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Chapter 211 I'm Still an Educated Youth

After assigning the approximate number of people in the factory and field.

Muyuan assigns them jobs, basically the places where the elderly, weak, women and children go will be easier, but at the same time, they will have less work points/money.

The educated youths were not arranged.

Wu Meili, as the oldest member of the educated youth spot, acted as a representative and raised her hand to ask them where they were going.

"Participate in the assessment, and those who pass the assessment and become teachers will receive a salary of 15 yuan, a food subsidy of [-] catties, and benefits will be paid on holidays."

My daughter-in-law is dedicated to running a high school.

Naturally, Mu Yuan couldn't hold back.

It was arranged directly, and he promised others that he would settle the order with Yan Hui after the bamboo weaving factory.

With his guarantee.

Of course everyone has no opinion.

After all, who doesn't want their hometown to get better and better, and the first point of establishing a high school is to adopt educated youth as teachers.

The educated youths were also in an uproar.

A salary of 15 yuan, that is a very honorable position to be a teacher. Before being a teacher, there was no money! ! !

Now not only is there money, but also food subsidies. Looking at the performance of the bamboo weaving factory, there may be good benefits.

My God, that is the life they dreamed of. Seeing how excited they were, Mu Yuan told them to be quiet: "I didn't finish, you have to compete with the educated youths in the whole commune and select the best ones. Of course, if you have experience , the standard will be lowered a little, the exam time is on August [-]st, and the exam will be taken uniformly at that time, and it will be divided into three sections in the future: literacy class, elementary school, and high school.

Literacy is responsible for leading people to literacy.

Junior Elementary is responsible for elementary and junior high school students.

Follow Yan Zhiqing in high school to cultivate talents..."

"Yo yo yo yo yo..."

Before Mu Yuan could finish speaking, there was already a roar of boos from below, and a brave man hid in the crowd and joked, "Yan Zhiqing, Captain Mu, why are you so unfamiliar."

Being ridiculed by thousands of people.

Mu Yuan was also a little embarrassed, "One by one, listen carefully to me."

"Ask Yan Zhiqing to come up and say a few words!"

This statement came out.

There was warm applause from the audience.

Yan Hui, who was holding the child, looked at Mu Yuan in confusion, and Mu Yuan looked at her, "Do you want to say something?"

"Do not……"

"Go, go, cypress go."

Grandma Mu is definitely the family's favorite person to watch the excitement, her smile is warmer than the others, it's really not a big deal to watch a good show properly.

Give the child to Mu Simo to hold.

Yan Hui came to the stage blushing a little, and bowed slightly to them: "Hi everyone."

"Good good good good!!!"

The atmosphere was brought to a climax inexplicably.

Yan Hui, who was standing in Muyuan, was a little at a loss, and touched Muyuan with his hand, "Hurry up and talk."

When Mu Yuan was about to speak...

"Wife control is strict!"


The audience burst into laughter.

Yan Hui covered his face, and Mu Yuan looked at them all speechless: "It's just you guys who are stubborn, I'm respectful, you don't understand. Closer to home, we Yan Zhiqing gave a speech, everyone warmly welcomes you."

"Clap clap clap clap!!!"

There was warm applause.

Yan Hui also cleared his throat, and received encouraging eyes from Mu Yuan beside him. When the atmosphere returned to calm and quiet, he boldly spoke: "I suggested the high school, and it has been a long time ago. Many parents may think it is unnecessary. Compared to how long the junior high school of our brigade has been, there are only a handful of people who can enter technical secondary schools and high schools every year.

But I want to say.

Nowadays, education is the most important thing!
Aerospace, marine, weapons, including our crops, each section requires countless talents, and there are few ways of further education, but high school is the foundation of the foundation.

Now I say these are generalities.

But in the high school we established, as long as you can pass the exam, the tuition fees are all paid, and one worker can be added to the family, which can maintain the loss of one labor force. In that case, your labor will not be delayed at all, not only that, but also add a worker high school students.

You may be interested in my purpose.

My purpose is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple.First of all, let's see if there are talents in our small place who can help the country. If there are, then I will do my best to help TA introduce knowledgeable masters.

If not, it is also good to revitalize the country.

It's really not enough, at least you have passed on your excellent brain to the next generation, no matter what, it's not a loss, right?

Also, I am an educated youth.

Educated youth is the countryside that came to participate in the great cause of socialist construction. Even if I am married, you still call me educated youth, so my responsibility has not been lost.

I still hope to build a new motherland.

thank you all. "

clap clap clap clap-

I don't know who led the applause first, and the warm applause rang out one after another. Apart from the applause, there were only tears in the eyes of many people.

Don't know why.

People are always moved by other people's dreams.

I was also moved by the red faith.

Yan Hui is someone they need to respect.

Mu Yuan felt that every time Yan Hui spoke to many people, his body always radiated light. It was the classroom podium, the back mountain that used to be, and the crude platform that was built.

She has a devotion that Mu Yuan cannot comprehend.

Not only is there little love that never turns back.

He also has great love for his family and country.

Yan Hui's speech was short but profound, and the students who were most touched were the students in school and the educated youth who were calculating all day long.


Did you do it?

Educated youth are not simply farming.

Educated youth should not be abandoned either.

They are here to help the rural people build a new motherland together. When did the meaning of educated youth change and their approach change?
It wasn't until they heard Yan Hui's deafening speech that the educated youths realized that the person who took the lead to put aside the relationship with the educated youth had done what the educated youth should really do.

Gu Linran at the bottom of the podium.

He was sitting on a bench with a dilapidated wooden table in front of him. Thinking of all the past actions, he felt ashamed.

Counting a lot of him.

It seems that I have no original intention to join the party.

After the dream is over, it is still life. Muyuan continues to arrange the next thing, the main notice is to repair the bamboo weaving factory and build the high school!
The busy season is at the end of September.

It is still harvest time.

Muyuan adopted the method of killing first and playing later, changing the name and building a house, but after approval, it was the high school, the bamboo weaving factory.

He is busy reviewing things.

And what Mu Yuan said in the grain drying field has spread throughout the commune! ! !

teacher position.

Anyone who can pass the assessment will get a salary of 15 yuan and a grain subsidy of [-] catties.

Who wouldn't want to go.

So hula la a lot of people signed up.

Yan Hui threw it to Gu Linran.

Gu Linran: "..."

I thank you husband and wife for using me so much.

Yan Hui is actually sitting on more important matters, because of this, she temporarily put aside writing the manuscript, and she wants to compile high school textbooks.

As a former high school teacher.

And experienced many years of wandering career.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are dozens of sets of textbooks that are deeply remembered in Yan Hui's mind. How to use them and how to let students accept them step by step is a big problem.

Fortunately, there are—

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Self-study Series!
After having an important template, Yan Hui added it when she saw it was suitable, and then added her personal opinion. According to her idea, if there is one more high school student, then there will be one more college student.

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