Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 183 Mu Yuan Lost

"That's good. I'm going to see Mu Chenming tomorrow, and I'll go to see how you are doing." Mu Yuan was still a little worried.

The distance between the two is so far.

He was leaving in five days.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. He really can't do anything, and he can't take care of her at all. It's better to go to the hospital to see her.


Yan Hui also knew that it was to make him feel at ease.

Mu Yuan hugged her tightly and rubbed her hair: "Go to bed early."

"Hmm." Yan Hui could sense that he didn't want to talk more about whether to stay or not, so he didn't continue to ask.

Feeling the gradually even breathing of the person in his arms, Mu Yuan was also thinking about what to do in the future. If he stayed in the capital, he would definitely become a door-to-door son-in-law.

Although today Yan Hui's parents did say that they would not treat him as a door-to-door son-in-law, they should be more realistic.

If he comes.

Whether he is from his hometown or from the capital, he will definitely think that he relies on Yan Hui's parents for his position, because no matter what, he will definitely rely on Yan Hui's family members for his life and work.

That's no different from the door-to-door son-in-law.

Forget about this, if it is really a good future, after his strength has improved to a certain level, no one will force him to do so.

Here comes the key question, if he lives in such a small house, what will happen to his grandparents and his younger siblings?
Let them stay in the country?

He knew he was not filial.

But putting aside his family members and coming to the capital to enjoy the blessings, that would be too beastly, and he is the eldest grandson, that is, the pillar of the family, he ran outside and stayed in his hometown, the old and the young, how could he rest assured?

The moon is still crooked.

Mu Yuan is still at a loss as to where to go.

The capital city, the place that people all over the country dream of, it is impossible for him not to be moved, but the reality...

In the morning, before dawn, the east began to turn pale, and the black sky was gradually fading. Mu Yuan woke up early. After adjusting his schedule, he didn't have the habit of sleeping late, but he didn't get up with his wife in his arms. .

Because there is no need to cook breakfast here.

The whole family eats in the canteen.

Originally, Yan Hui wanted to cook, but because the Yan family has never cooked, the kitchen was given up to others, and now he suddenly feels embarrassed to come back.

Looking at the woman with black long and thick eyelashes in her arms, it might be a little hot to nest in her arms, her skin is white and pink, and her face has a little flesh. The uneducated Mu Yuan doesn't know how to describe him daughter-in-law.

It's pretty good.

That cheek is a bit fleshy.

Poke poked, feel good.

The corners of the mouth were raised unconsciously, and those rebellious eyes were full of tenderness and love that could not be ignored.

After gently stroking her hair, Mu Yuan hesitated for a long time, and carefully placed his hand on her lower abdomen. The child has been almost three months old, and her lower abdomen is still flat. In fact, the feeling of the hand has not changed, but his heart is thumping wildly. Jump.

as a father.

In fact, Yan Hui told him that he was pregnant.

Until now.

He didn't have much emotion, he was only worried about Yan Hui's physical condition from the beginning to the end, but now...

Suddenly there is a telepathy.

It seems that he is going to be a father.

Through the thin fabric, feeling his blood, Mu Yuan truly felt the anxiety of being a father, and he was responsible for the life of the new life.

There is always an indescribable feeling in the heart.


There is stress, but there is also happiness.

Yan Hui's eyelashes trembled, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Mu Yuan, and couldn't help kissing him on the chin.

Mu Yuan showed an instant smile: "Are you greedy for me?"

"Yes." Yan Hui answered.


Mu Yuan couldn't utter the next words, because she was pregnant! ! !


She squeezed her somewhat fleshy face, gritted her teeth and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Yan Hui smiled like a little fox: "Yes."

Mu Yuan: "..."

"My lord has a lot, so I don't care about it with you."

"Hahaha, you can't care about it." Yan Hui had to go further and kissed again, Mu Yuan enjoyed and suffered at the same time, she was too bad.

"You wait, wait till you give birth, and see how I teach you a lesson!" Mu Yuan said viciously.

Yan Hui gave him a provocative look: "Who is afraid of whom?"

Mu Yuan was so angry that he lost his temper, "Get up and have breakfast."

Mu Yuan got up first, and went to find her the clothes she was going to wear today, unexpectedly opened the closet and found men's clothes, which were quite handsome, Mu Yuan was stunned instantly, "Is this clothes for me? "

"Otherwise?" Yan Hui asked back.

"Then there must be no other people." Mu Yuan picked it up and looked at it. Not only that, but also the clothes he can wear casually, including the dark clothes that can be worn when he goes out to work in winter. It can be said that he has clothes for the whole winter.

The key is that there are still gloves and a hat on the side of the clothes, Yan Hui is afraid that he will prepare coldly, Mu Yuan doesn't mention Su Shuang from the bottom of his heart.

"Why don't you try it out?"

These are the clothes she made for him when she had nothing to do. In fact, there are other people in the family. She prepared them separately. These clothes are mainly for him to see.

A little surprise for the old couple.

"Okay, I don't actually wear shirts or anything like that, but I think you like what I wear, so I'll try it?"

"Whatever you want, just don't think my clothes are ugly."

"how is this possible!"

You wouldn't even dare to give him ten guts.

"How is it impossible? It's not the first time I've made clothes for you. Do you remember the first time I made clothes for you? You thought my clothes were very hypocritical, and I looked very disgusted, you know?"

If it weren't for the two not being together.

She must have beaten Mu Yuan violently.

The daughter-in-law suddenly recalled the past, and Mu Yuan panicked, "It was an accident. Actually, I like it very much, but I don't wear that kind of clothes, it looks weird in my hometown."

Look at his expression trying to make up for it.

Yan Hui couldn't deny it.

Mu Yuan didn't dare to say anything anymore, he felt that the most terrifying thing about his wife was not raising her voice, but not being angry.

He was scared to death.

He hurriedly changed his clothes, and first boasted: "I think this dress is great, it's well tailored, and it's very comfortable to wear. It's my daughter-in-law, and she misses me all the time."

"Why not?"

Yan Hui looked at him with his chin in his hands, so handsome!

He didn't button it all the way.

Yan Hui's thoughts were directly skewed, and he thought of the strong and muscular chest muscles under the white shirt, the well-defined abdominal muscles, the tight and powerful side waist, the mermaid line that seduces people to explore, and the light wheat-colored body...

stop! ! !

The sky is clear and the sky is bright.

What is going on in her mind?
Mu Yuan also looked at her strangely, and silently buttoned it up. Seeing him like that, Yan Hui, who was a little shy at first, turned into anger, "What are you buttoning, it's not like I haven't seen it."

Mu Yuan: "..."

He lost.

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