With the arrival of new educated youths, the Mu family brigade ushered in fresh blood. At the same time, Lin Chunyan's hair fell out suddenly. Yan Hui, who got along with her every day, didn't notice it, but Grandma Mu, who hadn't seen her for two days, saw it. She yelled, "Oh, Xiaoyan, your front hair is missing again, it's still white."

Yan Hui: "..."

Grandma is so straightforward.

Lin Chunyan rubbed her forehead and sighed fiercely: "Is there any way, the newcomers were in trouble before, especially our batch of things, they are the children of those leading cadres, just heard that our brigade has a factory, I think Where there are factories, the performance will definitely be better, and the standard of living will also increase, so all the brains will be thrown at us.”

All six people are ancestors.


"Auntie, I seem to remember that Chang Jun is about to wake up. You are busy, so I won't bother you." Yan Hui hurriedly dragged grandma out of the team committee. Grandma Mu was a little puzzled: "What's the matter?"

"I didn't come to the meeting today because of something in the factory. I heard them say that there must be special people watching these educated youths. After all, their parents are very powerful. I feel that if I don't leave that group of people will be me. "Even Yan Hui felt that he was fearless, but he was unwilling to deal with a group of ancestors.

Grandma Mu nodded again and again: "This is what it should be, don't stay with them."

Last time, that person's senses made Grandma Mu very bad.

Yan Hui nodded.

She is not stupid.


Qin Xiaoyue slapped Mu Simo hard on the face, and both Mu Simo and the head shepherd in her arms fell to the ground.

The pupils of Yan Hui and Grandma Mu shrank suddenly when they saw it from a distance, and hurried forward to help Mu Simo up, "How are you, Simo? Does your face hurt? What's wrong with her?"

Mu Sim remained silent.

The whole person was shaking.

"Bitch." Qin Xiaoyue sneered, "Just like her, she really wants to eat swan meat."

Anger surged to the top of his head and exploded with a bang.

Yan Hui directly grabbed her by the collar, and the two looked at each other, the anger in their eyes almost burned her, "What did you say!"

"What did I say? If you don't believe me, ask her what she did. It's disgusting. It's a shameful thing." Qin Xiaoyue shook off Yan Hui's restraint, and left with a cold snort. Before leaving, she did not forget to warn Mu Si Mo: "If you dare to commit another crime again, I will gouge out your eyes."

Mu Simo flinched, using the small body of Mu Changjun to cover her shameful face.

Yan Hui and Grandma Mu were so aggrieved that they wanted to die, they asked Mu Simo what was wrong, she just didn't say anything, and went home and closed the door alone.

Fearing that the little girl would do something stupid, Yan Hui said, "Siyan, go and try."

Mu Siyan nodded and knocked on the door, "Simo, open the door."

"I'm fine." Mu Simo said.

"Write down what happened today on paper and tell me, okay?" Mu Siyan persuaded in a low voice. Hearing that his sister was beaten and scolded with such nasty words, he couldn't help but think about all the past.

"not good!"

Mu Simo refused obviously.

The whole family had to worry about the little girl, so Grandma Mu went out to inquire to find out what caused her granddaughter to be beaten, and she still didn't dare to resist after being scolded.

The most important thing is that Yan Hui is still there.

Grandma Mu is aware of her granddaughter's dependence and trust on Yan Hui. Basically, if there is nothing wrong with her and she is beaten, she will definitely complain to her, but now she is alone in the room.

That's not a good situation.

Grandma Mu, who came back after carefully inquiring around, had a dark face, and kicked the stool at home fiercely, almost breaking the stool that Grandpa Mu seriously made, and it was also enough to prove that there was something wrong with it. How angry.

"That male educated youth dared to seduce our children and let it go, but he even beat up and slandered our girl. How could our family think of that little boy? Besides, my girl is only very old, so doing that is to ruin my girl." Fame, I will fight with her when I turn back, don’t think that leading the children can cover the sky with one hand, this is a new era, it’s not the feudal dross of ancient times..."

Grandma Mu was cursing there.

Yan Hui suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that when he was in the transportation team, when he first met Qi Jusi, Mu Simo also said that he thought that male teacher was so handsome.

Could it be that Simo fell in love with a male educated youth and thought he was handsome, and then he took a second look and was slapped by that woman.

What the hell!

The man's face is inlaid with gold.

After thinking about it, Yan Hui made a little guess about her girl's thin-skinned character, and the truth came to light, and said through the door of Mu Simo's room: "Simo, I already know the reason for your unhappiness. Open the door, sister-in-law, come in."

Mu Simo panicked in his heart: "I, I, I, I don't want to break up their relationship, I don't even know they are childhood sweethearts, and I don't even want to talk to them..."

Through the door of the room, Mu Simo cried while talking, really just looked at it twice, it was because Chang Jun had a rattle in his hand, it was made by Grandpa Mu, the child is weak, but he still He likes to play, but then he likes to throw it away, so she told him to pretend to be angry and wanted to hit him, and the educated youth came over, picked up the wave drum and stuffed it into his hand, and just stared blankly for a while.

I think this educated youth is so handsome.

Not only handsome, but also kind of gentle feeling.

Unexpectedly, soon a girl said that the two of them were engaged, told him to stay away from that man, and called her a vixen, a mistress, and a bitch.

She really didn't.

Now she is only 13 years old.

If she dared to fall in love, her family would definitely break her legs.

"I know you don't have anyone who would think that you do, stupid or not, that woman is just looking for something to do to her sister-in-law, and you are innocently involved, show me if your face is swollen." Yan Hinoki comforted him softly, and took all the responsibility on himself.

"How is it possible, sister-in-law, you are so nice, she just scolded me." In Mu Simo's mind, it was a bit too much for him to look at other people's fiancés, but sister-in-law is the best.

"Okay, okay, I know, you open the door and I'll see if I can play with eggs, I have to go to school to reduce the swelling." Yan Hui said.

Mu Simo opened the door slowly.

Yan Hui saw that Grandma Mu was coming in too, so she said with her lips that she would go in first, and she would come in later, Grandma Mu could think about it, as the two have a good relationship, maybe persuasion will be enough.

Yan Hui went in, but Mu Simo quickly closed the door.

After closing the door, I sat on the bed, put my hands on my knees, and lowered my head. It was really pitiful, really angry and cute.

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