She has a very low sense of security.

At that time, there was a desperate need for someone to truly care about her, and Mu Yuan was the only one.

It is also the person who makes her feel love.

Obviously he is also suffering, and has been subjected to many hardships and criticisms since he was a child, but he has a strength that Yan Hui envies, he can always spare no effort to make progress, and that vigorous vitality is infecting her.

Let her find no reason not to love him.

"It's far away, wait until you find a boy you like one day, and then talk about this topic."

Wu Lianlian pursed her lips.

Looking at Yan Hui, she gradually realized that Mu Yuan would rather die than surrender, because the person you like puts you in the most important position and loves you with all his strength, and there is no other in your heart.

For an instant.

Wu Lianlian envied them.

Envious of their marriage.

Envious of them being able to love each other unswervingly.

But then she thought of her perverted parents, and instantly dispelled that instant expectation of marriage. If she got married one day, she would definitely be forced.

"Feel sorry."


"I seduced Mu Yuan because of my interest in men's bodies, and I said a lot of words to him to provoke your relationship. How should I put it, I don't believe in love that much, and I don't believe in love that will last until death. Looking at it now, it may be My circle is relatively dirty and messy, and I haven't been in touch with your world, so I'm sorry."

She doesn't have a hobby of being a mistress.

It's just that the feelings are weird.

Muyuan is an upstart in the port city.

How could he prefer to die for a woman.

She wanted to explore, and she kept probing on the edge of Mu Yuan's madness, and because of something she came to the mainland, she came into contact with Mu Yuan's family with a savage and willful image, wanting to see if Mu Yuan really loved his wife that much, and his The wife is not so worth what he pays.


It wasn't about winning or losing.

Yan Hui was really astonished by her magnanimity, "To be honest, I don't mind, you should stay away from him, or one day I will spit sweetly to you."

"Pfft hahahaha..."

Wu Lianlian was about to die laughing.

"Okay, I promise you, it is absolutely impossible to seduce Mu Yuan again, but to be honest, it doesn't work, tsk tsk tsk, in order to keep his chastity, he would rather die than surrender, I am convinced."

The corners of Yan Hui's lips twitched slightly.

There is sweetness in the corners of the eyes and brows.

Wu Lianlian rubbed her arms, "Aren't you always tired of being crooked?"


"Ghosts believe you." Wu Lianlian looked at Yan Hui's face and said, "You said when you saw me that I was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen, but in fact you are also the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

The skin is fair and shiny, with a superior oval face, those eyes are like almond eyes and peach blossom eyes, clear and clean, dotted with starlight, they are the most beautiful eyes Wu Lianlian has ever seen, with a high nose, lips that don't smile and are indifferent like a fairy , It's frightening, she looks like the big sister next door when she smiles, gentle and beautiful.

But the beauty is not skinny.

Her temperament is Wu Lianlian's favorite.

Gentle yet firm.

She looks like a very kind girl.

But it doesn't make people feel bullied.

That's really rare.

"Thank you."

Yan Hui showed a smile.

It's a joy to be recognized by a beautiful woman.

Wu Lianlian's peachy eyes curled up, "Hello, let's get to know each other again. My name is Wu Lianlian, and I want to be friends with you."

The girl reached out to her.

Yan Hui also shook back with a smile, "Hi, my name is Yan Hui, nice to meet you."

The human magnetic field is so strange.

Talking to Tan Jingjing, even if the other party praised her inside and out, Yan Hui didn't feel anything and was still very irritable.

But clearly the woman in front of him.

Dare to seduce the man he loves most.

But I just can't apply anger and dislike to him, but... I like it.

It's outrageous! ! !

After Yan Hui and Wu Lianlian became friends, they didn't know how to explain it to their husband.

Forget it, it's a day if it can be delayed.

I believe that with such a strong heart, he should not be afraid of this matter, right?You shouldn't be angry, right?

But he didn't return all night.

Yan Hui was worried, why did he go there, why did it take so long to investigate that matter?
The next day, Yan Hui had dark circles under his eyes.

The weather was not good, and it was pouring rain, so Yan Hui couldn't find anyone in the town, so he could only put on his coir raincoat and go to school suppressing his worries.

"Hello, principal."

"Hello, principal."



Yan Hui greeted them and came to the office. Unexpectedly, Wu Lianlian was waiting for her at the door of the office, "I was going to your house, and I was thinking that you would teach the students soon, so I just came to the school. Today I am here to say goodbye, I hope that you and your husband and wife will be loving, stick to what you think in your heart, and fulfill your wishes."

Wu Lianlian hugged her, "See you in Hong Kong City!"

"Are you leaving now?"

Yan Hui felt a little regretful.

Her third female friend.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they became friends, she was about to leave.

Wu Lianlian nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, I expected to leave today, and I have already booked a train ticket. There is no permanent banquet in the world, so don't be sad."

"Come on, please pay attention."

Although it is not clear what he is going to do in the inland, it is very dangerous for her to stay in the inland as a Hong Kong person. Even if there is a so-called gimmick sent by the superior to investigate the lives of the people, it is easy to be discovered.

And one was found.

Wu Lianlian was passive.

"Relax, it's okay, let's go."

Wu Lianlian waved to her.

Leave gracefully without taking a single cloud with you.

Yan Hui slightly regretted that he didn't get to know each other well, and then worried about why Mu Yuan went and why he didn't go home.

A day passed.

There is still no news from Mu Yuan.

Yan Hui couldn't sit still any longer, and said to his grandparents, "I'll go look for him."

"Don't, it's raining so much now, what kind of job do you go out looking for as a girl? No one else found you and lost yourself." Grandpa Mu stopped, and then said: "I'll call Shuanzi to call a few people of the same age, Let's go to town and see what it's like."

To be honest, the grandson didn't come back.

The old couple were also very upset.

Although he knew that the scourge would last for thousands of years, according to his personality, he would definitely live a long time.

But still couldn't stop worrying.

Shuanzi was called over by Mu Siyan, knowing the reason was incumbent, and even accused them a little: "Why did it take you so long to think of finding someone?"

Shepherd: "..."

They are wrong.

Shuanzi anxiously called for someone to go to the town to see what was going on. It was already dark at six o'clock and the rain hadn't stopped. Everyone was afraid of something unexpected happening at this time.

hurried to the town.

After inquiring all night, there was no result.

To be honest, Yan Hui knew that his man didn't come back all night, so he wasn't that worried. He was nervous during the day, and anxious at night, and now he was completely at a loss.

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