"Bamboo is not made that way. You have to clean the burrs and burrs. Otherwise, you will be deducted if you fail to pass the standard. This is a waste of materials."

The supervisor, Mu Jiaye, came to teach this little girl, who was specially entrusted by his niece and daughter-in-law to take care of her. "I'll demonstrate it twice for you first, and then you can do it for me once."

Lin Lili looked at him without blinking.

After Mu Jiaye demonstrated it twice, Lin Lili was able to make it stumbled. She had never made anything before, so she was not that good at it.

Fortunately, she is still quite dexterous.

Mu Jiaye also nodded: "That's it. At noon, I will go to the logistics department to prepay the meal ticket, and then go to the cafeteria to get dinner."

"Well, I see."

"Then I'll go shopping again. If you don't understand later, you can ask the people around you. If you see me, you can call me, okay?"

"I know." Lin Lili nodded.

Mu Jiaye continued to watch other people's work. The bamboo weaving factory has grown in scale now, and everyone is working in their own position, not to mention running around, which makes Mu Jiaye feel refreshed.

Work should also be neat.

Don't be messy all the time.

He mentioned it to his wife before, but was later retorted by his wife: "What do you know, just keep working hard and rush forward, why are you doing so many tricks?"

Even Mu Jiaye couldn't explain it to her.

Fortunately, when he mentioned it to Boy Yuan later, he quickly agreed to his plan, which made Mu Jiaye very pleased.

"Director, the materials for my team have been completed. Look, if the approval is approved, I will go get the materials."

Someone called him.

Mujiaye went over to inspect immediately, picked out a few problems, asked them to rework, and asked others to get materials and continue to work.

One day just passed by.

His job is not very complicated, nor is it very simple, but if Mu Jiaye does it with gusto, one should have something to look forward to.

Moreover, Mu Jiaye also observed everyone's work attitude and work efficiency, and adjusted the staff arrangement, which he applied for not long ago.

The right person should go to the right position.

Moving goods, chopping bamboo strips, grinding bamboo strips, shaping, weaving, packaging, etc., there should be suitable people in every place, and the animal husbandry industry is constantly adjusting. At the beginning, everyone will be noisy, but later found that this position is more difficult. After it suits me and can make more money, everyone obeys his arrangement very much.

Anyway, he is also the captain.

There are more or less two brushes.

In fact, Yan Hui admires Mu Jiaye quite a lot, because his downfall is really down. Sometimes when a person is the most attractive, it is not when he is the most beautiful, but when he has fallen to the bottom and can stand up again.

He is living an active life now.

Even though he is middle-aged, this force is very vigorous.

Mu Jiaye feels that he has experienced ups and downs, and his whole body and mind will be much more peaceful. Now he looks at Lin Lili with a gentle attitude: "Lili, come over for dinner. Do you want spicy cabbage? Come and taste it."

It was made by his wife.

Because she felt ashamed to face people, she stayed at home all day, either fiddled with something to eat, or just stayed there in a daze. Mu Jiaye persuaded her, but she just refused to listen. She felt that her entire face was gone. people joke.

Mu Jiaye understood her thoughts very well.

But I really don't like her decadence, because decadence is a luxury, and their family can't support this luxury.

It seems to be much better than before.

At least help with cooking.

Get some food for their laborers.

"Thank you, supervisor. I can eat cabbage. I still have white rice. The auntie in charge gave me two pieces of oil residue." Lin Lili showed him the oil residue in the bowl.

Oil residue is used for cooking.

But if there is no cooking that day, then everyone will be divided into one or two yuan. As for one or two yuan, it depends on whether the aunt who is in charge of the spoon thinks about you.

Therefore, the person with the highest status in each place will always have a share of the aunt who is in charge.

"Then you can eat enough."

Mu Jiaye was not too polite.

So I started eating with my son. The sons are the eldest son and the youngest son. The youngest son was supposed to go to high school, especially since his team already has high school.

But the family really owed too much money.

As a member of the family, he should also take on this responsibility.

Mu Xiaodong has become a lot more silent now, as the little overlord in the brigade, he has also died down.

Work silently and grow up slowly.

Lin Lili also went to eat at the dining table. The table was long and surrounded by people. No one talked to her, and Lin Lili didn't mind. on foot.

Can I call you Auntie?

Chief Mu had a natural liking for Lin Lili, and she was happy when she came. Grandma Mu asked Lin Lili, "Lili, have you eaten yet?"

"Grandma, I've already eaten, let me feed Changjun." Lin Lili said as she took the bowl from Grandma Mu's hand.

Grandma Mu sighed, but did not refuse.

Lin Lili looked at the bone and red date porridge in the bowl, and knew that their family had always been very kind to the shepherd, but after getting in touch with them and feeling their kindness, Lin Lili wanted to make more money.

Only then can I thank them for my sister.


The chief shepherd opened his mouth wide and waited for the food to be fed.

Lin Lili smiled and fed him porridge: "Chang Jun, what did you play today, are you happy with your sister?"

"Yeah, ah, ah..."

The chief shepherd was waving the wooden toy in his hand, chattering to share it with Lin Lili, and stuffing the toy into her hand.

Lin Lili looked at the soft child's immature face, saw his pure eyes and clean smile, "Changjun, you have to grow up quickly."

The chief shepherd blinked his eyes.

I don't know what my aunt is talking about.

But still responded enthusiastically.

Lin Lili didn't say anything more, just played with him for a while, then went back to work.

Grandma Mu looked at Lin Lili's back and said to Mu Simo, "Look at her, what kind of life does the same 14-year-old live, what kind of life do you live."

Mu Simo: "..."

"Things like this don't compare."

"Why can't we compare it? Look at how happy you are, and you still don't cherish it."

"Why don't I cherish it, I'm going to school, you watch Dianhu carefully, she will turn over when no one is looking at her later." Mu Simo said, and was about to leave in a hurry.

Grandma is definitely the kind of person the whole family likes to compare their children with other families.

Really speechless.

Mu Siyan also followed, and said to her, "Didn't Chen Zeying say that she would go to high school too, why didn't she come to study?"

"Zeying said that she is self-study, and she also has to work in a bamboo weaving factory. Don't Mu Chenming and Lin Zhishu do the same, half studying and half working, but Lin Lili is 100% working, just the two of us, no jobs. "

No wonder grandma talks all day long.

It should be the envy of the money.

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