The rest of the family looked strange.

The big cousin stood up with a dark face.

After getting up, he looked at Mu Siyan and Mu Simo in a vague way, while Yan Hui frowned and stood in front of them.

The eldest cousin smiled shortly, his gloomy face made his face look terrifying.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Siyan asked.

The eldest cousin was a little surprised, it turned out that Mu Siyan could speak, "I didn't see anything, I just felt that the two of you grew up and looked better."

The twins' faces changed drastically.

Mu Siyan's apricot eyes were tinged with coldness, and his fists were clenched for an instant. The veins on the back of his white hands were particularly obvious. This was an imminent matter, but was interrupted by his aunt who had no vision.

"It's no big deal to be good-looking. You can really earn money by being a worker. Huihui, tell Xiaoyuan that we are relatives after all. It's not too much to bring his big cousin to the bamboo weaving factory. You see Look at your big cousin, he looks honest, his personality is also honest, his work is reliable, and you are too, we don't help relatives and outsiders."

Yes, be honest everywhere.

Yan Hui raised a smirk, "We want to help, but the brigade has stipulated that in addition to craftsmen, only those with high school students in their families can come to work in the bamboo weaving factory. Auntie, why don't you let the juniors in your family study more? Girls don’t go to school until second grade.”

The uncle's expression was a bit ugly, "It's useless for girls to study, and they will always get married in the future."

in her eyes.

Give girls something to eat and drink.

It's tantamount to wasting money.

He had had conflicts with Muyuan's mother before. After all, Muyuan's mother had good grades at the time, and her family offered her to go to junior high school.

Don't underestimate the junior high school more than [-] years ago.

It is definitely not something that can be passed casually. The last school can torture people to death. Two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening are all mountain roads.

She also has the opportunity to go to high school later.

There is also the possibility of being recommended for university.

But Mu's family was really poor, and there was no way to pay any more. In addition, she got married and made troubles all day long, which made Mu Yuan's mother stop studying.

Think about it now.

She felt sorry for the money spent on Mu Yuan's mother, if she hadn't been so able to spend money, all the money would have belonged to their family.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Yan Hui said directly, after paying homage to grandma, there was nothing to do, anyway, they came here to give a red envelope to the uncle.

This is their custom.

If you don’t give red envelopes for weddings, no one will criticize you, at most, the family will curse behind your back, but if someone in the family dies, if you don’t give red envelopes, people will be criticized.

According to Mu Yuan's grandmother's situation.

Yan Hui should give one yuan.

Then Yan Hui's family gave one yuan.

When the uncle opened the red envelope, she was full of anticipation, and the corners of her mouth were grinning behind her ears, but when she finally saw the one dollar, her expression cracked and she scolded her mother directly.

Ke Yanhui didn't pay any attention to these things.

Grandma is gone.

Then there is no need to be human.

It is better to treat people well when they are alive than to be filial when they are dead.

When they got home, Grandma Mu asked how they were doing, and Mu Simo said, "Grandma left at night, very peacefully. Many old people said that grandma didn't suffer, and my uncle cried the most, and then she disappeared."

Say something.

It was indeed my aunt who cried the most.

Because once she thought about it, if her mother-in-law left, there would be no one to work for the family, and she would no longer be able to reap the money from Mu Yuan's family, and she would feel bitter and bitter.

Grandma Mu sighed, "Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are actually closer than their own sons in the end. You should wash up and go to bed early, because you have to go to class tomorrow."

The three nodded.

Washed and went to sleep.

At daylight, the three humming people in the courtyard woke up Mu Tianhu. She is definitely the one who likes excitement the most, just like Grandma Mu, she will find her way wherever there is excitement.

It feels like this is the most lively time of the day, and I have to wake up at this time every day, regardless of the grievances from my mother.

"Can you learn from Chengcheng and see what time they get up, and what time do you get up."

"Yeah, ah, ah..."

The shepherd Tianhu is in the house.

The heart is already outside.

Eyes kept looking outside, Yan Hui squeezed her fleshy thigh angrily, "You stay outside."

Mu Tianhu kicked his legs, showing a big smile, and then sat on her site in the front yard, lying on his stomach to watch his uncle, aunt and aunt practicing martial arts, "Yeah, yah, yah..."

Look at her with great interest.

Chen Zeying teased her and said, "When you can walk in the future, my aunt will teach you martial arts, okay?"

The child was lying on his stomach, his big black and white eyes flickering, and he showed a big smile to Chen Zeying, and his saliva flowed down the smile.

Chen Zeying was dying of laughter, and wiped her saliva: "Be good at home, we are leaving, don't be rude, don't bully my sister, you know?"

Both kids are skinny.

It's just that unlike Mu Tianhu who is full of energy all day long and makes troubles from time to time at night, Mu Tiancheng sleeps for a very, very long time, plus Mu Tianhu's strength is really strong, within a few months, he punched Mu Tiancheng cry.

I am not afraid of being scolded by adults.

She was often so angry that her grandparents would beat her on the back of the hand.

Mu Tianhu looked at Chen Zeying innocently, not knowing what she was talking about, she was so good.

Chen Zeying nodded her nose, "Let's go, follow your grandpa and grandma in the field and be obedient."

Chen Zeying gave a second warning.

Mu Siyan also came over and rubbed her face: "Huhu, my uncle has gone to school, see you later."

Mu Tianhu's face was squeezed, and his pink lips squirmed. Mu Siyan saw that he liked it very much. He actually liked Pippi's child very much, so he couldn't help but kissed her on the cheek, "Be good."

Mu Tianhu bared his teeth at him.

Mu Siyan burst out laughing, the boy who was liked by the heavens had stars in his eyebrows and eyes, and his smile was dazzling.

Chen Zeying glanced sideways.

Silently look away.

The time was coming, and Mu Siyan couldn't delay any longer, so he rubbed her hair and left.

Mu Tianhu looked at his uncle's back and started to cry, Mu Siyan turned his head three times at a step, and Chen Zeying grabbed his schoolbag and left: "You see she didn't shed any tears, I think you're going to cry."

Both sisters are ghosts.

Apart from eating and drinking, she basically doesn't cry.

If I cry normally, most of them are fake crying.

But Mu Siyan was very speechless, his touch was worthless, "If it weren't for the current high school regulations not to bring children, I would want to carry Huhu to school."

That's quite normal.

At least elementary and junior high schools.

Too bad high school can't.

"Instead of thinking about Huhu, you might as well think about your grades. If I pass you, see how my sister will teach you a lesson." Chen Zeying poured cold water on her.

"My grades should be okay."

He spends all day in bed during the summer vacation.

He spends a lot of time on music, and he has to study music in the city every month, so the study time is definitely not as good as his sister.

But thinking about his sister-in-law's smiley face, Mu Siyan was still a little stressed, and his study attitude became more and more serious, because he was afraid that his sister-in-law would not let him learn.

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