Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 2 "Meeting him for the first time"

Leave a sentence, and go back to the package to find a sanitary apron, which can be reused through cleaning.

It is made by Yan Hui, and it is new.

After taking it to the toilet and handing it to Yang Heqin, Yang Heqin was so shy that she couldn't bear it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Yan Hui was silent and didn't say anything.

After going to the toilet, Yang Heqin's face turned red, and she didn't even dare to look at Yan Hui. She scolded her just now, but they gave her that...

When Yan Hui returned to his seat, he saw Yang Heqin bowing his head, but didn't say anything.

The train traveled for a day and a night, and it finally arrived when Yan Hui felt that his whole body was rotten and smelly.

There was a big truck picking them up to the production team they were going to go to next. Yang Heqin glanced at Yan Hui who was alone, hesitating and embarrassed to go forward, but in her heart she was looking forward to being in the production team with her so that she could get a new one. Return her sanitary apron.

The big truck really hurt everyone's ass.

Fortunately, it took only two hours, and they arrived at their future commune. There were more than [-] educated youths, who would be assigned to various brigades under the commune.

There is also a banner at the gate of the commune: "Warmly welcome educated youth to go to the front line of the countryside!"

The banner is quite old, and it has been used for many times, because there is a big hole in the red banner, which is very eye-catching, making everyone stare at the hole.

The director of the commune seemed to have noticed the strange eyes of these young people, coughed, and delivered a speech in a spirited manner.

The central idea is to welcome you, and hope that you will work diligently to contribute to the motherland and the hard-working people in the future.

Some people disagree, and some applaud enthusiastically, but overall they are quite curious about what life will be like next.

Because everyone is from the city.

Some people really don't know what the countryside is like, and Yan Hui didn't know it in his previous life. In the countryside, he was severely skinned. Physically, it was really hard!

"Okay, next, let's ask our secretary to roll the roll. The captains of each production team stand up and take your badges. The educated youth looks at the team leader's badge and stands behind the team leader when they are called. Did you hear that?"

The commune president shouted.

More than [-] educated youths said sparsely and heard it.

The captains of the various brigades looked bitterly at such young people, and they were all mourning, hoping that there would be as few educated youths as possible, and it would be best if there were no educated youths.

The captain of the herding brigade also thought the same thing. The educated youths are used to living a good life in the city with thin arms and legs. How can they bear the hardships of the countryside? When the time comes, the brigade will have to pull out food for them to eat first. I don't know when I can pay back, and it's easy to make all kinds of troubles. It's really annoying. Now that the house is not enough, I don't know where to arrange them!

Captain Mu took a puff of dry tobacco, worried!

However, Commune Shu seemed to be very familiar with him, calling his name again and again, and the head of the animal husbandry team who shouted was feeling cold and cold, pulling his face, wanting to scold his mother.

"Yan Hui, the shepherd's brigade."

Yan Hui hurriedly stood behind Captain Mu and smiled at him.

Captain Mu saw that she had slender arms and legs, she was good-looking, and her eyebrows could kill a fly.

What he fears most are female educated youths.

There are quite a few young men in the brigade who just like pretty girls, like being kicked in the head by a donkey. When they see a beautiful girl, they rush up and help others work without complaint or regret, but they don't even pay attention to him.

"Zhang Riqing, the shepherd's brigade."

The head of the animal husbandry team looked at him as gentle and gentle, and frowned even deeper. The young boys in the village are fools, and those little girls are not so good. It is easy to be coaxed by men to help others work or not For others to eat.

The team leader watched the educated youths come behind him one by one, and was really worried. The little brats in his team should not be as if their brains were filled with water.

Wait until it's finally settled.

There are five educated youths behind Captain Mu, which made him extremely resentful, "Let's go."

The five educated youths followed blankly.

There were actually tractors in the brigade, but the head of the Mu brigade didn't want to drive a tractor to meet such a group of things.


A group of people walked slowly, Yang Heqin was also in the same brigade as Yan Hui, and was inexplicably happy, but suppressed his happiness and didn't show it.

The head of the Mu brigade put his hands behind his back, looked at the five children behind him, and told them about the current situation of the brigade: "There is no place for the educated youth to live, and you will have to find the villagers to make do with it later, remember to give living expenses, we rural people are not greedy If you have a little food, you who come from the city must also observe discipline."

Everyone should be.

Yan Hui's eyes lit up, she remembered that Muyuan's house was very big, and she wanted to live with her husband!
Thinking of Mu Yuan, Yan Hui couldn't help but think of the time when Mu Yuan was tortured by illness before he died...

Even if she left first, her soul kept wandering until she watched him die.

The feeling of distress and despair but powerlessness caused Yan Hui to collapse many times and wanted to cry, but she was only a soul body, and she couldn't even do the most basic collapse and cry.

In this life, Yan Hui wanted to take good care of him, and also take good care of herself.

That way you don't have to regenerate in vain.

The commune was only about ten kilometers away, neither too far nor too close to the shepherd's brigade. The head of the shepherd's team slowed down and walked for two and a half hours to arrive as he saw these young children carrying packages.

And seeing the situation of the Mu family brigade, the heart of the captain of the Mu family instantly changed to that of the educated youths.

When the cold wind blows, I shiver directly.

"I'll go to the brigade to gather the big guys first, you can stay here on the grain drying field." Captain Mu said a few words and left.

Yan Hui and the others were waiting on the grain drying ground leading to the main road. There were only old people and children on the grain drying ground, pointing at the five of them, like watching monkeys.

The slender figure came into view, thump, thump, Yan Hui's heartbeat began to speed up, there was a pounding sound in her heart, and it was about to burst, and it seemed that someone was holding a hammer and was slowly hitting her heart.

The moment he saw his face clearly, Yan Hui's eyes turned red suddenly, with incomparable nostalgia and longing.

Also for a moment, Mu Yuan seemed to have noticed something, and slowly raised his face, the corners of his mouth were glistening, the young man had a pair of unruly eyes, and he noticed that a young educated youth was looking at him, he smiled at her, dragging the wound, grinning Grinning, ruffian whistled.

Yan Hui smiled, her smile was gentle, she looked at him as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world, full of care and pampering.

Such an abnormal smile made Mu Yuan startled, the little girl is pretty, but there is something wrong with her mind.

"Brother Yuan, I've fallen in love with it." Mu Minglai, who was squinting at the side, looked cheerfully, and commented: "Looking at it, the educated youth is the most beautiful. Look at her smiling at you, Brother Mu, what do you think?" Will the educated youth fall in love with you?"

"Go away, you are from the city, trouble."

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