Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 209 The Shepherd's Highest Honor

Early the next morning.

Muyuan won the family's highest honor award.

Grandma's brand noodles, two eggs! ! !

In Mu's house, the chances of getting two eggs are few and far between. Back then, Mu Yuan had become a worker, and Grandma Mu didn't make it for him. This time, she got up early in the morning and made him an egg noodle.

"Grandma, you can't be so exaggerated."

Mu Yuan was flattered.

"Don't be pretentious here, just eat it after you make it, don't worry about it so much." Grandma Mu wiped her hands and said to him, "I'll fry fried dough sticks for the notary of the commune, and you can eat them together later. .”

The other party hasn't woken up yet.

Granny Mu naturally didn't want to wake him up.

But Mu Yuan didn't eat two mouthfuls, so he went back to the house and carried his eldest daughter Mu Tianhu out, "Do you want milk powder?"

Mu Tianhu had tears in his eyes.

I don't know what to ask for.

Mu Yuan made milk powder for her and ate noodles with her in his arms. Mu Tianhu was about to grab the rim of the bowl with his hand, but Mu Yuan moved the bowl away so that her hands couldn't reach it.

Mu Tianhu will be arrested.

"Be careful it's hot." After Mu Yuan said something, he swallowed the noodles and took her for a walk. Mu Tianhu lay on his father and looked at the chickens in the yard.

Mu Yuan asked Mu Tianhu to approach the hen.

The hen was about to cut Mu Tianhu, Mu Yuan pulled Mu Tianhu away, but before the hen caught it, Mu Tianhu was so happy that his calves kept jumping, and repeated several times, Mu Yuan took her to change places .

Chief Mu also woke up. Grandpa Mu changed his clothes for him, and he walked with his short legs. Grandpa Mu had to watch from the side so as not to fall down. Mu Yuan asked Mu Tianhu to approach Chief Mu. Jun, Mu Tianhu cheated and pushed it to Mu Changjun.

Chief Shepherd Jun was walking tremblingly.

Pushed by her, he fell directly to the ground.

Grandpa Mu helped Chief Mu up, smiled and nodded Mu Tianhu's nose: "Our family Huhu will be a skinny girl in the future."

Mu Tianhu showed him a pure and innocent smile.

Sly little look.

Very similar to her mother.

Mu Changjun came to Mu Yuan and slapped Mu Tianhu, and Mu Tianhu was stunned.

Then he burst into tears.

Mu Yuan looked disgusted: "Why are you crying? When you pushed your brother, your brother didn't cry. Now that you've been beaten, you're crying. It's unreasonable, you."

Mu Tianhu turned his head and lay on his father's shoulder, crying heartbreakingly. His biological father Mu Yuan looked disgusted, "Oh, you are so hypocritical."

Grandpa Mu watched the father and daughter get along happily: "Hu Hu should be scared, you can coax them."

"She's very courageous, she's just skin, no one will pay attention to her later, she'll be fine on her own."

Sure enough, no one coaxed him, so Mu Tianhu returned to normal mode, and looked for his little brother Mu Changjun everywhere.

Shepherd Changjun was the one who was really frightened, so he patted his sister's arm lightly, why did she cry so badly.

very scary! ! !
"Look, if I tell you to cry, your brother will ignore you." His father Mu Yuan kept adding insult to injury.

Mu Tianhu angrily bit the pacifier.

But she doesn't even have small teeth in her mouth, so it's useless to work hard. When Mu Yuan was playing with his daughter, the staff of the commune woke up, so Mu Yuan pulled out the special cot made by Grandpa Mu and put it in the front yard. Tianhu was lying in it, and Grandpa Mu helped take care of it.

Mu Yuan followed the other party to the commune.

Naturally, Lin Chunyan must be brought along on the way.

After all, the two have to explain the cause and effect together.

Lin Chunyan's figure belongs to the type with a large skeleton, no matter how thin she is, she will not make people feel thin, but in just one night, she can feel her decadence.

"Auntie." Mu Yuan greeted first.

He was frank, Lin Chunyan watched his lips twitch twice, and finally lowered his head and walked towards the commune.

She had a fight with her man last night.

Ask him why he pushed Mu Yuan out.

Mu Jiaye only said: "The brigade wants to be in charge of the team leader, not the team leader who only knows how to seek benefits for himself."

He has been the captain for so many years.

Originally thought that his wife was the captain of the brigade, and he could also help out, so that the old couple could lead the brigade to a better life.

But the fact is.

Their family has seen better days!
He used to be corrupt too.

But never greedy the real interests of the people, only petty profits, that is the long-term way, the villagers don't say it, but they know it in their hearts.

Look at their family life.

You can guess the corruption of their family.

He also repaired the most luxurious house in the brigade before, but it was the accumulation of multiple factors, and the people did not feel that they were at a disadvantage.

But now...

His family can eat meat every meal.

It's like drinking human blood.

As a member of the herdsman brigade who was born and bred, he couldn't stand it anymore. It was a position passed on to him by his father. He didn't manage the brigade well, but it must not be destroyed by him.

Muyuan is a good choice.

He has seen this kid since he was a child, even if his temper is a little bit grumpy, he is good at dealing with people, and the younger generation is basically afraid of him, and he can't live without him.

The secretary of the commune looked at the young Mu Yuan in front of him, and frowned slightly: "Since the people elected you as the captain, you have to think about them in the future, don't disappoint their expectations, and serve the people, you know?"

Mu Yuan nodded.

The secretary of the commune gave him the certificate of appointment, and then Lin Chunyan handed over to Mu Yuan.

Also this time.

Only then did Mu Yuan know that the brigade has a total of 3000 or [-] people, which is really a big brigade, at least so far, it is the largest brigade around.

The captain is him.

The captain of the militia is Mu Jianxin.

The female director is Lin Chunyan.

Accountant: Mu Tianliang
And the distribution of five small captains.

The captain of the militia is new. He mainly takes care of the goods of the factory, and the accountant also takes care of the financial affairs of the factory.

The women's director is the former team leader. Now that she returns to the women's directorship, she still worries about the trivial matters of neighbors and neighbors in the brigade.

For Lin Chunyan is still the women's director.

The big guys have nothing to say about it.

At any rate, she was the daughter-in-law of the former captain, and she belonged to a neighbor, so she should give some face.

But the captain has already been finalized.

That is Muyuan.

Many people are quite satisfied with the team leader they voted for, and they are all looking forward to which three fires Mu Yuan will set off.

Mu Yuan directly took the account books of the factory and the brigade and started to calculate, Lin Chunyan was trembling when she heard it.

Mu Jiaye smoked dry cigarettes: "I resigned from the position of women's director, saying that I couldn't afford it, and quietly returned the money to Boy Yuan. At least I watched him grow up. He won't give me some face. In the future, it will be considered clear, don't keep talking about the old relationship, he doesn't owe us anything."

"But we don't have that much money!"

"I'll pay you back if you sell everything you want, otherwise you want to go to reform through labor!!!"

"Then can't you tell Mu Yuan not to check the accounts!" Lin Chunyan couldn't help shouting.

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