"Grandma, don't worry about the two of them. It's still far away. Our commune has a college student quota. Let's see if we can get the two of them to go to college. Wouldn't it be better to find a college student?"

Mu Yuan uses the delaying method on his younger siblings.

Other than that, there was nothing he could do.

Grandma Mu has suffered this loss, so she won’t be fooled: “It’s okay to go to college after getting married, and you can relax. Besides, the quota in the commune is basically determined by default. You have to be a model worker, you Look at their two slender arms and legs, who would believe that they are model workers?"

Mu Yuan: "..."

Mu Yuan feeds fish to Mu Tiancheng.

There was nothing he could do to help.

Grandma is really obsessed with letting the children in the family get married and have children early, as if that is the right way in life.

Talking about blind dates and marriages was not pleasant, the atmosphere became weird, and Grandma Mu didn't want to make the good atmosphere too stiff and stir up new topics, so this matter passed.

But anyone with eyes can see it.

This thing is true.

Grandma Mu also came to discuss with Mu Yuan that night: "Look at how many people you know, do you think there is anyone who is more suitable for your younger sister or younger brother? We have just gotten better, and our requirements are not high.

As long as the character is better, it is enough to look a little more upright, and it is best to have fewer people in the family, because it is difficult to deal with a large family.

For your sister, it's better to live in the city. For girls, you still need to find a family that is slightly better than your own, but not too much better.

For your younger brother, it is more reliable to look for people in our commune. Look for those who are more honest and willing to do things. Don’t be too troublesome, but don’t be afraid of causing trouble, otherwise you will be too useless and uncomfortable to watch.

and also……"

"Stop, I don't know anyone."

Mu Yuan respectfully invited her grandma out, and was slapped on the shoulder by Grandma Mu, who said angrily, "You really don't have to worry about being the big brother, they have to find a good partner early, so that good people won't be punished." If others snatch it, I really think that just standing around at home can make someone fall from the sky just like you."

Grandma's tone was disgusted.

A little proud again.

In short, it is also very complicated.


Mu Yuan respectfully sent her to her room, and asked Grandpa, "Master, please persuade your wife, she is too busy."



Shoes were kept out.

That skilled movement is distressing.

It is impossible for Mu Yuan to find a partner for Mu Siyan and Mu Simo. They are only 16 years old during Chinese New Year, so he is crazy to get them engaged so soon?

Back in the room, Yan Hui's expression was indescribable: "What's going on?"

Don't wait until the college entrance examination is resumed, Mu Siyan and Mu Simo will get engaged, it will be troublesome to change the future like that.Now the engagement really can't be canceled casually, if someone dares to cancel the engagement, someone will really be scolded by others.

Except for Lin Jiajia's mother's thick skin.

"Procrastinate." Mu Yuan has dealt with his grandma for so many years, and it is completely unreasonable to reason. In her old man's view, if he reaches the age and does not get married, it is a serious crime.

That's why Mu Yuan is often scolded.

"Grandma doesn't know how many houses she has seen, does she?" Yan Hui asked uncertainly.

Mu Yuan's body stiffened slightly: "It's hard to say."

Their family's conditions are pretty good now, if it is rumored that Mu Siyan and Mu Simo want to go on a blind date, then there must be many people who want to go on a blind date with their family.


Yan Hui didn't know what to say.

"Giggle cluck..."

The two children, who didn't know what their parents were worried about, giggled. They now have a lot of toys, and they can fight for [-] rounds on the bed.

Throwing each other is a normal operation.

"Go to sleep first, they have thicker skins, grandma won't really do anything." From Mu Yuan's experience, grandma's momentum is fierce, but she is still gentle and gentle in the early stage, and she will be very aggressive in the later stage.


Yan Hui lay in his arms to sleep.

Mu Tianhu and Mu Tiancheng can't go out in the cold weather now, they are full of energy, bouncing around and making noise to death.

Mu Yuan extinguished the candle directly.

The house was plunged into darkness, and according to the routine of ordinary children, they should slowly calm down and then go to sleep, but they didn't, they were going to make noise, they were going to make trouble.

"Two tigers run fast..."

Let's start singing nursery rhymes now.

Yan Hui became numb, nestled in Mu Yuan's arms and murmured, "Why did you have a baby in the first place?"

"You said children are cute."



Mu Yuan couldn't help laughing, grabbed the back of her neck with his big hand, kissed her on the lips, and said to Mu Tianhu, "If you keep arguing, don't eat candy and go out."

Then he said to Mu Tiancheng, "Is there any more money for arguing?"

Mu Tiancheng often doesn't have a dollar because of the noise, even so, she still has more than 40 dollars hidden.

Mu Tianhu has no sense of money.

When Mu Yuan asked her for money and candy, she chose candy without hesitation.

They are happy.

At the same time, he was pinched by his own father.

Mu Tianhu rolled to sleep among them, and Mu Tiancheng followed closely behind, and said: "We want to sleep with mother."

When they fell asleep, Mu Yuan took them away immediately, and the wife was his.

Mu Yuan was content with hugging his soft daughter-in-law again, even with children, life as a couple is very difficult.

in the dark.

The couple were whispering.

Yan Hui: "Do you want to?"

Mu Yuan: "Are you sleepy?"

Yan Hui: "Sleepy..."

Mu Yuan covered her head with a quilt.

Yan Hui laughed out loud, and kissed his chin under the stuffy blanket, "It's actually not bad."

Mu Yuan: "!!!"

Then he is welcome.

In the early morning light, Yan Hui was lazily lying in Muyuan's arms. Mu Tianhu woke up and saw that it was their little bed as always, and then looked at his parents. He passed them and was about to get out of bed. Pulled it out so it wouldn't fall.

In fact, their current bed has become much shorter. The previous bed was taller and looked better, and the current bed is more convenient for children.

Mu Yuan reached for the clothes hanging on the hook of the closet, "Put it on, and go to Grandma to wash her face."


Mu Tianhu puts on her clothes obediently. In terms of self-reliance, she was trained very early. Put on two heavy clothes, open and close the door with shoes on, and start a new day~
She wanted to watch her aunt practice martial arts with her uncle and aunt, hehehehe.

Unlike Mu Tianhu, Mu Tiancheng really has a hard time staying in bed. Like her mother, she can sleep as long as she can when she has nothing to do.

You can sleep longer in winter, and now Yan Hui is sleeping soundly in Muyuan's arms, I don't know when it will be.

When Mu Yuan lowered his head slightly, he could see her side face, her cheek was leaning against his chest, her lips were slightly opened, the pink and tender lips were especially attractive in the early morning, and she couldn't help but bow her head and kiss lightly.

The woman in her arms groaned, turned her head, the back of her head was facing him, and said muffledly, "I didn't brush my teeth."

"Then I'll brush?" Mu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"No, I want to hug for a while." He is the best heater in winter, Yan Hui is not willing to let go.

Mu Yuan had no choice but to follow her, playing with her black hair idly, her hair was really good, black and straight, with an oval face and fair skin, she was the wife that boys dream of.

And he is the one who owns it.

Needless to say, he was quite happy.

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