Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 294 Give Another Ring


She admitted that she did it on purpose.

I just wanted to see what kind of reaction he would have, and the result was really unexpected and reasonable.

Hand in hand, they walked towards the cabin. The cabin was still standing firm. To Yan Huiting's surprise, Mu Yuan took her hand into the house and lit the candles. The house still had the materials that Mu Yuan used to assemble electrical appliances.

Yan Hui picked up the parts and looked at them for a moment, "I think this is quite profitable."

"It's okay, labor is troublesome, I don't have so much time now, but I can fool Mu Siyan later, he wants a tape recorder, I said to buy him a 60 yuan one, he will pay, and I will cover the coupon."

In fact, he already had the parts.

Pure profit.

"You are such a fool."

Yan Hui complained that she felt that the most difficult thing for the whole family to make money was Mu Siyan. He usually either studies or learns music, and when he has a little spare time, he helps with housework and takes care of the children. Free to earn some pocket money.

He can only rely on red envelopes.

Mu Yuancheng refused to admit it, he felt that there was no better elder brother than him in the world.

"Look at what Mu Ming sent here?"

All he sent was food.

Mu Yuan opened it, half of it could see people, and half of it couldn't see people, "Let's put these away for now, I'll come over later when I have time, just take some home."


Times are sensitive, that's all.


The two are ready to go home.

"Did you bring me here just to pick up some snacks?" Yan Hui was stunned.

"Otherwise? You can sleep so early?" Mu Yuan felt that it was really good to come out at night to get some air.

Yan Hui took a deep breath.

She smiled and replied, "No, it's fine, let's go home."

She thought that there was some surprise waiting, dog man, as expected, it was the same as before.

Make her expect in vain.

Closing the door of the cabin, the oncoming cold wind howled, making Yan Hui's hair messy, so he could only use the scarf to wrap it tightly, standing behind Mu Yuan and following his pace, his mother walked slowly home.

near the door.

That is, when passing Shuanzi's house.

There was a bang.

There was constant roaring and howling of children, and the neighbors seemed to have heard something, and some people came out to look around.

Yan Hui and Mu Yuan looked at each other, Yan Hui hesitated and said, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"That's their business."

Unlike other members of the Mu family who like to gossip and meddle in other people's affairs, Mu Yuan doesn't like to mix too much with others.

There are three kinds of people in his world.

his people.

Someone he can use.


Although he and Shuanzi are familiar, their relationship is obviously not like that of Mu Yuan and Mu Minglai. If Mu Minglai has something to do at home, even if he is sitting at home, he will go to help.

But the embolism is avoided.

Mu Yuan pulled Yan Hui away, the superior jaw line was particularly clear and three-dimensional in the night, Yan Hui looked up at his profile, feeling his calm attitude.

Thoughts were mixed in Xiaoxue.

Mu Yuan held her cold hand tightly, and walked home following the light snow that fell from the sky.

When he got home, when he saw Mu Simo, Mu Yuan shook the snacks in his hand to her, "Choose it yourself, your sister-in-law and I will have to sleep later."

"Didn't you say there are good-looking ones?" Mu Simo rummaged through them, a little dissatisfied.

"These packages are not all pretty." Mu Yuan raised his eyebrows, and picked up a pack of candies, "I remember that the candy wrappers are very rare, so you collect the candy wrappers later, and when you go to school, put the candy wrappers in the pencil case, You are the class, no, the most famous person in the school."

Mu Simo's black line: "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, anyway, you are my own sister." Mu Yuan waved his hand, as if I were very generous.

"Liar! Huh╭(╯^╰)╮"

Mu Simo was speechless.

But she still doesn't forget to search for delicious snacks. She doesn't have to eat them herself, but she can give them to her friends.

Turn over.

Suddenly found a piece of Dacron fabric under the bag, "Hahahahahahahahaha..."

Mu Yuan: "Okay, get rolling."

"Roger that!"

Mu Simo happily walked towards the room with the Dacron cloth in her arms, her steps were very relaxed and cheerful.

"Where did it come from?"

Yan Hui didn't see it just now.

"Before, our main business was collecting cotton and buying and selling gold to earn the price difference. I was familiar with some fabric merchants. Before that, I asked Gu Linran to get in touch with them, and I picked some good fabrics for Mu Simo by the way. You went out first, so naturally you didn't see it. .” Mu Yuan explained.

Yan Hui nodded.

Didn't say anything.

Climbed on the bed and put on the quilt and was about to go to sleep, Mu Yuan also lay beside her, turned off the flashlight, hugged her into his arms, stroking the black silk, Yan Hui pretended to be asleep.

The bottom of my heart is super super upset.

But she can't show anything, otherwise it will appear that she is stingy and has no guts.


"No, why am I so angry, it's so funny, go to bed quickly, tomorrow grandma will let us get up early to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner."

This yin and yang strange words.

As soon as I heard it, I was angry, so hurry up and coax me.

If you don't coax me, you're finished!

Mu Yuan chuckled, "Kids are not allowed to lie."

"Come on, I'm already 22." Yan Hui kicked his foot, "Go to sleep, or I won't be able to wake up tomorrow."

"Well, go to sleep."

Mu Yuan patted her on the back lightly, closed his eyes and went to sleep, Yan Hui's expression was complicated, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with him, let's go to bed early.

While she was in a daze.

Feeling someone touch your index finger, sharing the same bed with your husband, it's normal to be touched by your finger.

But put on a thing.

Yan Hui knew it was a ring after a little feeling, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you buy me a ring again?"

I didn't wear the previous gold ring.

Because it is too ostentatious.

"I made it, but I didn't buy it." Mu Yuan knew that she didn't like expensive accessories, so she didn't give them away.

This ring was polished by him.

The material was bought under pressure at a charity auction, and the price was six figures.

The inner circle is engraved with traditional characters of Mu and Yan, and the outer circle is clean and without any decoration.

Yan Hui stretched out her slender and white fingers, turned on the flashlight and looked at it for a moment. She looked at the ring, which was as clean as a steel ring, and took it off again. You can feel open, relevant to them, "Thank you, I love it."

"It's fine if you're not angry."

"So you made me angry on purpose just now?" Yan Hui's tone gradually became dangerous, and Mu Yuan smiled awkwardly, "How is it possible, I dare not tell others that your articles can be published as books."


She saw it.

The dog man did it on purpose.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, you will be responsible for coaxing the child when he wakes up later." Mu Yuan "pacified".

Yan Hui was furious, thinking of the two little ancestors, he could only get angry, and threatened with words: "You wait, you will be finished tomorrow."

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