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Chapter 19 Asking for Leave Again

Everyone has come to learn.

Then how will she show off in the future?

But she was quite happy.

Because her house often doesn't have guests.

After all, she has no son, and the eldest grandson in the family is a bum, and many people think that their family is not serious.

Even if there are daily contacts.

Everyone will talk nonsense together.

But there are not many families in the real relationship except the head of the Mu team.

"Hinoki, will I trouble you if I bring someone here?" Grandma Mu was quite embarrassed.

"No, no, I will talk about some content in the newspaper later, and you can also discuss your views with me, right?" The newspaper is more or less deep, and Yan Hui tries to make it as simple as possible. The vernacular, and even combined with some small events in life to tell a group of old men and old ladies in front of me, what kind of truth is this.

A group of old men and old ladies listened with gusto.

The hands are also working.

Listening to so many interesting little stories told by her good voice, I was nervous and happy with her.

Many people are envious of Grandma Mu, who has such a good educated youth living at home and can hear so many new things.

It is rare for Grandma Mu to be envied by others.

Or because of outsiders.

I don't know how I feel about my mood, but I am very old and mature, so I sent everyone away happily, and thanked Yan Hui happily.

"Grandma Mu, will I cause you any trouble?" Yan Hui asked cautiously.

"What are you thinking about, kid? When more people come, it means that the family is more popular. What a good thing, don't think too much, the story you told us today is really wonderful. "Grandma Mu also admired her a lot.

It's not like no one came here to eradicate illiteracy before.

But it's all in the fog.

Talked about a lot of big truths, but everyone didn't understand a word, unlike her, she taught everyone three words tonight, and one of them was their surname: Mu.

And what is written today is Grandma Mu's real name.

Let everyone know the real name of Grandma Mu.

It's really great to be known by everyone's real name, and Grandma Mu is generally quite happy, so she started chatting with her.

the next day.

The number of old people gradually increased.

The third day... the seventh day.

It's not just old people anymore.

There are also flowers of the motherland-children.

Parents said it was to teach their children a few more words.

For a while, the herdsman's house was crowded. In such a situation, Yan Hui went directly to the village committee: "I think we can hold a literacy class to get the educated youths in the village to move."

"This..." Captain Mu hesitated: "Now is the busy farming season. Although the elderly, children, and you educated youths are not the main force, but now is the busy farming season, and this matter should be put first."

"I know, but we have been busy for a while, don't we have less busy time? At that time, I thought that we could become a deblinding brigade. In that case, the captain, you will go to the commune for a meeting. I think the director of the commune will definitely I will praise our team and your teaching skills."

The pancake painted by Yan Hui.

Let Captain Mu move a little: "What do you want to do?"

"I think it will be held at the school playground of our brigade. If it is windy and rainy, don't go there. If it is not windy and rainy, just ask the villagers to gather around to listen to stories and participate voluntarily."

Everyone is now voluntary.

If it suddenly becomes compulsory to participate.

Then the enthusiasm may be reduced instead.

"I've done it before, but those educated youths didn't perform well. It's just you who made such a big deal all at once. I have to think about it and discuss it with other village committees."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Yan Hui was dying of anxiety.

She saw that Grandpa Mu was going to be said and scolded when he carved wood, but it was Grandma Mu who stopped him.

"Captain, I want to ask for leave."

"Why did you ask for leave again? Didn't you just ask for leave a week ago? What's the matter with you?" Captain Mu couldn't understand her. Why are there so many things going on every day?

"I have a serious business this time. As an educated youth, I went to the countryside to support. I came here to build a better motherland. Now I have a little experience, so I want to contribute to see if I can be selected, that is Let more people see the beautiful life of going to the countryside, and at the same time enrich my life a little bit, and also publicize our brigade."

The last sentence is important! ! !
Captain Mu's eyes lit up: "Do you want to contribute? The kind that appears in newspapers?"

"I'm just writing an article now, and I'm not sure if it will be published in the newspaper." Yan Hui is still a bit more conservative.

In case this matter is publicized, if she didn't submit a draft, it would really be a slap in the face.

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look."

Captain Mu said it twice.

The representative was also very excited.

In fact, he hasn't met anyone who can contribute to a newspaper.

Yan Hui had expected it.

Put an article in front of him.

Captain Mu lifted the oil lamp closer, looked at the paper, and couldn't help complaining: "Comrade Xiaoyan, didn't I tell you before, did you come to me during the day for something? Why did you come to me at night again? You are so No way, it’s a waste of public assets and oil lamps.”

"I was so busy during the day, and then I was going to tell everyone a story just after dinner when I got home. I couldn't leave at all, so I came to you so late."

Well, actually she was thinking.

If you ask for leave aboveboard, you will be complained about.

Because she had asked for leave 7 days ago.

The frequency of asking for leave is too high, and now the farming season is busy.

It's really not good.

Captain Mu.I can no longer listen to what he said, because he feels that this article is really simple, but at the same time it is beautiful.

With just a few strokes, it outlines the most beautiful appearance of rice fluttering in the breeze, and writes down the posture of the working people working hard in farming. The presentation of each word can make people have a picture in their minds.

Praise the simple working people.

He praised the great motherland and the chairman.

At the same time, he also mentioned that their brigade is a very tolerant and happy brigade, all managed by the brigade leader.

Captain Mu looked at the words that praised him, and thought that if these articles could be published in the newspaper, he must burn this newspaper for the eighteen generations of his ancestors to have a look. Newspapers! ! !
Yan Hui, who looked at the silly head of the animal husbandry team, was speechless.

In the end, she got a piece of paper with a white paper to write the certificate, and she saw how generous Chief Mu was.

Yan Hui was really ashamed.

In fact, she praised Grandma Mu and Grandpa Mu for much more space than Captain Mu.

Hey, who made her fall in love with the house, there is no way.

But when will her husband come home——

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