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Chapter 334 The Boy My Sister Likes

Yan Hui woke up leisurely because he was awakened by the smell: "Did you go out and get something delicious?"

"Fish! There are also shrimps and crabs, super super big shrimps and crabs." Mu Tianhu made exaggerated hand gestures, and today was also a day that shocked her fragile food concept.

It turns out that there are still such big shrimps in the world.

The calendar market plate is quite large, but now there is a place in the area they are in that is close to the sea and can be fished, but it depends on the month and there are limited days for fishing.

It just so happened that the month they came was in the season when they could go fishing, and they just happened to step on their tails.

When Yan Hui saw shrimps and crabs, she felt a little more familiar. Although she, as a native of Lishi, had never eaten them since she was a child, shrimps and crabs are indeed a local specialty.

I went around in my previous life and never returned to this city, but now I am lucky enough to try it, "Have you all eaten?"

"Eat, mom, we left these for you." Mu Tianhu pointed to the lunch box, Yan Hui went to rinse his mouth, and when he came back, he saw Mu Yuan was peeling the shrimp shells for her.

A smile crept up to the corner of her mouth unconsciously, Yan Hui sat happily beside him, and when she opened her mouth slightly, shrimp meat entered her mouth.

"Mom is ashamed!"

Mu Tianhu made a face.

Do not feed their children.

Mom even asked Dad to feed him.

Yan Hui was a little shy, and Mu Yuan said slowly, "You can also find a man who can help you peel shrimps in the future."

"No, it's too slow!"

Foodie Mu Tianhu felt so emotional.

How can other people's stomachs come into their mouths as quickly as their own, and isn't eating shrimp and crab peeling a kind of soul?

Yan Hui supported his forehead.

The daughter of Mu Tianhu didn't run away.

So I can only pin my hopes on my little daughter.

Seeing Mu Tiancheng's expressionless face, "Father, why did you want us to marry so early?"

She doesn't really understand the concept of marriage now.

But as a child, I would definitely talk about the relationship between my parents. At that time, Chen Zeying gave them a popular science about the relationship between husband and wife. In short, if you get married, you will leave your parents.

Mu Tiancheng was unwilling.

She only needs one parent!
"That's not true. Do you like to marry or not. I'm just telling you that there are very few men like your father and me, and the relationship between husband and wife is also good. Do you envy my good relationship with your mother?"

Mu Yuan made such a naive speech.

Yan Hui didn't even notice.

I want to ask how old he is before he can fiddle with their husband and wife relationship in front of his daughter.

Mu Tiancheng was also speechless.

I climbed into bed and didn't want to talk to my naive three-year-old father, for fear of talking too much with him and lowering my IQ.

Yan Hui looked at the two children playing and asked Mu Yuan, "If our daughter gets married, how would you feel?"

"Let's see what kind of man they are looking for. If she likes it, we can also take a fancy to it. Then give my best wishes."

Mu Yuan thinks quite openly about this matter. For him, it doesn't matter if his daughter gets married or not, as long as they can live freely.

"Then if the man she likes happens to be the one you dislike the most, what will you do?"

"Let her go." Mu Yuan said.

"It's... not really."

Yan Hui sighed.

"Why not, I don't want a blind girl." Mu Yuan said indifferently, getting food for Yan Hui in no hurry.

"Then what kind of son-in-law do you have in mind? Is there any standard? Then when the children grow up, I can tell them about your standards for son-in-law, and the child will know." Yan Hui was very curious.

To be honest, neither couple has talked about this topic yet, because it is too far away.

Today's discussion is also spontaneous.

"It's not too much for a man to be taller than 1.7 meters, it's not too much to be responsible, it's not too much to be a little brainy, it's not too much to have some assets, there are universities, it's not too much to go to a university, and there are no messy things in the family, That's normal too, right?"

Yan Hui thought about it.

There are not many excessive ones in reading.

Unexpectedly, his conditions for his son-in-law are quite low.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yuan said: "Actually, I have no requirements for my son-in-law. In the future, it doesn't matter whether I like it or not. She is the one who chooses. Even if I hate that man to death, she can't help but choose, but I If that man is unreliable, I will draw a line with her and leave her a way out."

Because of major marriages and parents' quarrels, things have happened since ancient times, and they are not uncommon.

Mu is far from an optimist.

He never thought that his daughter would definitely listen to him in the future, and would definitely choose a man he liked very much, but after all, it was his daughter, so it was impossible to just say it and ignore it.

I can only think about her future.

This is my last feeling as a father.

Yan Hui was a little shocked, she didn't expect Mu Yuan to be able to think so far at once.

Mu Yuan asked her back, "What kind of son-in-law do you want?"

"First of all, we must treat our daughter well, and must be good-looking and have a talent. It is best to have a stable job, and even better, a job in the state department. That is the iron rice bowl, and the man's parents can't be like that. The kind of elder who cares too much about the younger generation, otherwise the daughter will be wronged.

There is also... a sense of responsibility, good character, kindness, it is best to be a gentle person, be emotionally stable, and not be too irritable... then so be it. "

Yan Hui felt that someone's expression was not right.

Mu Yuan said speechlessly: "Why do you think our daughter is looking for a gentle person?"

"Gentleness requires a lot of energy, okay? It's hard to cultivate that kind of inner cultivation."

Anyway, Yan Hui likes gentle people very much.

Of course, this does not prevent her favorite man from being Muyuan.

"Forget it, what you said is too general, and you usually see people's hearts after a long time, but you can't see it at all, and you are a gentle scum..."

The word gentle doesn't fit him at all.

Mu Yuan didn't like it very much.

But Yan Hui felt that Mu Yuan was very gentle and patient with her. Whenever she was unhappy, he would patiently comfort her when she told him, which made people feel very comfortable. He looked very irritable, but in fact he controlled Emotional capacity has always been super strong.

"Father, I know what kind of boy my sister likes." Mu Tianhu said suddenly.

Directly interrupt the topic of the couple.

But it took the attention of the three people in the room away, and they were all very curious about what she would say next.

Including Mu Tiancheng himself.

"My sister is so smart, so she likes smart people, the kind of people who know something before her. My sister is so smart, he must be very, very smart, otherwise my sister will definitely look down on me." Mu Tianhu plausibly said.

Mu Yuan, Yan Hui and Mu Tiancheng thought it was reasonable, Mu Tiancheng seemed to like this kind of boys.

Mu Tianhu also directly gave the candidate: "Goudan is not stupid now, he is very smart."

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