitted to college?"

The villagers answered yes.

Congratulate him constantly.

Mu Siyan's soul returned to his original place, he had a premonition that he would be admitted to university, but he felt different when he was notified, especially when the secretary of the commune came to deliver the advance notice in person, he was very pleasantly surprised and happy.

Unique cards! ! !

The people in the brigade did not always revolve around him.

Instead, he made a way for him to go home and meet the secretary. Grandpa Mu's eyes were already filled with tears.

Ancestors bless, ah, ancestors bless.

Only with the blessing of the ancestors can children be admitted to such a good school
Become a college student.

Go see the big world.

Become the pillar of the country!
Everyone looked at Grandpa Mu with envy. Mu Siyan's admission letter came. Are the other children still far away?

When I got home, the secretary of the commune looked at Mu Siyan and praised: "You look good, you feel comfortable, no wonder your school grades are so good, it's just that you are not accurate enough in predicting your grades, my little comrade, otherwise your grades can be admitted to the best school .”

As soon as the secretary said this.

Grandpa Mu felt extremely heartbroken.

Seeing this, Mu Siyan was afraid that he would regret letting him enroll in the Southern School, so he whispered to him: "It's okay, we don't lack college students from the best schools."

Grandpa Mu calmed down.

Yes, he also has a granddaughter and a granddaughter-in-law.

They sure can do it!

As for the eldest grandson, the grandson's daughter-in-law said earlier that Muyuan might have done well in the exam.

But Brat is too unstable, he dare not give too high expectations.

The secretary also regretted that there are college students, but there are no college students from top universities: "Anyway, congratulations, Comrade Mu Siyan, for becoming a college student, and you will be able to serve the country and become an outstanding youth in the future."

in this era.

So let the fundus.

Serving the country is the most fulfilling thing.

Even if Mu Siyan's dream is music, he also admires those who serve the country, and their role models will never always be those seniors who have dedicated themselves to the country.

"Thank you, I will try my best."

"Okay!" The commune secretary patted him on the shoulder and gave him a red envelope.

There was also an enamel basin of big red flowers, an enamel water cup, and five catties of pork belly on the table.

This was the organization's encouragement and praise to Mu Siyan.

Mu Siyan was very happy.

The secretary thanked Yan Hui again and again before leaving. There is no other way. With Yan Hui's guidance, there are more than 90 college students in the commune so far.

With such political achievements, he will have a bright career in the future.

Wait until the admission notice is issued.

He must be very grateful to Yan Hui.

When he left, Mu Siyan immediately opened the red envelope, which was worth 30 yuan! ! !
"I'm rich."

According to the routine, Grandma Mu must take the money directly.

But the money means a lot.

She hoped that Mu Siyan would take good care of it.

It's best not to spend your life.

Mu Siyan: I am planning which record to buy.

"Riaorourourourou, uncle, you are so amazing, you can ask others to send such a large piece of pork, hehehehe..."

She is hungry.

Looking at the pork belly, Mu Tianhu was drooling.

Mu Siyan pinched her chubby face, "I'll make braised pork for you later, okay?"

"it is good!"

Mu Tianhu responded immediately.

Grandpa Mu looked at his great-granddaughter with relief, and carefully held the admission notice. Although there could be a better university, this school is closer to his grandson's dream.

He doesn't have high demands on his children.

He was already very relieved to be able to enter the university. Looking at the strong and powerful words, he outlined the admission notice that could change the fate of his grandson.

Grandpa Mu was filled with emotion.

He really didn't expect that his grandson would be able to go to university after seeing this scene in his lifetime!
Times are really changing.

How could there be such a good thing in ancient times, studying alone, the whole family went bankrupt, how difficult it is for a scholar in the countryside, now his grandson is able to go to university, and what outstanding talents will teach him in the future.

It's smoke from the Mu family's ancestral grave.

Grandpa Mu didn't dare to touch the font of the admission notice, for fear that his palm would be too rough and damage the paper.

Mu Siyan also looked at the admission notice, feeling a little unreal, that is where he will live for the next four years: "I will get the South from now on."

"Well, take good care of yourself in the future, anyway, you are old and not young, so you shouldn't starve to death." Grandma Mu answered.

Mu Siyan: "..."

Grandma is indeed grandma.

Grandma Mu raised her eyes and saw so many villagers surrounded by a brigade outside, she raised a warm smile: "It is also a happy event that Siyan was admitted to university today, and everyone comes to rejoice."

As he said that, he took out the candy and biscuits that he had prepared.

As we all know, Muyuan's family has the best living conditions.

She is not stingy, look at Grandma Mu, the wedding candies are all put in a basin, and there must be at least seven or eight yuan in it!
Grandma Mu is really happy today.

The little grandson can be admitted to university and become a college student, so he doesn't have to worry about the future, but Huihui said that the state will take over the assignment work.

How nice that is.

Things you can't even dream of.

And today the secretary of the commune came, alas, people still praised her for coming, she taught well, and her grandchildren were so good because she was good.

This person is the secretary.

This is said, how level.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

The smile on the corner of Grandma Mu's mouth never faded, and she kept sharing candy and biscuits for everyone, and the villagers also congratulated her. Everyone was really not surprised that Mu Siyan was admitted to university.

His grades have been good since childhood.

Anyone worse than him can pass the exam, how could he not pass the exam.

While Grandma Mu was distributing candy, Grandpa Mu hurried out, still riding a bicycle, and Mu Yuan didn't even have time to ask him what he was going to do.

Grandpa Mu thought of firecrackers! ! !

Everyone in their family is really heartless. Every day they listen to people setting off firecrackers when they are admitted to university, and no one asks to buy firecrackers.

It seems that he was admitted to college.

Understood, change the place.

It's that simple feeling.

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