Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 274 Dad is back

Faced with difficulties, Yan Hui was somewhat frustrated.

But if those hundreds of students don't study hard now, how can they guarantee that they can go to college?Now going to college is definitely the most valuable college student, because the job is assigned, and the cost of going to college is paid by the state. If you save a little, you can still save money.

What's more, the college students who pass the exam this year will become the mainstay of many industries in the future. Yan Hui really hopes that these students can pass the exam. Unlike college students who will go everywhere in decades, college students today are inlaid with gold.

"Mom, don't be afraid..."

Mu Tianhu rubbed Yan Hui's frowning brows, the little girl is now close to one and a half years old, and the mantra is still two words, don't be afraid.

"Mom is not afraid."

Yan Hui smiled and kissed her, "Where did my sister go?"

"My sister went out to play with my brother, and my brother said he was going to find a car." Mu Tianhu said.

Yan Hui nodded, hugged her and prepared to go out.

Grandma Mu called her to stop: "Jihui, come and eat some brown sugar eggs, you see what you have received, if Boy Yuan comes back, he will die of heartache."

"I'm not thin."

Yan Hui feels okay about himself.

"You can see it yourself. I said that if you lose weight, you will lose weight. Hurry up and eat eggs." Grandma Mu beckoned her to come over.

Mu Tianhu watched eagerly.

Yan Hui fed her brown sugar and eggs, and Mu Tianhu smiled, not knowing that this was a fight with his mother, but he was very happy anyway.

Finished eating grandma brand brown sugar eggs.

Yan Hui went out, but as soon as he went out, Mu Tianhu broke free from his mother's embrace, and ran towards the man with all his strength: "Father—"

The girl's loud voice sounded.

Mu Yuan hugged her around, and the girl who could fly with the support of her father giggled, the sky was still cloudy, but she was the little sun.

The girl was so happy that she couldn't be more happy, and she kept muttering: "Dad, Dad, Dad..."

He hugged his father's neck tightly and didn't let go.

"How are you doing at home?" Mu Yuan asked as he walked towards Yan Hui.

"very good!"

Mu Tianhu answered firmly.

Be very confident in your own performance.

Mu Yuan raised his eyebrows, Yan Hui shrugged, Mu Yuan understood, "Where's my sister?"

"My sister left with my little brother, let's go find my sister." Mu Tianhu felt that he missed his father very much, and his sister must also miss his father very much.

indeed so.

Mu Tiancheng threw away his idol burden and ran towards Muyuan, "Father—"

Mu Yuan picked up his little daughter again, Mu Tiancheng shed tears in his arms, Yan Hui wiped away the tears for his little daughter, Mu Tiancheng cried so much that his shoulders shrugged, Mu Yuan couldn't bear it anymore , "Mu Tiancheng, you're not a kid, why did you become like this, huh?"

"Don't hurt me, I don't want to cry, but the tears just come out, it's good or bad, not me." Mu Tiancheng wiped his tears again, his eyes were red, like a pink and white bunny , cute and pitiful.

"Okay, it's broken, don't cry, you see your sister has been staring at you." Mu Yuan said.

Mu Tiancheng looked at Mu Tianhu.

Mu Tianhu wiped her tears and kissed the corner of her eyes, "Sister, don't cry, you are a good baby."

Mu Tiancheng nodded, rubbed his chubby face, and said to Mu Yuan, "Dad, we all miss you so much."

The old father, Mu Yuan, was so moved that he couldn't be more moved.

In fact, he had imagined that his daughter would not remember him, but when they ran towards him, there would be a strong sense of satisfaction and happiness.

"Dad brought you delicious food, go and see?"

"it is good!"

Mu Tianhu responded simply.

Dad is important, but so is what you eat.

Mu Zhangjun, who was on the sidelines, looked at Mu Yuan, and Yan Hui picked him up, "Chang Jun, let's go home and eat delicious food, shall we?"

"Where's my dad?"

That was the first time the shepherd asked this question.

He thought that Mu Yuan was his father and Yan Hui was his mother, but he kept calling him uncle. He used to be too young to think about it. Everyone in the brigade knew what was going on at Mu Changjun's house?So no one mentions his parents.

Including children have been told by their parents, other children who dare to bully will be beaten at most, but if you bully Mu Changjun, then you will starve.

It's not scary to be beaten.

Starvation is a horror.

So the children in the brigade treated Mu Changjun with great care.

But this time go outside.

He is often asked who his parents are, but does he have no parents?

Mu Yuan and Yan Hui looked at each other.

Yan Hui asked Mu Yuan: "Mu Ming is here..."

Mu Yuan shook his head.

Yan Hui's heart fell to the bottom of the valley, too, for so long, she was in the town all day, and she hadn't even heard the basic news of Mu Ming's arrival.

"Tomorrow, your parents are making money in a far, far away place. They just hope that you can live a good life. From now on, you will eat meat every day and read a lot of books." Yan Hui said.


He would rather not eat meat, not read so many books, and hope that his parents can be around.

"Mom and dad are not around, uncle and aunt are your parents." Yan Hui smiled softly, Mu Minglai pursed his lips, and hugged Yan Hui's neck.

Yan Hui patted him on the back lightly: "Let's go, let's go home and eat delicious food."

The current home is still a tent.

Because none of them were built yet, the tents were all entrusted by Yan Hui to Gu Linran for help.

Mu Yuan brought back a big package, which Mu Tianhu opened in the tent, and she couldn't wait to eat delicious food.

"Yeah yeah yeah..."

Mu Tianhu held up the chocolate beans and cheered.

"Don't jump, the tent is about to fall apart." Yan Hui said, pulling her to sit down.

Mu Tianhu distributed food for everyone.

Mu Tiancheng also went to look in the big backpack, found the Barbie doll, and took it out to Yan Hui, "Mom, you play."

Yan Hui: "!!!"

"Papa gave it to you."

"We don't play, you play." Mu Tiancheng handed it to her, and continued to watch.

Yan Hui stared blankly at Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan was also dumbfounded: "Maybe it doesn't matter if you are a little younger than the child, this is good news."


Yan Hui always felt that this was not a good word.

Does that mean she looks childish?

Come on, she's past the age to play with Barbie dolls, okay, but... why are Barbie dolls so cute.

Woohoo, I like it so much.

But can't show it!
Seeing her patiently loving appearance, Mu Yuan could only hold back a smile, and turned to Mu Tiancheng to see what good things she could find, and Mu Tiancheng took out a wooden bin.

Yan Hui's pupils trembled: "Really?"

"Really, there are no bullets." Mu Yuan took it from Mu Tiancheng's hand, "This is Dad's toy, you can look through it again."

Mu Tiancheng heard that it belonged to his father.

There is no more robbing.

Turn over things obediently.

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