Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 343 Don't Forget Your Original Heart!

There should have been a wave of heart-warming sisterhood.


"Sister, you are in the hospital now, don't cry, it will affect other people's rest." Mu Tiancheng pointed to the notices posted around the hospital. In fact, this is rarely followed by people nowadays, but Mu Tiancheng happened to know it, so he wanted to relax a little bit. Remind my sister.

I hope she doesn't cry anymore.

Her tinnitus was getting worse and it was buzzing constantly.

Mu Tianhu stopped crying, his misty eyes widened as he looked at the notice posted at the door.

Those eyes are wide open, and that doesn't change the fact that they don't know.

Timidly said: "I don't know how to read."

"It's okay, I told you, you will know."

Mu Tiancheng really wanted to laugh.

But the head really hurts.

Yan Hui said: "Let's have some breakfast first, and I will drink medicine later."

Mu Tianhu's breakfast is fried dough sticks with soy milk and meat buns, and Mu Tiancheng's is plain porridge with clear soup and little water. Mu Tianhu is very embarrassed.

The younger sister protected her from injury, and she ate better than her younger sister.

"Eat, I'll take you to catch the bad guys when you're full." As soon as Mu Yuan said this, the eyes of the three people on the small hospital bed lit up.

"I want to go too!" Mu Tiancheng proposed an idea.

She just wanted to see how miserable those two people would be!

The person who made her sister get slapped, made her hit a stone with a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang rocks, is it really that strong? ! !
"No!" Yan Hui and Mu Yuan said in unison.

The child's head is wrapped in gauze, how can he leave the hospital.

Mu Tiancheng shrugged his shoulders, feeling extremely depressed.

"Sister, don't worry, my sister will avenge you!" Mu Tianhu raised his small fist, his eyes were fierce, while Mu Tiancheng's eyes were only the glaring slap marks on her white and tender cheeks.

"You and your mother are at home, and your sister and I will look for it. No one knows where it is now. Maybe when someone finds it, you will be discharged from the hospital." Mu Yuan's rare comfort made Mu Tiancheng feel better. Not a lot.

Also sincerely pray.

The bad guys must wait for her to recover before they are caught.

Then she can see how miserable the bad guys can be.

"I" Yan Hui hesitated to speak.

She didn't realize yesterday that it was those two father and son, but now that she knew it was them, she wished she could tear them into pieces. She really wanted to find them early and teach them a lesson! ! !

"The purpose of your coming to Li City is to find a teacher. You can ask Uncle Cheng to take care of the children later, and look for them." Mu Yuan reminded.

Never forget business.

Otherwise, it's really hard to go back.

"Yes, I have other things to deal with."

Yan Hui was a little frustrated, she couldn't witness the revenge with her own eyes.

Fortunately, Mu Tiancheng's injury is recovering well, and now the symptoms of tinnitus are lessening, and he hasn't vomited yet.

And when she and Teacher Hu mentioned supporting rural education.

Teacher Hu agreed without hesitation.

She was already a loner, no matter where she went.

While I can still move and help the country, I want to do my best to contribute my own strength.

Yan Hui and Mr. Hu hadn't agreed on a time yet. After Mr. Hu said goodbye to the school, he bought a train ticket and set off.

Teacher Hu gently caressed Yan Hui's cheek: "Son, I am very happy that you can come to me. It proves that you also take the country's education issues to heart. In the future, your college students will be the backbone of our country. I hope you can do it in the future." Forget your original intention and keep your mission in mind!"

"I know!"

She understands the teacher's expectations.

People in this age always love their country more.

"Can you go alone?"

"Of course, do you think I'm old? Besides, I've been there before, and I know the way. You still have to visit relatives and take care of your children, so don't worry about me. Go get busy."

Teacher Hu went to see Mu Tiancheng before he left, it was a heartache.

What a good girl, she was made like this by animals!

Really should go to the [-]th floor of hell!

But she is not good at finding people, so she doesn't want to stay there and cause trouble.

Because she was here, Yan Hui always had to take care of her in consideration of the relationship between teachers and students.

Mr. Hu is very unrestrained, carrying a bag, got on the train, and just started a new journey in life.

And Muyuan has also made progress.

This progress was obtained from Liu Shengnan.

The two father and son hid in the wilderness for a day or two, but now the cold wind keeps blowing, and they can't survive without food and clothes.

When I went home to find Liu Shengnan in the early hours of the morning, the first thing Yan's father said when facing her dead face was: "If you don't let me and my son live well, then you and your child can't live well either, don't forget Yes, we are grasshoppers on the same rope!"

"So you really stole the child?" Liu Shengnan answered irrelevantly.

Father Yan closed the doors and windows silently, and now the windows are still a bit puzzled, how to change them.

But now I don't bother to ask these details.

He just said to her: "Don't worry about it so much, give me 300 yuan, and arrange to go to some relative of yours in the country. I'm sure no one will find me. Then I will be safe and the child will not receive a lot of criticism. You have watched my son grow up, and you should know how much the birth parents' labor camp has affected the child!"


Liu Shengnan is disgusted by such people.

But as a mother, she has to think about her children.

The child has committed a crime and escaped, which is better than a direct conviction.

She can't agree easily.

"If you want me to clean up the mess you've made, you'll think highly of yourself. My child can have another father." Liu Shengnan stared at him coldly: "We have never obtained a certificate, and we just want you to become my fertility tool when we marry you." That's all."

"Can you say that again!"

It was not the first time Father Yan had heard such ugly words from her.

But at this moment, I will still be angry.

No man is willing to admit that he is a woman's reproductive tool! ! !
"I'll say the same thing again. You should know who you've offended. If I expose you, I'll at most spend money to find another man. If I keep you, I might lose my job as factory manager!"

Liu Shengnan inquired a little bit.

The man who came that night.

Driving a car to find the child.

Although it is not confirmed what identity it is, it is certainly not simple.

It's true that she likes to play with men, but she doesn't want to risk her life for men!
"So you plan not to help?" Father Yan looked at her and asked coldly.

"No help!"

For the sake of the child's reputation.

Put your current self on it.

In the future, it will be because they are worried, such a deal is not worthwhile.

Liu Shengnan wouldn't do such a stupid thing, if he wasn't around, he would be the target.

"Then do you want to have children!!"

Liu Dadong's sinister voice came, and he put the knife on her son's neck.

He couldn't believe that this woman could be so vicious.

He doesn't even care about his own children.

Liu Shengnan's fingertips were trembling, feeling the madness of the two father and son, and looked at the man opposite: "Are you sure you want to do that?!"

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