Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 340 The most poisonous woman's heart

Liu Shengnan heard the loud noise in the house, put on his clothes and went out to have a look. The glass in the house was shattered. Tongzilou has a guard room, if you are caught later, I will send you directly to the police station."

"Heh, go into the police station and see who's inside!"

bang bang bang --

All the glass on all sides shattered.

Liu Shengnan heard the voice of a woman, and he settled down a lot. It must be that some women in the factory were unwilling to be promoted, so they came to trouble him.

How stupid!

"what you do!!!!"

The doorman pointed at her with a stick thinner than Yan Hui, more or less lacking in confidence, and then roared, "Someone smashed the glass, if anyone doesn't want their home to be smashed, come out quickly, or I will go to the house later." Smash."

This statement came out.

Even if it's eleven o'clock at night.

Everyone also got up quickly to see what was going on. After all, the son of the doorman was the manager of the street office.

The corners of Yan Hui's lips twitched lightly.

There was a faint smile in his eyes.

Do her a favor, that's good.

Turning the wooden stick, Yan Hui looked at the woman in the house leisurely, "Why don't you open the door, do you think I smashed the door of your house too, huh?"

The woman's tone is drawn out.

The fundus of the eyes is full of evil meaning.

Liu Shengnan couldn't figure out who she was, but through the dim light at home, she could clearly see that it was a very beautiful girl, even the kind of beauty she had never seen before.

The man next to her also had sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a cold temperament and a very masculine look. From her perspective of reading men, this man should be very manly.

But what do these two people have to do with her? !What on earth was he trying to do by smashing the windows of her house at night?
Everyone also surrounded the couple.

But even though there were so many people around them, the two couples were still content. Yan Hui looked at Liu Shengnan, and parted his red lips lightly: "I'll tell you one more time to open the door for me, otherwise, I'll just smash it!"

"Little girl, you are quite arrogant!"

The doorman pointed an iron rod at her directly, "Look at you, you are quite beautiful, why don't you do something dirty, do some messy things, disturb people's quiet at night, how immoral is that."

"Moral, tell me about morality, tsk, ask that woman inside, what her man has done." Yan Hui looked at her lazily with folded arms, and Mu Yuan kicked open the door of her house , the man has extremely superior long legs, and his explosive power is even more astonishing.


The door fell straight down.

Splashing dust in the house.

Yan Hui walked in slowly, and sat in the living room looking at her, as if she was the master of the house, Mu Yuan was beside her, glanced at her and found that there was no food, and felt a little annoyed.

His wife is hungry.

Liu Shengnan was so angry that his face turned into a pig's liver: "What are you guys trying to do!"

"Comrade, I suspect that there may be some problems with your ears. I suggest you seek medical attention as soon as possible. I said, you should know exactly what your man has done. Now I am just here to collect some interest. I'll let you watch the main event later."

Yan Hui smiled, her smile was bright and gentle, like a beam of warm sun, but at this moment, there was no warmth in her eyes, she wished to kill Liu Shengnan.

"My man... what's wrong with him!"

Liu Shengnan frowned, the father and son didn't come back tonight at all, and she also found that 20 yuan was missing at home, Wang!eight!Egg!

"Your husband and your son are planning to use my two children to threaten us with 1000 yuan because they saw that we are living a good life together, and my two children have been seriously injured by them and are still in the hospital. What do you say?"

There was a smile on the corner of Yan Hui's mouth.

Can make people feel cold all over for no reason.

Liu Shengnan was also a little unbelievable, and the people around were also talking about it. They said how come two people who are so brightly dressed suddenly came to the tube building to make a fuss. It turned out that the child was stolen by the man of Factory Manager Liu and is still in the hospital. Tsk tsk tsk, steal as you like, and abuse children, this is really insane.

Many parents with children at home rushed to have a look. The children were always ugly when watching the excitement. If the child disappeared, it would really be gone.

The doorman was also stunned, and looked at Liu Shengnan: "Is what they said true?"

The corner of Liu Shengnan's mouth twitched: "Those two father and son never came back today, and even stole my 20 yuan. I don't know if it's true or not."

He also stole money when he heard that he didn't come back.

Everyone guessed it a little bit and it was true.

For a while, many people were talking about it.

"I saw that the two fathers and sons were not good guys. I didn't expect that they would dare to steal the child. It was terrible. My child even talked to the two fathers and sons. Now I am afraid that the child will disappear."

"That's not true, but you also think about how aggrieved the two fathers and sons are. That man became a door-to-door son-in-law, and he was just a reproductive tool. That kid was pointed at by many people, and he didn't have a serious job. He hasn't had much work yet. study."

"Listen to what Director Liu said just now. He even said he stole 20 yuan from himself. It shows how much he abused his family members. If you want me to say it, it's impossible for a woman to be too strong. Look at the troubles going on now. Stealing the children of these two couples is directly reforming."

"The badness of the two fathers and sons, why did they have something to do with Director Liu again!"

"It's time for you to fawn, what's the situation now, look at how many jokes this disgusting family has added to our factory, and don't know how much it has gone to other places, it's really shameful!!!"


Everyone's public opinion revolved around the two father and son, but it was a strange phenomenon that they did not blame the two father and son, but accused Liu Shengnan. This situation made Yan Hui very confused.

She originally thought that she should teach Liu Shengnan a lesson first, and the most important thing is to let the father and son die socially, and then teach them a lesson in front of the child, and let the child and the two of them vent their anger on their own.

Finally, send them to remodel.

A set of procedures is perfect.

But now...

Yan Hui didn't understand why they accused Liu Shengnan? ? ?

One by one, what confusing speech.

Liu Shengnan clenched his fists, trying to suppress the nausea in his heart, and said to Yan Hui: "What the two father and son did has nothing to do with me. If they stole your child, I don't care what you do, even if it is sent You don’t even need to notify me about the transformation, we haven’t obtained a certificate, and we don’t have a legal husband and wife relationship.”

"I've already slept in, what's the use of the legal relationship between husband and wife."

"That's to say, Director Liu, there's no need to be too gracious, it's a couple's affair anyway."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the most poisonous woman's heart!"

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