Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 301 Mu Siyan Appears on Stage

"Then what do you want to do? Anyway, I can't give birth now." Mu Yuan lay flat and died.

"You just want to piss me off!!"

Grandma Mu gasped.

Grandpa Mu stared at Muyuan: "Speak well!"

His wife is a daughter-in-law.

His daughter-in-law is no longer a daughter-in-law.

Being stared at by grandpa, Mu Yuan rubbed his nose and discussed with grandma: "Why don't you talk to Yan Hui?"

"What are you talking about, I'm too embarrassed to see Huihui now." Grandma Mu also regretted saying that, it was too much.

"It's okay, she's also guilty, she cried just now."

"What! Then why don't you go coax!"

Grandma Mu was so angry that she got up and pushed her out the door, "I warn you, hurry up and coax her, or I will kick you out of the house!"

"As ordered."

Mu Yuan responded, and asked again, "Do you still want a great-grandson?"

"roll roll roll."

Grandma Mu wanted to kick him to death.

Mu Yuan smiled and went back to the house.

Waking up early in the morning, Mu Yuan came to Mu Jianxin's home and asked him, "Did something happen recently?"

"what's up?"

Mu Jianxin was at a loss.

He doesn't know anything.

It was her daughter-in-law who hesitated.

Hesitant to speak.

Mu Yuan looked at her: "Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, it's fine."

"'s nothing, it's just that some people suspect that Yan Zhiqing's child is not his own...that...just casually speaking...really."

Mu Jianxin's daughter-in-law laughed awkwardly.

Seeing his face gradually turn cold, he went straight out, oh my god, it scared her to death.

No matter how you look at it, the captain's anger is not so scary.

Mu Jianxin also felt very dangerous.

The man lost his usual loose appearance, and his sharp eyebrows were raised slantingly, like a sharp weapon.

Mu Jianxin smoked nervously.

The rising smoke also blurred the outline of the man's tough face and blurred his expression, but the pair of deep black eyes reflecting the firelight were extraordinarily clear.

"Thank you sister-in-law for me."

"'s nothing." Mu Jianxin shook his hand with the cigarette in his hand. For some reason, he always felt that it wasn't that scary when he scolded people, but he just talked to you calmly like this.

My heart is trembling.

I am afraid that I will be slaughtered in the next second.

There are only so many people coming and going in the brigade, and it is easy to find out who is spreading the rumors. Mu Yuan caught one and looked at the old lady in front of him. The man's sharp aura remained undiminished, and he asked slowly: "Is it true? Too much time?"

"You... how do you talk!"

Although the old lady was frightened, as an elder, she felt that she should have the aura she should have.

"It's nothing, just to inform you that your family members can get out of the factory in the future, and the place arranged for you is also very leisurely, am I being generous." Mu Yuan looked at her calmly, with black eyes Not the slightest bit of temperature.

Leisure is a good thing for educated youth, including old and young women and children, but for a family of strong laborers, it is a disaster.

"Don't go too far, this is not your place to talk!!!" The old lady was terribly flustered.

"Indeed, so I found evidence."

Mu Yuan slowly spread out a piece of paper.

The old lady had learned the characters from the literacy class for a while, and when she saw her eyes, she covered her heart and gasped, "You you you you you you..."

Trembling fingers kept pointing at him.

"Don't try to faint and blackmail me, my mother-in-law, the director of Capital Hospital, you will be the one who will suffer then." Mu Yuan put away the paper without haste, and glanced at her, "Keep your mouth clean from now on, otherwise..."

The man raised the paper in his hand.

The old lady's eyes were tearing apart.

Mu Yuan left slowly.

The whole brigade heard that the gossiper was dismissed from the factory, and everyone was terrified for a while. After all, many people followed suit and said something.

but now--

I wish I could go back in time to that moment and seal my mouth.

At the same time, do not forget the suspicion.

Is that Mu Yuan's daughter?
Mu Siyan said quietly: "Are they blind?"

Except for the appearance of the eldest brother and sister-in-law, who can raise such a daughter, other children can grow up like this.

Powder carved jade, lively and lovely.

"Let me go and talk."

"You?" Mu Yuan looked at him suspiciously.

Mu Siyan stood up, patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, "Well, me."

The young man was tall and tall, and his docile eyebrows revealed the frivolity of a young man.

Mu Yuan leads the two children out.

Mu Yuan and Yan Hui looked at each other.



They go to a good show.

The rest of the family is not far behind.

Mu Siyan led them to the intersection, when someone greeted him, Mu Siyan said: "The two children will have a talent show later."

Everyone is surprised.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, many people came back from visiting their relatives. When they heard that there was a performance to watch, they brought the whole family to the sun-drying field.

Everyone in the family wondered what the hell he was doing.

Mu Siyan went home and took out Xingmu. At the beginning, the music teacher asked him and Mu Chenming what musical instrument to choose. Mu Chenming chose the harmonica, and he chose Xingmu.

At that time, Mu Chenming laughed at him.

"Do you want to talk about cross talk in the future?"

Mu Siyan didn't know either.

It just feels like you can practice your eloquence.

When I came to the sun-drying field.

Two children are standing on the stage.

Mu Siyan also came to the stage, looking at the densely packed heads, he was actually a little panicked, but when he thought of his two very cute little nieces being suspected by others, he burst into anger: "Fathers, folks, hello!" , Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and we wish everyone a happy new year."

With two small children.

The three bow together.

The people below applauded in unison.

Keep applauding them.

Even if the show hasn't started yet...

Mu Siyan pressed his hands down, signaling for everyone to be quiet: "I will take my two nieces to perform a song called "Happy New Year"."

"it is good!!!!"

Everyone is really cheering.

They were already applauding without even listening.

Mu Siyan took the Xingmu and patted it, "The harvest is good in the four seasons, and the New Year arrives in a blink of an eye. The New Year is so lively when the New Year arrives. Firecrackers are set off in the streets and alleys, dragon lanterns are danced and stilts are walked, the God of Wealth is greeted and the ingots are received, every family is happy, every family Le Xiaoyao..."

Immediately afterwards, the clear and crisp children's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the two cute little people swaying there and began to sway along with them, and they were also melted by their smiles.

Because it is so cute, and Mu Tiancheng, who is singing, will laugh and have sweet dimples.

"Happy New Year"

Very cheerful.

Also very appropriate.

After finishing a song, Mu Siyan said: "Taking this opportunity to formally introduce, I'm probably the fairest kid in our brigade..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

That's true, not to mention the boys, girls and children in the whole brigade, who could be whiter than him are so white that they shine.

"It may be inherited from my mother. I heard from my elder brother that my mother was a very beautiful person before. She had a dimple and was very white..."

Pear vortex——

Everyone involuntarily looked at Mu Tiancheng.

This child has a pair of dimples.

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