Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 200 Good Grandma

"No, I plan to work in a bamboo weaving factory."

Before leaving Muyuan, it was planned, and now I will tell my grandparents directly.

Grandma Mu was silent for a while, then nodded: "Now the bamboo weaving factory is developing well. If you work hard, you should be able to earn a dozen or twenty yuan. With the help of me and your grandfather, you can also support the children. Not to mention, just Raising three children is stressful for both of you as husband and wife, and is Huihui taking care of the children at home? Or going to teach?"

"I will take care of the children, and she will look again. She should be able to teach. I think she wants to build a high school, and she should be able to discuss it with her aunt. She joked with me that she had discussed a plan with her aunt before, but because she left it was not implemented. Now she should It will be on the agenda."

The reason why Mu Yuan stayed in his hometown was largely to take care of the children, otherwise he would have been able to return to the transport team.

"Then... let's do it."

Grandma Mu wanted to say something.

He was held back by Grandpa Mu.

Now that the grandson is willing to stay in his hometown in a down-to-earth manner, that is better than anything else.

"unity is strength……"

When the off-work broadcast sounded, many people immediately came to Mu Yuan's house. It was really a long time since I saw Yan Hui.

I learned that Yan Hui and the child were both asleep.

Everyone returned with regret.

He wanted to see Mu Yuan again, but found that Mu Yuan had gone out for a stroll.

Mu Yuan came to see Gu Linran.

Gu Linran told him the news he had received, and also told him Wu Jianguo's request.

When Gu Linran explained the other party's request, the corners of Mu Yuan's mouth twitched: "Is he mentally ill?"

"I don't know, it should be."

"Tell him that I'm married, and think about other places. He's not the only gang in Hong Kong City. If we don't agree with each other, we can change places." , but not beyond that line.


The two then discussed other matters.

After talking about the basic things, Gu Linran smiled and said, "Brother Yuan, congratulations, you have two daughters."

Thinking of the two soft little dumplings at home, Mu Yuan's sharp eyebrows softened a lot: "Thank you."

"It's almost time. I'm going home first. Come to my house after work tomorrow afternoon. I'll show you your sister-in-law."

The two initially cooperated because Gu Linran wanted to cooperate with Yan Hui, but now Gu Linran has no job and is still working. Even because Qingmei offended her big belly, he is more miserable than many people.

When I got home, Yan Hui had already woken up and was cooking. Today is pork belly, soybeans, and dried vegetables. Both the soybeans and dried vegetables are covered with the aroma of lard. The steamed soybeans are sweet and glutinous. Absolutely.

At home, divide a dish into two bowls.

There is also big white rice and vegetables picked in the backyard. Before eating, Mu Yuan, Grandma Mu and Mu Simo have already fed the three little ones, and now the adults are eating at home.

Grandma Mu looked at the extra pork belly in the bowl, looked at the old man, and ate it silently without making a sound. The pork belly was bought by her, and the portion was not much, so she didn't pick it up so that the children could eat more.

Grandpa Mu also has a sense of propriety.

After picking a piece for her, I gave the pork belly to the children. Now that there are fewer and fewer workers in the bamboo weaving factory, everyone is a little flustered, afraid that the bamboo weaving factory that has finally risen will collapse.

You must know that the bamboo weaving factory can earn more than 20 yuan.

After eating and taking a bath, Yan Hui was about to hug Mu Tianhu from Grandma Mu's hand: "Grandma, let me come, you are so busy all day, and you have to take care of the three children at home, eat more in the future, and I will come back later." Tell Muyuan to ride a bicycle and buy more fat meat to fry lard, otherwise the family will not have any oil and water."

"Okay, do you have enough money?"

"Enough, Muyuan gave me a lot, as long as grandma don't call me a prodigal, I can work hard."

Grandma Mu shook her head angrily and gave a spoiled smile, "You are still like a child when you become a mother."

"In front of grandma, I have always been a child." Yan Hui approached her with a smile, her soft and fair skin after giving birth was simply not too pretty.

"Hahaha, that's true."

What Grandma Mu likes most about Yan Hui is that she likes to act like a baby to her, which satisfies her desire for her daughter to act like a baby. "Today we will take care of the child. You and Mu Yuan will be tired when we come, so take a good rest."

"No, you still have to take care of Chang Jun..."

"It's okay. Your sister is taking care of Changjun. She has a lot of time on vacation now, so she's not afraid of being woken up." Grandma Mu hugged Mu Tianhu, and Mu Tianhu's round head looked at this and that, and then doubled her eyes. Her legs started to move around, and Grandma Mu hugged her tightly, and said happily, "Huhu is really strong, stronger than those three or four-month-old children. It seems that the food is really good. Don't worry, I have a relationship with your grandpa." Proper, go to rest."

"'s not good..."

As a junior, Yan Hui can't make the elders suffer while he sleeps comfortably there.

"What's wrong, you young couple are not allowed to cultivate your relationship, that's all, go to sleep."

"Grandma, you are my dear grandma!!!"

Mu Yuan felt that his grandma was too sensible, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Yan Hui became angry from embarrassment, "Mu Yuan!"

"Why, hey, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, and you still want to hit someone..." Mu Yuan fled back to the house, and Yan Hui quickly followed.


so awkward.

Leaning his back against the door panel, Yan Hui was still there embarrassed, Mu Yuan had already laughed out loud, Yan Hui kicked him viciously: "Why are you laughing, what's so funny!"

"'s not funny at all..."

Mu Yuan laughed and collapsed on the bed.

Yan Hui angrily climbed onto the bed and hit him with a pillow, "You dare to laugh at me, you're done for."

But when the pillow fell down, with the light of the flashlight inside the room, Yan Hui saw something that shouldn't be there.

"You you you you... where did you come from?"

"Cough, um, this should be worn by women, right? Can you...can you try it?" Mu Yuan cautiously made a request.

" do you know this?"

As a woman, get straight to the key issues.


Mu Yuan's eyes flickered a little, could he say that he had seen other women say it?Will he be killed.

Sure enough, there was a knife on the head of Sezi.

He just wanted Yan Hui to try, but he didn't expect these problems, but now...

Yan Hui directly pushed him down, sat on him, grabbed his neck with both hands: "Mu Yuan, you're done, please explain to me clearly, how did you get here?!"

Mu Yuan, who was strangled by fate, looked up at Yan Hui, who was sitting on top of him, with his palms resting on the back of his head, his palms slightly closed, and his Adam's apple moved slightly, "I saw some posters, and I bought them, so I bought them. "

"So, you are attracted by the woman on the poster!!!" Yan Hui wished he could strangle him to death.

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