Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 136 Bamboo Woven Bag

Seeing her in a hurry, Mu Yuan didn't understand what she was going to do, he could only keep up with her, thinking about his car.

When he came to the post office, Yan Hui bought the most recent and most authoritative newspaper, which was full of important national events, and quickly flipped through it at a glance, wanting to watch the exchange meeting.

She remembered that there was a large exchange meeting in 1976, which was attended by people from all over the world, but there was an exchange meeting in 1974 this year, but at that time, domestic items were dismissed and there were not many reports.

That is to say, it has experienced various blows before the arrival of reform and opening up.

It is now in the late stage of industrial reform. Unlike the early stage, the momentum is very strong. Now the late stage has become very inefficient, and often just a planning conference will be held for several months in a row.

All economic activities are highly centralized. For example, to open a coal mine, how much wood is needed and how much is it?How to ship?How much coal is mined each year?

All of the above have to be calculated, regulated, and planned by the planning committee, and then coordinated with the economic, forestry, and transportation departments, which is too inefficient.

The reform and opening up is not a separated relationship, but a succession, which also makes our country better.

But before that, he must have suffered great pain.

The exchange meeting was also a stone that exploded, but at this moment, Yan Hui just wanted to make good use of that stone.

Her expression was too serious, and Mu Yuan didn't know what to ask, until Yan Hui read the report, the girl looked at him with bright eyes: "Mu Yuan, I have figured out a way!"

Infected by the joy she radiated, Mu Yuan also had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment: "How?"

"I want to make handmade products, not limited to hair accessories on the head, small bamboo bags, and wooden ornaments, all of which are fine. Domestic manpower is cheap, but foreign handwork is expensive. This is our disadvantage and advantage!" The girl is full of enthusiasm. Talking about this matter, the whole person seemed to be emitting light, dazzling and flamboyant.

When the two returned home, Yan Hui began to make plans, and she also needed to go through the team leader, but because the team leader is unstable now, she can directly negotiate with foreigners with materials that can be mass-produced.

During this period, Grandpa Mu needs help.

This is a craftsman! !

Grandpa Mu took the drawing and praised Yan Hui: "Jihui, the patterns you drew are really beautiful." Then the voice changed: "But do foreigners really like it? I heard that they have electricity in every household, and they don't even need to cook. Firewood, and a TV set."

These are beyond their reach.

Especially the electricity, the previous brigade leader had applied for it a long time ago, and the entire brigade has no electricity until now.

"Yes, Grandpa, you believe in me and your craftsmanship. Our country is a huge country, and we have inherited many things from ancient times that they don't have."

Grandpa Mu looked at Yan Hui, and a sense of arrogance welled up in his heart: "Okay, then I'll give it a try."

"it is good!"

The grandparents and grandchildren talked very happily.

Grandma Mu couldn't figure it out, and she was worried: "Is it okay to deal with foreigners?"

"It's okay, they participate in the activities organized by the government themselves, just like setting up a stall, no problem." Mu Yuan has never had contact with foreigners, so he doesn't understand at all.

Before going to sleep, Mu Yuan asked Yan Hui: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Aren't you going to work? It's okay. I'll go with Uncle Mu, and bring Si Yan Simo with me, so that they can also open their eyes. You can earn money to support your family." Yan Hui doesn't want to be intimate with Mu Yuan at all. , I just want to go to bed early and get up early to perfect the lining and decoration of the handmade bamboo woven bag.

Seeing that she fell asleep in seconds, Mu Yuan was convinced.

The place she was going to took a train for three days and three nights. Although it was not that far away, she was still not at ease.

See how to lie and ask for leave.

The next morning, Yan Hui woke up earlier than Mu Yuan, but when she woke up, Mu Yuan naturally woke up too.

When Yan Hui wakes up, he makes linings for the size of the bag. There is nothing he can do if he is short on time. Needless to say, the sewing machine is still very practical. For Grandpa Mu, bamboo weaving is something that can be done at the age of five, even if the style changes. I have also learned how to think, and when I heard my granddaughter-in-law say that it will be put on the national stage, I will do it more carefully.

After breakfast, Yan Hui went to write the application again, and sent it directly to the town, where the staff of the town handed it over to the unit that held the event. In the letter, Yan Hui spoke sincerely, was very confident in the products she made, and showed that The booth only needs a small table, and she is willing to work as a translator for free during non-stall time. After all, she knows two foreign languages ​​and Cantonese.

Cantonese is naturally learned by watching movies.

The foreign language is that her education environment is more complicated. At the beginning, their foreign language was Russian, and then it gradually changed to English. In addition, she was bored as a ghost, and they all became proficient.

Yan Hui felt that the translation of the whole article was the most popular. In addition, her file was clean and there was no possibility of collusion with foreigners, so the chances of passing it were quite high.

The opening is on: August 8.

The time was too tight, Yan Hui was really afraid that the other party would not see the letter, so he went to the town to ask for the phone number, and made a call to the organizer.

"Comrade, if you are willing to come as a free translator, we welcome it, but isn't the bamboo weaving a bit too detrimental to our image?"

The other party's words were neither direct nor euphemistic.

Yan Hui tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and said with a smile: "We don't need a lot of places, and the booth will be open for three days. We can apply on the last day. We only need a place with a small table."

"But we showed vehicles and many advanced things on the spot, as well as a lot of our Huaguo delicacies. I just want to ask, if we are Huaguo people, would we buy bags made of bamboo?"

The staff really don't understand why someone wants to sell things made of bamboo. Isn't this deceiving consumers?

If Yan Hui knew what he was thinking, he would definitely say, does the other party bully us less?Besides, how good the bamboo weaving is, it is beautiful, delicate and durable, suitable for all kinds of occasions, and she was originally trying to trick foreigners.

Isn't that cool! ! !
"We won't, because our physical needs have not been met, and food and clothing can't be solved. I don't think clothes are that important, but the other party will, because our craftsmanship is exquisite enough, and I have enough knowledge of things in our country. confidence, please give me a chance."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"If we don't succeed, we will definitely learn from the lesson and use better products to meet foreign friends in the future." Yan Hui would not be so stupid to say that if he loses, he will do whatever he wants.

She is also inexperienced, okay?
The staff at the back said that it would take half an hour for her to talk to her boss.

Standing there waiting for the phone call, Yan Hui wished she could have a sewing machine by her side. She had to stay up all night recently, otherwise she couldn't make the bamboo bag.

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