Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 322 When will the college entrance examination be resumed?

After eating the barbecue, Mu Yuan and Yan Hui still stayed late and didn't go home. The people in the brigade who went home too early found that they were carrying so much meat that it was hard to explain.

"Mom and Dad!!!"

The two sisters flew into the arms of their parents. They heard from their grandpa and grandma that their parents would be back tonight, so the two sisters waited and waited, even if they kept clicking their heads, they still had to wait for their father. Mom is back.

The moment you see them.

They all cheered.

"Wow, mom smells so good..."

Mu Tianhu sniffed the scent of Yan Hui, "Mom and Dad must be behind our backs to eat delicious food!!!"

Yan Hui was a little speechless.

She has been blown by the wind for so long.

It must have been two or three hours since I ate barbecue, how could I still be able to smell it?

"I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat..." Mu Tianhu kept muttering, looking at the things his parents were carrying, he wanted to see what was there, but when he found that it was all raw meat, he was about to cry .

Yan Hui supported his forehead.

Ancestors can change face really quickly.

Fortunately, Mu Yuan had already prepared a bottle of drink: "See what this is?"


Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng are at a loss for the same style.

"Drinks, sweet ones, I'll give you a taste." Mu Yuan poured them into cups, and the two sisters hurried to drink them. The sweet taste hit, different from ordinary sugar water.

The sweetness of the drink will make people want to drink it all the time.

After Gudongdong finished drinking, the two wanted to drink more, Mu Yuan said, "Go to bed early, and I'll give you another bottle tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

in front of drinks.

The two agreed quickly.

Mu Tiancheng doesn't like food that much, but he will passionately like fresh delicious food two or three times, and after that, he doesn't feel it.

The two little ancestors fell asleep.

Mu Yuan and Yan Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and Grandma Mu looked at the meat and hurriedly put it away, "You two..."

She didn't even bother to say that she was a prodigal.

Which family buys so many kinds of meat as soon as they buy meat, isn't that a waste of money?

If it wasn't for Mu Yuan who could make money.

She misses him to death!
Mu Yuan and Yan Hui looked at each other, Qi Qi laughed at the same time, and then went back to sleep.

Pure sleep.

The sweet drink lured the two sisters to wake up, Yan Hui also started a busy life, and Mu Yuan couldn't stop, especially when the current situation was too turbulent, he couldn't figure out the next policy, and Gu Linran also came back , Tell him about the Great Northern Wilderness.

It was already mid-May.

Many professors or meritorious service returned to their normal positions and received a lot of subsidies, even his grandfather was no exception, and he might be a professor, with a full allowance of more than 4000 yuan! ! !

Chen Zeying even gave Mu Yuan a list: "Brother-in-law, this is the list we searched for the restoration of normal positions across the country. It mainly includes why you went to the Great Northern Wilderness? Why are you here now? How old are you? What position will you be leaving soon?"

Mu Yuan knew at a glance that this list was not easy to come by, and the densely packed names on it made Mu Yuan even more shocking, especially the positions he was about to fill.

Professors account for the majority!

"I see. You've worked hard too. Let's take a break for the next two days and we'll talk again."

"it is good."

Looking at the list, Mu Yuan began to think about the purpose of it. It is impossible to have so many professors. Although there are many people with military medals among them, many of them have become professors...

"Why do I tell you that you can't come out to eat?"

Yan Hui opened the door and asked wonderingly.

Mu Yuan looked at her suddenly, looked up and down, Yan Hui was flabbergasted by him: "What are you doing?"

It was difficult for him to guess some things that he hadn't seen, but when he saw Yan Hui, a bold idea popped up, "Say, will the college entrance examination be resumed?"

Yan Hui's pupils shrank suddenly, and Mu Yuan raised his eyebrows with that shocked expression: "Guess it?"

Yan Hui: "!!!"

I am the prophet.

How did he know.

Mu Yuan was also curious, "How did you guess that?"

"I... I am more sensitive to learning. The country will always need talents." Yan Hui put a big hat on himself.

Mu Yuan nodded thoughtfully.


His wife's education level is quite high.

Whether the grades are good, it is normal to be sensitive to various policies.

It's no wonder she's been so busy in the past six months, she's been writing questions to improve everyone's grades, because she has no reason to teach this group of people next week.

"What did you say about resuming the college entrance examination?"

Yan Hui opened his mouth, and shook his head slowly: "I don't know, it's hard to predict. It seems that everything is calm now, and my elder brother even got the opportunity of the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University."


"From what I saw in the letter sent today, I want to persuade him not to go, but there is a real chance of resuming the college entrance examination, but the time is hard to estimate." Yan Hui was worried.

She really wanted to say something.

But she couldn't speak about the future.

Mu Yuan was silent, "I'll call him and talk to him in case he fills out any forms."

Just do what you say, and go to the town without eating.

Now workers, peasants, and soldiers have status as college students, but it is really not high. If the college entrance examination is resumed in the future, the status will definitely be lowered.

Mu Yuan didn't know when.

After the analysis, let Yan He delay for a year. If there is still no change after a year, he will go to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University.

That's when the application is troublesome.

After listening to Mu Yuan's analysis, Yan He readily agreed, which made Mu Yuan ask: "You guessed it too?"

"No, I don't like that school. Also? Who else?"

"Yan Hui, she is focusing on students' grades this year."

"Oh, my sister is so smart."

Yan He couldn't help being a little proud.

Mu Yuan: "My wife is really smart."

Yan He: Childish! !

After hanging up the phone, Yan He told his parents about the matter again, Yan's father nodded: "If you don't go, don't go, anyway, your father is older than those professors, and you won't learn much."

Yan He: "..."

As for the daughter-in-law of mother Yan, I heard that Yan Hui also agrees, so I have no objection, "Then you should read your high school books recently, lest one day the college entrance examination will really resume and you will not have any preparations."

"it is good!"

"Don't let anyone know about the matter of no shadow, that is, your sister and your brother-in-law are bold and really trust you, so they will discuss it with you." Father Yan reminded.

Yan He naturally understood.

I don't even read books in front of people.

But Yan Hui reminded Yang Heqin, that little lazy cat, that she is idle in the office all day long, and she doesn't care if her colleagues take credit for robbing her, as long as she can live a leisurely life.

Yan Hui was a little helpless when he saw Yan He's letter.

If Yang Heqin is a fake salted fish, it's okay to say, but she is really a flat person, and she will not be anxious because of other people's good grades, nor will she worry too much about the future.

She likes to eat and drink.

Such a day is very happy.

Yan Hui doesn't even know if it's good for her to study hard for the university entrance exam, after all, studying is also torture for Yang Heqin...

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