After Yan's mother left, Yan Hui finally opened the red envelope, which was as high as 3000 yuan. She didn't even know how many years of savings Yan's mother had accumulated.

Separate the money from the couple's money, Yan Hui took a deep breath, came to the desk, and wrote about a lost child who was found at the age of eight. Facing his family, he went from being afraid of not adapting to being slow. Get used to it slowly, and then blend into the family story.

This is written for the Yan family. Perhaps in another time and space, "Yan Hui" lived that kind of life with them.

After handing over the manuscript to the newspaper through the post office, the editor who took over her manuscript saw her letter and opened it cheerfully.

He has a new story, which has appeared in the newspaper~
The story is a bit heavy besides happiness. At the end of the story, the mother recalls a letter written to the child when the child was lost many years ago. It is full of expectations... May you be the only you, follow Law-abiding, pure character, healthy, safe and smooth growth, in the face of injustice, always a warrior!
May there be no more child trafficking in the world.

May all separations be reunited.

He really likes the last paragraph, but if this story can be published in the newspaper, he still has to ask the editor-in-chief, after all, it is about abduction
After reading it, the editor-in-chief said: "Come on, just let a lot of people see what kind of mentality the parents have when the child is not lost, what kind of mentality the child has when they get the child back, and how to deal with it." , There are certain references in the article here, mainly to punish the two abductees terribly, and to publicize the crackdown on abduction is a good thing."

So the article appeared in the newspaper.

When the article came out, everyone was looking forward to reading it, but after seeing such a story, it was a bit heavy after reading it. Now the trafficking is too rampant.

At the end of the story, the heroine chose to be an anti-trafficking policeman, and wrote many short stories about anti-trafficking, little knowledge.

This point was directly published in the most authoritative national newspaper. I hope everyone can read it seriously. The headline is: "May there be no child trafficking in the world. May all separations be reunited."

The Yan family also saw the newspaper.

When I read the article before, I was more happy and touched than others, but now that the country has promoted this article, it is more proud.

Mother Yan called Yan Hui.

Yan Hui went to the town to answer the phone in the afternoon after getting the notification: "Hello, Mom, what's the matter?"

"Hinoki, your article has been read by many people. My mother is very proud, so I come to tell you. My mother also hopes that you can be unique, law-abiding, pure in character, healthy, safe and smooth. Injustice, you will always be a fighter!" Mother Yan read the original text with a smile.

Finally feel it, it's not too late now.

Yan Hui listened to the sound of anticipation, his brows and eyes curved, and warm currents flashed through his heart: "Yes, I will."

"Then take good care of yourself, mom is proud of you, come on!" Mother Yan encouraged.

"it is good."

Because the phone bill was too expensive, the two hung up the phone without talking for a few words, but their hearts were warm.

After walking out of the post office, Yan Hui hesitated for a while, and came to shop at random for sales, and he hadn't visited for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he met the manager. Suddenly, Yan Hui seemed to feel that there was something wrong there.

It seems to be something that I promised others, but I didn't do it...

Barrette hair ties! ! !

Yan Hui was a little sorry, but luckily she wore it.

"Hi, this is the hair clip and headband I promised to show you last time."

Yan Hui showed them both.

The manager was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he looked at it carefully for a moment, it was so beautiful, so he tentatively asked: "I don't know if you can keep these two things, can I make a report to the leader? Or you can just sell them to me directly." , but hope to leave your address."

"Huh? Why?"

Yan Hui couldn't understand.

"It's like this. I feel that you have great potential for sales. I want to ask the leaders for their opinions." The manager said.

Yan Hui nodded, and thought about it in his heart: "Okay, thank you, if necessary, of course I can, I'm at Mu Gensheng's house in the Mu Family Brigade."


After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, Yan Hui also had a different idea, and it happened to be half a month before the summer vacation, so he wanted to do something.

Yan Hui approached Mu Jiaye, the former team leader, and the current team leader is his younger brother, yes, it's that disgusting.

"Uncle, let's build a small factory, and how about you being the factory manager?"

"What?" Mu Jiaye didn't understand what she was talking about for a while.

"Isn't Muyuan in the transportation team now? If there is a market, you can ask him to help. We mainly focus on handmade jewelry. I happened to go to the supply and marketing cooperative in the town today, and the other party fell in love with my hair clips and hair hoops. Do you want them?" Try to apply to the commune."

Mu Jiaye's eyes brightened: "Seriously, does this really have a future?"

"Girls want to go to the supply and marketing cooperatives to buy hair ties. If the price is not too expensive, why don't they want to buy it? The main reason is that it looks good, and I can also make it." Regarding the style of hair clips and hoops, That's simply not too much.

"Okay, let's talk about the specific production costs, how to pay the villagers? And how much money will be sold at that time." Still have a certain understanding.

So the two started chatting.

The next day, Mu Jiaye went directly to the secretary of the commune. According to common sense, he should go to the captain first. Since Mu Jiacheng usually has no deterrent power, many people are dissatisfied, so it is only temporary.

Therefore, Mu Jiaye can go directly to the secretary of the commune.

Listening to the report of the former subordinate, the secretary feels that it is feasible, but...

"You have to at least get the sales done. If you don't succeed, you're pulling so many people to do side business, or girls' decorations. , focus on geography first, do you understand?"

Mu Jiaye nodded again and again: "I understand, this is necessary."

"Then go and try it out."

Unlike private transactions, it is now allowed for the brigade to engage in sideline business, and it will be praised, but any premise must be based on farm work.

The sideline business promoted by animal husbandry is no exception.

Back at the brigade, Mu Jiaye excitedly said to Yan Hui: "Xiao Hui, if we have a chance, we just need to open up the market, the secretary promised me to set aside a space in the open space behind the school as a small factory! "

"Really, that's great."

"That's... If it really happens, the director of the factory is Mu Jiacheng, and I will help." Mu Jiaye said this matter aggrieved.

Yan Hui's face instantly collapsed.

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