By the way, he also gave her the sugar in his hand.

"Sister eats—"

"She won't eat, you keep it, I'll take her to wash her face first." Mu Yuan stuffed the candy back into his pocket, and the chief minister followed Mu Yuan, and Mu Tiancheng played with the chief minister in his father's arms early in the morning Hide and seek, the chief shepherd looked at this side, she moved her body that way, and when he looked over, she moved her body to the other side.

Have fun playing.

The remaining Mu Tianhu also enjoyed lying in Chen Zeying's arms and being fed porridge. He didn't know how the two of them got along. Anyway, the current Mu Tianhu would never refuse anything Chen Zeying fed.

But if other people are fed.

Even if it's my own mother.

They all have to chirp and crook.

All in all, all in all, I like Chen Zeying the most, even more than Mu Chenming who can chat.

But today's squid seafood porridge is really delicious, the porridge is stewed just right, neither very thin nor very thick, and the seafood adds a lot of color to this porridge, and they eat it here Seafood is still more difficult.

The three children ate with gusto, and the chief shepherd even clamored for a second bowl, "Eat porridge, porridge..."

All he ate was big bone porridge.

There will be a little bit of shredded meat.

Otherwise, it is porridge with dried vegetables.

Anyway, it’s just these few porridges over and over again, it’s rare to have a new thing, I really like it very much.

As for the two young ones, it is because everyone said that they can eat porridge for more than four months, but don't feed them too much.That's fine, so the two little ones have only recently started eating porridge.

But also very happy to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, Mu Yuan went out first. The equipment for producing toys was still in the town. He needed to find someone to pick them up together, and he needed to borrow a car from the transport team, because that thing was still in the train station.

Mu Yuan recruited a lot of strong laborers.

Among them is the embolus with a strange expression.

Mu Yuan casually asked, "What's wrong with you?"


Shuanzi looked at everyone, lowered his voice and whispered in Muyuan's ear, "My wife is pregnant."

Mu Yuan: "!!!"

No, how long has it been since this buddy's daughter-in-law gave birth?
The child was about the same age as Mu Tianhu and the others, and they were able to conceive in just over three months, which is also extremely fast.

Without a word, Mu Yuan patted him on the shoulder, "Then you should work hard and raise your children."

Embolus nodded.

The mood is very complicated.

Because his daughter-in-law has two children who do not belong to him, this child is truly his child.

Should have been very happy.

He also wants to accept everyone's blessings.

But "his" child has just been born, and he is pregnant with a child, so everyone is more joking.

Because they all feel that the speed is too fast.

The woman's body has not recovered well.

as well as--

Secretly teased his wife's figure.

Shuan Zi silently came to the town to carry the machine with everyone, Mu Yuan instructed how to move, Shuan Zi was undoubtedly the one who had to make a big effort.

Mu Yuan placed him in an important position.

Shuanzi also lived up to Muyuan's entrustment, and carried the machine on his shoulders. Even if the veins were violent, he could carefully control the speed and put the machine on the car.

Mu Yuan gave him a fist on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Brother, you can be strong."

Shuanzi smiled naively.

I am a little happy in my heart.

He has nothing but brute force.

Now being praised by Brother Yuan in front of so many people, his face is blushing, fortunately he is dark and cannot be seen.

Wait until you get back to the brigade.

The whole brigade came to look up at the machine that will generate income for the brigade in the future. Looking at the brand-new machine, they began to discuss.

All of them had smiles on their faces.

It feels like life is moving again.


The chief shepherd shouted in astonishment.

Mu Yuan looked puzzled.

Mu Changjun raised his hands to hug him, Mu Yuan went to hug him, Mu Changjun pointed to the car, "car, big car..."

"Would you like to sit on it and feel it?"

"Want to want!!!"

Mu Zhangjun leaned on the truck. Many people in the brigade saw a big truck for the first time, because it was very difficult to drive in. If it weren't for Muyuan's good technology, the transport team would not dare to borrow it.

Even so, Mu Yuan didn't know how long it would take to reverse the car later, so he was careful when driving.

Mu Changjun was carried into the car by Mu Yuan and felt the interior layout, his eyes were shining brightly, and he felt that he was in a state of extreme excitement.

He reached out and touched the steering wheel.

Mu Yuan said, "Do you want to learn to drive in the future?"

The chief shepherd didn't know what Mu Yuan said, but just nodded, happily standing on the seat, twisting the steering wheel and turning around.

The child's eyes are clear and clean, and his smile is bright, as if he has found his favorite thing.

But Mu Yuan quickly took him down, because he was going to the bamboo weaving factory to watch how everyone installed the machines, and Mu Changjun cried so hard.

Mu Yuan felt that he was a little strange.

Lin Lili hurriedly hugged him.

Mu Yuan said, "Take him out of here, otherwise he will have to play."

Lin Lili nodded and carried him away.

Shepherd Zhangjun hit Lin Lili, desperately wanted to get into the car, desperately wanted to get close to the car, and refused to go home. Chen Zeying saw that Lin Lili was so thin that she couldn't hold Mu Changjun, so she said, "Changjun never cried so badly before, now I don't know what's wrong, let me come, otherwise he is not weak, and it hurts to beat someone."

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

Lin Lili hugged him tightly.

The chief shepherd cried desperately.

At a corner, the big truck was out of sight, and the chief shepherd gradually recovered, but he was still sobbing, with tears in his eyes.

Lin Lili wiped away his tears, and asked in a low voice when everyone was not paying attention, "Chang Jun, do you miss your mother? Your mother is doing well."

The shepherd doesn't even know what a mother is.

Just love big trucks.

Crouching in Lin Lili's arms, the whole body fell down, and even developed a high fever at night.

Muyuan rides a bicycle.

Yan Hui hugged Mu Changjun.

The two rushed directly to the commune's clinic. The doctor looked at it and said, "Seasonal fever is normal. The weather has cooled too fast recently, and the child has been affected. You adults, pay attention in the future and don't let him catch the cold."

As he said that, he was given a hanging needle.

at the moment of insertion of the needle.

The chief shepherd woke up, sobbing softly, and the grievance made people feel distressed.

Yan Hui hugged him and kept comforting him.

Mu Zhangjun just nestled in Yan Hui's arms and cried.

Tears kept flowing.

But the crying is not loud, just low, but adults are accustomed to children crying loudly, and crying softly is heartbreaking.

Mu Yuan said, "It should be by car today."

"What car?"

Yan Hui didn't go to pick up Mu Yuan today, because she was sorting out the materials, so Mu Yuan explained the ins and outs.

Yan Hui's heart was broken.

"It must be that he misses Jiajia too."

The mother has become the carrier of things, letting the child not forget her, and at the same time guarding him, hoping that he will be safe.

Shepherd Changjun's fever came and went quickly.

Soon it was alive and kicking.

Only the two couples thought a little too much in their hearts.

is not it……

It's time to take the kids to meet their dad.

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