Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 337 Hu Hu who refuses to admit defeat

But things were caught off guard.

The moment Mu Yuan left the house, the two sisters had already been kidnapped, and the father and son carried the child directly into the nearest car without any delay.

I didn't expect it to be so easy to catch a child...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Mu Yuan took a deep breath.

Suppressing his violent emotions, he turned his head to meet Shang Yanhui's frightened eyes, and said, "You are waiting for the child at home, don't worry, the child is fine with me!"


"Stay home!"

Mu Yuan emphasized again.

The tone is aggravated a lot.

Yan Hui regained his senses a little bit, knowing the current situation, he definitely can't go with Mu Yuan, otherwise she will become Mu Yuan's burden.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

The woman's voice was hoarse, her black eyes were full of water and despair.

"It's not a big problem, don't worry about it."

Mu Yuan rubbed Yan Hui's hair, turned around and left immediately, Cheng Dahe also came out at this moment, asked Yan Hui's situation, Yan Hui stumbled and explained the situation clearly, squatted down and grabbed his hair and collapsed and cried.

She knows she should be strong.

She knows.

The kid was just caught.

Surely nothing will happen.

But right under her nose!

Right where she was looking!
It was overwhelming guilt and regret, it was really hard to describe in words, she even wondered if rebirth was meaningless.

Lin Jiajia left the child with her life.

then she...

Could it be that the child's life was used to keep her alive? !

Once a frightening thought came into his mind, Yan Hui couldn't stop the car at all, and trembled all over with fright. Cheng Dahe, who had gone through countless ups and downs, also had a muddy head. The speed of the car must not be able to keep up with manpower. The car didn't stop here either.

And where did Mu Yuan go?
Mu Yuan directly contacted the traffic police to set the checkpoints, and asked them whether the current traffic lights could adjust the time, but the technology was not good enough, so they couldn't.

Cameras were impossible in the 70s.

The police had already dispatched to help find someone, but Mu Yuan knew that relying on the police alone was not enough, he had to do something.

Muyuan found a map of the city.

He asked someone to help check Yan Hui's former father and younger brother, and went directly to drive the car that Cheng Dahe had left for Old Wu.

Putting the map by his side, Mu Yuan estimated the trajectory of the car, and guessed how the man escaped. Knowing that Yan Hui's father and younger brother had a miserable life, Mu Yuan's hands holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

Others are easy to say.

I'm afraid that the two will pervert and kill each other.

Mu Tianhu took his younger sister to watch the butterflies, and suddenly there was a photo of his mother that attracted their attention. How could there be a photo of his mother here?
The two were very puzzled.

So go inside.

The dirty towels that rushed towards their faces covered their mouths, blurring their vision. Mu Tianhu held his sister's hand tightly, and Mu Tiancheng also held her sister's hand tightly. They can be bagged together, because it seems that the other side has also reacted.

Stuffing the mouths of the two children with dirty towels, Liu Dadong put the two children into the snakeskin bag. Mu Tiancheng and Mu Tianhu felt the world turned upside down, and the snakeskin bag was still moving, so they felt very, very nauseous!
After getting into the car, Liu Dadong was uneasy, but Yan's father had done crazy things, so he calmed down a lot, "We will get off after this bend, no one can catch up with the car, there is a bridge, we can sleep under the bridge, please It’s good for others to send the letter for you, the price should not be too cheap, just 1000 yuan, if not, let them borrow it!”

Liu Dadong nodded.

I feel like I have a backbone.

Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng, who were finally able to exist stably, became more comfortable, and their minds returned a little bit, but now their bodies are distorted, their eyes can't see anything, and there are dirty things in their mouths. Hu is very angry!
But very, very scared.

Grandma Tai said that there are many human traffickers outside, and if they are captured by human traffickers, they will never see their parents again. Once Mu Tianhu thinks of this, tears can't help but fall down, and he can't control it at all.

But Xiao Pao Zhang was not just crying when he was angry.

She was so angry that she bumped her head at the captor, and the sudden and violent resistance caused the father and son, who were holding the snakeskin bag in their arms, to cry out in pain.

Not sure who did it though.

But it was definitely Yan Hui's bell.

Father Yan thought that Xiao Yanhui was like that back then, when he got angry, he took care of him 21 and [-], and beat him up directly. Besides, when he had a child later, he started beating Yan Hui. Only when the weather is cold and the wind blows can I know how to be afraid.

But not for long.

A rebellious person by nature.

It's impossible for a little change to make her live peacefully. After she grows up, she still makes a lot of trouble, which makes the whole family feel uneasy.

And let their house look like this!
Father Yan thought about it, and then slammed his fist hard at the place where the movement was made. The child in the snakeskin bag didn't struggle, but became angry. Regardless of the consequences at such a young age, he was tough to the end!

It's not like my head is my own.

Just hit her hard in the direction of beating her, she will be beaten as soon as she hits, and after being beaten, Mu Tianhu hits again, and he is still very, very wronged in his heart. At home, when his father is angry, he just hits her palm.

And when the whole family doesn't help her, she is usually punished to stand at most.

But this man beat her up!

I'm really going to piss her off!
Mu Tianhu clenched his dirty broken steps, his black and white eyes were very similar to that vicious wolf cub, he tensed his whole body and slammed into Yan's father with all his strength.

Father Yan let out a muffled snort, and cursed secretly, you son of a bitch!

"The two chickens you brought are quite strong." The other passengers on the bus laughed.

This stopped Yan's father's hand stuck in the air, and the two sisters of the snakeskin bag returned to silence.

Mu Tianhu bared his teeth in pain.

The tears stopped flowing.

Mu Tiancheng was worried to death.

I don't know what happened to my sister.

The injury is not serious! !
damn it.

Mu Tiancheng's tears kept rolling in her eyes. Even though she was still young, she could not control her emotions even if she had an IQ higher than that of ordinary people.

She was afraid of not seeing her parents.

Deep fear struck, Mu Tiancheng listened to the villain's voice, and suppressed tears, she didn't want to cry for the villain!

However, the two sisters seldom cried for too long, and quickly returned to normal emotions, especially when they felt that they seemed to get out of the car, they calmed down to see what bad things the bad guys would do later, and listened to their discussions.

"Dad, how do we send letters?" Liu Dadong asked.

They don't have paper money or money now.

"I took your mother's money."

His woman married three men.

All dead.

And none of them have children!

Even if the family has money and status, there is no way to find a man, that is, he is not afraid and is willing to follow her, but she is very possessive, and treats Liu Dadong very disgusted and disgusted, especially afraid that Liu Dadong will do something to her to hurt her , Several times I wanted to ruin Liu Dadong who was foolish and foolish.

It was after Father Yan made that woman pregnant.

Let the "immortal" take a fancy to Liu Dadong.

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