Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 227 Mu Yuan Was Scolded

The grain drying field was originally full of voices, but it became silent because of Yan Hui's question.

"Is there no one? How is it possible? I am a principal, and some people talk about my grades. My daughter was beaten, and some people speak for outsiders. You are really good."

Yan Hui's tone was mocking.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, silent.

"Afterwards, the bamboo weaving factory will recruit members of other brigades. If you don't work well in the bamboo weaving factory, you will be dismissed directly. If the farm work is not up to standard, the number of family members will be reduced. Anyway, your family has a big business, so I don't care if you build it casually.

Here, I also want to inform you of good news. In the future, the bamboo weaving factory will return to the official unit, but it will be linked to farm work and will also recruit other people. If you are not satisfied, you can leave now, and we will not stop it. "

Now the bamboo weaving factory can earn [-] to [-] wages, only fools will leave, and now they can return to the official unit, so naturally the buttocks will not move.

But many people are not satisfied with Yan Hui's approach.

Bamboo weaving factories can make money.

How can you give someone else a job!

Many people chatted with each other.

Thinking about how to get Yan Hui out of such thoughts, such things are too bad for them.

Yan Hui smiled, and continued: "If you don't give me a decent job in the future, believe me, the bamboo weaving factory can be dismantled."

She is the soul of the bamboo weaving factory.

Whether the business can continue or not depends on what she does, so her threat directly has an effect, many people are silent, and their hearts become uneasy.

"Here, let me make a formal statement. From now on, Qin Xiaoyue and Tan Jingjing had better not have anything to do with me. It's best for you both to follow my path, otherwise, I'll see you once, and I'll let you feel like apologizing. how is it.

See if you are still as generous as ever.

And how should I arrange my high school affairs?That's my business, I created it all by myself, I have my own plan, and 25 people in the school also work hard for me. I raise you not to let you eat, you have to teach and educate people .

rather than comparing each other.

Recently, those people who are flirtatious please restrain me. If you are flirtatious, don’t come in front of me. Otherwise, I don’t know what the consequences will be. Simple and rude solution.

So be it. "

Yan Hui stepped down and left with his daughter in his arms, leaving quickly and neatly, but everyone else looked at each other, not knowing what to say, so someone called Mu Yuan to persuade Yan Hui not to really let outsiders into their team.

Otherwise, it would be bad for their brigade, especially for their own interests.

"I feel fine."

Mu Yuan said leisurely, "Let me tell you one more thing. The road will be repaired in the future, so that the vehicles of the transport team can drive into our brigade. The people in our brigade can only work for half a day even if they work. They all go to repair the road. At this time , it is the time when there is a shortage of manpower."


No one expected that there would be a sudden wave of road construction. Road construction is a mandatory task and must be done.

"No, why did the notice come so suddenly, without any prior preparation."

"That's right. Why do we need to build roads? Isn't it possible to use tractors to pull goods one by one now? If we have to make it so troublesome, how much less money will we make?"

It takes half a year to build roads.

How long is unknown.

That would really be a big loss for each household, because the orders of the bamboo weaving factory have a certain limit, and now Yan Hui and Mu Yuan have not accepted new orders, so if they recruit workers, the money earned by their brigade There will be less, and roads will be built.

That would be a big loss.

The people surrounded Mu Yuan directly, asking him to give an explanation, how could he do that as a team leader?
"Mu Yuan, don't mess around, don't make it worse than the previous two captains, let outsiders earn money from our brigade, who would do that, are you stupid?!"

"That's right, let's see which brigade develops a sideline business and let other brigades get involved. You just listen to it, and you will believe whatever your wife says. Why don't you get married?!"

"I usually see you fooling around, you should be a bit smart, why are you so confused about this matter, we are determined to prevent outsiders from coming to work in our brigade."


Everyone was clamoring around him.

It was all to make Yan Hui withdraw his opinion.

He did not forget to belittle Mu Yuan personally, feeling that he is not very reliable, and always listens to his wife, without any assertiveness.

Some people always want you to be assertive, but not in them.

Mu Yuan, who was extremely calm in his heart, gradually became irritable: "Enough is enough, you can be the team leader, and I don't bother to serve you, what's wrong with me, I don't work hard all day, I have a lot of things, I really think you guys It's the ancestor."

"No, Mu Yuan, what do you mean? We are your elders, who would be so rude to elders."

"That is to say, young people nowadays are becoming less and less polite and less disciplined!"

"Sure enough, children without parents are like this. They don't understand the most basic manners!"


Treat Yan Hui.

Everyone is more in awe.

Because Yan Hui's ability to do things is straightforward, and she is super capable, but Mu is far different. Everyone has always felt that he is a fool, even if he became a worker in the transportation team, he was fired.

What is there to be afraid of such a person?At most, it is just a brute force.

Even let him be the captain.

Everyone felt that it was their own credit, not that Mu Yuan should have been the team leader.

Therefore, there are more and more unkind words towards him, so many people surround you and say different demeaning words, most of them will collapse.

Fortunately, Mu Yuan didn't have such deep feelings for them, so he was naturally very calm.

At the same time, I also clearly understand how to treat these people and how much weight I put in my heart.

But Grandpa Mu and Grandma Mu watched in horror. Grandpa Mu pushed through the crowd to get in, but he couldn't squeeze in at all. Everyone vented their grievances against Mu Yuan crazily.

Mu Siyan, who went to the ground for the first time today, saw his elder brother being treated like this, his anger rose slowly, and he clenched his fists.

His eldest brother should be proud, how can he be surrounded by them, they don't deserve it!
Mu Yuan, who was in the middle of the incident and almost drowned in saliva, stared at them coldly, "It's quite lively, but I still feel that I have a very good temper now, and I can make trouble whatever I like. Do you think I'm too easy to bully?"

"Otherwise, do you want to beat us up, Muyuan, let us tell you, you are treasonous if you do that, and we will be able to report you at that time!"

Now that there are too many lice and it doesn't itch, I don't have the slightest fear of embarrassment when I report such a big matter and say it casually.

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