Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 254 Puppy Love?

"Do you have someone you like?"

Yan Hui asked them like gossip.

The two shook their heads without hesitation, and Mu Simo said, "I usually don't have time to do my homework and draw, so I don't have time to care about them."

Chen Zeying lazily said, "I'm not interested right now."

"Then what kind do you like?"

Mu Simo asked curiously.

"Isn't she good-looking?" Chen Zeying said, because she is more or less face-controlled.

"Me too!!"

Mu Simo was in high spirits, "I recently fell in love with several male stars and bought posters, but neither of my brothers knew about it, hahahahahaha..."

Mu Simo was very happy, and held up a flashlight to show them the poster, "Isn't he handsome, I like this the most."

She was referring to a long-legged mulatto.

Seeing their amazing expressions, Mu Simo also felt a sense of pride, "I found out from the newspaper my older brother bought for my younger brother that he is now the most sought-after celebrity in Hong Kong City. I heard that It is possible to act in our inland movie, ahhh, I am so looking forward to it, so handsome~~~"

Mu Simo's nympho face.

It is very satisfying to be immersed in your own world.

Chen Zeying flipped through Mu Simo's collection of posters, and sighed, "With them here, the boys in our class are so short and rough."

"Yes, I'm not blind."

Mu Simo was a little proud, and asked Yan Hui again, "Sister-in-law, which one do you like?"

"This." Yan Hui pointed to the stars she knew, "He sings and dances very well."

"That's right, I read in the newspaper that he dances very well, but unfortunately we can't see it." Mu Simo regretted, "It would be great if my brother could really write good songs."

"How to say?"

"It's a good song to cooperate with a big star, then I can get in close contact with the boy I like, hahahahaha..."

Mu Simo smiled happily.

Yan Hui also laughed, "Yes, you can urge him."


Mu Simo hid the treasured posters.

She can't let others discover the poster, otherwise her family will scold her to death, that is, sister-in-law and good sister Chen Zeying can share it and don't dislike her.

Yan Hui made indirect comments on whether she was interested in any boys who liked her.

Mu Simo said no, and was still very distressed: "I actually don't want to accept love letters, that's not good, but think about it differently, if I like someone, I confess to him, if he just throws away my letter, or reads If you don't even look at it, I'll be very sad."

Yan Hui sighed deeply.

What kind of little angel is this.

"Then if you really don't like it, I'll make school rules and let them focus on their studies, okay?"


Mu Simo happily responded, hugged Yan Hui and acted like a baby, "Sister-in-law, you are the best~"

Yan Hui smiled happily.

Chen Zeying smiled without saying a word.

Big tail wolf and little white sheep.

The next day, Yan Hui held a school meeting and reprimanded everyone with a dark face, "What do you want to do if you don't study hard? I didn't spend a lot of effort just to make love to you. Later, I found out who was always thinking about it. For the first time Make a mistake, I will arrange to leave school directly later, please pay attention to me."

The students looked at each other.

It's all tacitly implied.

Recently, everyone is under a lot of pressure from studying, and they really want to express their feelings through dating, and some people are already secretly dating.

The people who were in love became uneasy, and Yan Hui didn't say what to do with the people who were in love, because a teacher would talk to them later.

In fact, Yan Hui likes puppy love.

As a teacher, I have also seen many students' young and ignorant love. Although many of them died young, they all left unforgettable memories.

But it is also really easy to affect learning.

"The mid-term exam will be coming soon. Take it hard. No. 1 will reward you with one yuan and two catties of pork, No. 2 will reward you with fifty cents per catty of pork, and No. 3 will reward you with a catty of pork. I believe the teacher has already said that you will be rewarded. Go home with good grades..."

After Yan Hui said a lot of encouraging words, the meeting ended.

Those who are in love are interviewed, and there is no forced breakup. They only need to keep getting better and better grades. The pressure on couples who fall in love instantly is huge.

Fortunately, there are only three pairs.

The mid-term exam was about to come, and Yan Hui was busy for a while, during which Mu Yuan was busier than her, because the toy factory not only needed assembly line machinery, but also needed Mu Yuan to finalize what products to make.

Mu Yuan had already arranged for this.

A wind-up car is a thing that can be twisted a few times to make the car move forward. The production principle is very simple, and Mu Yuan can easily operate it.

According to the established drawings, Mu Yuan also divided the departments step by step.

Bamboo weaving and toys have nothing to do with each other, because they belong to a large category. Muyuan now wants to develop these two categories well, so that the money earned can make the Mujia brigade live well.

It's just building the road now.

Development is slowing down.

Muyuan planned to make [-] pieces first and buy them in towns and cities, and gradually open up the market. Unexpectedly, just after they were made, a group of children clamored to buy them, and their parents gave them a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

Because they have known the price, a toy costs [-] cents, and if they want that toy, they might as well buy a catty of meat and eat it at home.

But children have a natural love for toys.

Not to mention it's so cool and fun.

"No, I will, I will..."

The child was splashing and rolling in the mud, and Mu Yuan just asked Gu Linran to test the effect. I didn't expect this to happen, and it looked good.

Just a bit of a bad kid.

People in the brigade are relatively frugal, and they are not willing to spend money on toys, let alone fifty cents, but the children have tried it, and they can't let go.

In particular, there are a few families with only one boy, who dote on the child, and simply buy it when the child wants it. Anyway, now that the factory is profitable, they can also make money.

Then it got out of hand...

One two, three four...

Others have it, but I can't live without it.

But when one was available, the two began to rob again, and this trend is still spreading.

Because people from other brigades who work in the toy factory saw that the children in the shepherd brigade liked it so much, they couldn't help buying one for their children.

Others are envious.

If you are willing to buy it for your children, you can basically buy it within a day or two. It is useless to cry to death if you are not willing, because fifty cents will require them to work hard for two days.

Spend two days' money on toys.

They're not out of their minds.

But in general, there were a lot of people who bought them, and a total of two hundred were sold, which made Mu Yuan a little unexpected, and it was easy to put them in the commune and town.

The price is forty cents.

They sell it for fifty cents.

Now that prices are unified across the country, the supply and marketing cooperatives actually don't earn much, and the money they earn is spent on other places to build the motherland.

The advantage is that no matter how different everyone's money is, the difference will not be much, and the jealousy should be the least. The disadvantage is that it is not difficult to work hard.

Because there is always a difference between a group and an individual.

The collective is always easy to be lazy.

Individuals are prone to struggle.

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