The principal was amused by his rogue: "You thought you were a kid from the past, and you still play tricks on me. I can't care if I tell you this kind of thing. They are all in junior high school. It's not up to the teacher to decide whether to go to class or not." , what do you think can be under our teacher's control?"

"Then you, the headmaster, do not have a living?"

Mu Yuan is really f*cking upset.

"What do you know? I'm weighing the relationship between all parties."

"I think you're just a mess."

Mu Yuan rolled his eyes at him, "I don't care about other things, you have to take a good look at my brother and my sister and see who bullies them."

"How to investigate clearly? You still want to beat someone up."

The principal is really afraid of this bastard.

"When the time comes, you can check it for me."

Mu Yuan left a message and left.

The principal was left cursing in the office.

When it was time to eat, Mu Siyan stared at Mu Yuan: "I didn't mean that I don't want you to go to my school, and you don't want to meddle in my affairs, why do you have to?"

"You are sick, you are fierce to me, you have the ability to be fierce to your classmates."

"I said I don't want you to care!!!"

Mu Siyan gritted her teeth and stared at him with red eyes, full of anger, as if his brother was the enemy.

"Mu Siyan, I gave you a face, right? Don't think I dare not beat you because I haven't beaten you before." When Mu Yuan dropped his chopsticks, he was about to punch him.

Mu Siyan stared at him.

Waiting for him to beat him, beat him to death.

Grandpa Mu, Grandma Mu and Yan Hui hurriedly stopped them.

Mu Yuan, who was stopped, was extremely unhappy: "If this kid didn't come back with a pig's head on his head at noon today, would I go to his principal? How many times have I asked who bullied him? He didn't say. I I'm caught, but he won't let me swear, why, so kind?"

Grandpa Mu and Grandma Mu also felt that the little grandson was too cowardly, not like other boys at all.

Mu Siyan clenched his fists tightly and remained silent.

Mu Simo saw his elder brother getting angry, and couldn't control his crying. Yan Hui felt that it was difficult, so he patted Mu Simo's shoulder lightly: "Good boy, go and take your little brother to the room."

Mu Simo choked with sobs and nodded, and dragged the little brother back to the room.

Mu Yuan also sat down, lowered his head and remained silent.

Grandma Mu sighed: "Siyan has always had the same temper since he was a child, and he is not good at quarreling with others. Don't be so angry, the juniper is still there, don't scare him."

Mu Yuan looked up at Yan Hui.

Worry and a slight grievance were revealed in the rebellious brows and eyes.

He also had good intentions.

Didn't expect this to happen.

Mu Yuan was a little frustrated: "Okay, I'm going out."

"Hey, the clothes look nice today, why don't you wear them anymore?" Grandma Mu was also afraid that he would be upset if his younger brother talked back so much, and wanted to say something nice to make him happy.

"Too serious, not for me."

Mu Yuan left behind such a sentence and left.

Yan Hui was a little disappointed when he heard this.

"Grandma Mu, let me wash the dishes, you go and see them."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Grandma Mu is not polite anymore.

Go to the twins room and reason with them.

Yan Hui, who was washing the dishes, was unhappy.

But at this moment, someone still came to the door, and all the educated youths came: "Yan Zhiqing, I heard that you have submitted an article, and we also want to try it. You have submitted an article and you have experience. Please help us to read it. Can't the manuscript pass the test?"

Yan Hui, who was washing the dishes, was depressed on the spot: "I'm not an editor, why do you ask me?"

"It's also a kind of mutual learning."

The educated youths said with a smile.

Wu Meili even said: "Could it be that Yan Zhiqing only wants to submit the manuscript by himself, and doesn't want us all to submit the manuscript?"

"I want to ask, is your money mine?"

Yan Hui looked at them with cold eyes.

Damn, she's in a bad mood, don't mess with her.

"Yan Zhiqing, you won't be so stingy, are you embarrassed to hide the secret of drafting by yourself?" Wu Meili pretended to be surprised.

Other educated youths also echoed.

They also heard that Yan Hui would read some newspaper content, and they talked about it with great interest to the old people. They also heard that she was the first in the whole grade, and felt that she had a very high chance of passing the manuscript, so they came to ask her specifically.

"First of all, I don't talk about whether I can pass the manuscript, but why do people always think about other people's things, is it shameful?"

Yan Hui's words were not polite.

They directly stomped the faces of the educated youths on the ground.

Everyone was gnashing their teeth in anger.

Wu Meili smiled even more stiffly: "Yan Zhiqing, we are all here to build the motherland, and we all need to advance and retreat together. How can you abandon the team and the organization? You are a deserter like this."

"I think instead of talking about this, let's take a look at who earns more work points during the busy farming season. This is the real way to build the motherland and help the fathers and villagers instead of adding burdens to the fathers and villagers."

Yan Hui looked at her coldly: "Don't think that I'm a soft persimmon, let me tell you, don't say I don't have the secret to pass the manuscript, even if I have, I won't give it to you, what do you want to say, you want to sue me Is it? You have no reason. Otherwise, you are capitalists who covet other people's private goods for pleasure."


Wu Meili's face was distorted with anger.

How could she be like this.

"What's the matter with me? I'm fine, the door faces that way, please walk slowly." Yan Hui continued to wash the dishes.

Who are you?
Always trying to take advantage.

She hasn't finished writing yet.

I'm so annoying.

As a result, within two days, her proud hat was put on her, and she also said that she wanted to live a life of enjoying herself alone, without thinking about the people at all.

Even the team leader talked to her personally.

When Mu Simo heard about it, she was worried for her, got up and advised, "Sister Yan Hui, why don't you read the manuscript for them?"

"I don't, I don't want to do it."

Yan Hui flatly refused.

Then he went to the team committee office.

Mu Simo pulled the little brother up: "Let's go, if sister Yan Hui is scolded later, the two of us will go out and intercede. Uncle Mu treats us better, so he should be able to show mercy to sister Yan Hui."

Mu Siyan struggled a little.

He didn't want to plead with Chief Mu.

He really, really dislikes his son.

But Sister Yan Hui is really good.

It doesn't look good if it doesn't pass.

So hesitantly, my sister dragged me outside the village committee, where many people were already "eavesdropping".

The team leader looked at the village committee members, then at the villagers lying on the windows to watch the excitement, took a sip of water from the big tea mug, and said, "Yan Zhiqing, you recently..."

"I've been doing fine lately."

Yan Hui replied neither humble nor overbearing.

The captain's wife, that is, the women's director, didn't know what to say. Thinking of the gossip in the brigade, she persuaded: "Comrade Xiaoyan, they said that you don't want to share and you don't have team spirit. What are you doing about it?" What do you think?"

"The wicked file a complaint first." Yan Hui said.

The other team committees were convinced.

The villagers all wowed.

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