Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 106 The red envelope money was confiscated

"Hinoki... last time we..."

"What happened last time, I know you all worked hard. It's normal for life to go against your wishes. Don't be sorry, really." As for the hukou, Yan Hui said it was impossible not to be angry.

But it was over, and she didn't want to hold on to it.

Both Yan's father and Yan's mother were a little bit depressed. They knew that if they didn't follow their daughter's orders, they would definitely go further and further away.

As Mu Yuan said, Yan Hui is not short of money.

She doesn't need someone to send her something to prove how much she loves her.

"Then do as you say."

Mother Yan said bitterly.

Yan Hui laughed: "Thank you parents for tolerating my waywardness."

Yan's mother was healed by her smile in an instant: "Then there is no other way, you are so old, we can't control it."

They only hoped that the child would be happier, and gently rubbed her hair: "Your hair accessories are beautiful."

"I'll make one for you later. Simo is still making it in the room. Mom, would you like to play together? It's fun." Yan Hui invited, and Yan's mother was naturally happy, so she went to play with her and discussed her daughter's marriage. to the husband.

Because they only stayed until the second day of the new year, they began to discuss the list of invitations now, and the last discussion was, "We will hold a show with you during the summer vacation. Can you let Huihui come back to us to hold a show during the Chinese New Year? It is also a way for everyone. Get to know her."

Mu Yuan agreed: "Okay."

Father Yan finally got a little more balance in his mind: "Then you kid will treat my daughter well in the future and don't bully her."

"Don't worry, I won't."

"That's good."

Father Yan was a little sad. He only met his daughter for the second time, and he married off his daughter unexpectedly. His heart was really sour.

Girls don't want to stay! ! !

When it was twelve o'clock, the firecrackers finally started to be set off, and the crackling sound sounded, signaling the arrival of the new year. Mu Siyan went to pick up the firecrackers after the set off, and planned to set off them tomorrow.

Grandma Mu couldn't help but said, "Your face has been stung like this, don't be afraid of being blown up."

Mu Siyan paused slightly, and walked silently to the room.

Grandma Mu didn't say anything else, looking at the marks left by the firecrackers at the door, she felt very heartbroken, and she didn't know how many years it had been since they let off the firecrackers.

The grandson is getting married next year.

I don't know if my son and daughter-in-law know.

If you know, bless them well.

After their return visits, Yan's mother and Yan Hui lay down. Yan's mother hesitated for a long time before she dared to ask Yan Hui: "Are you under a lot of pressure when we do that?"

"It's not so stressful, it's just that I'm not used to it." Previously, her adoptive parents wanted to squeeze out the last bit of her value, but it was really hard to adapt to the sudden emergence of parents who were so good to her and wanted to give her everything.

"Hinoki, can you tell your mother how you lived when you were young?"

"When I was young, it was very simple. I got up in the morning to boil water, make breakfast, then wash the clothes at home, eat breakfast, go to school and come back to make lunch, then paste some matchboxes, go to school again, and come back to paste matchboxes , and then cook and boil water, wash dishes and clean up, and finally do homework."

Yan Hui's life is basically fixed.

That's pretty much it.

Yan's mother was very sad when she heard it: "They treat you so well, do you hate them?"

"At that time, I hated it very much. I wanted to buy the kind of rat poison. I thought we could just do it all at once, but now that I grow up, I don't hate it anymore." Time is really a good medicine, even if something like that happened before, Yan Hino also wanted to solve the problem, and after learning the result, he just let him go with the wind.

It's not that I hate it or not.

Because life is fine now.

So those things don't deserve to appear in life, and I don't bother to think about those things.

Simply put, there is no emotion.

Listening to her saying these words so ordinary, Mother Yan felt really uncomfortable: "Did you have any special joy when you were young?"

"Yes, our junior high school head teacher is very good. She helped me to go to high school. She even gave me half a steamed bun from her own food every day because she knew I didn't have anything to eat." Yan Hui told the teacher. This profession will always have a filter because of the junior high school teacher who helped her. Thinking of that teacher, she wants to have the opportunity to go back to Lishi.

In fact, compared to Yan's mother, or adoptive mother.

Yan Hui regards the teacher as a mother.

Because one is a biological mother.

One is a mother who is helpless in raising her.

And the teacher's education is more like the person holding her hand and leading her on the right path. If it weren't for her perseverance, she would not have studied so hard at all, and it would have been impossible for her to be admitted to university in her previous life.

Therefore, Yan Hui has been very grateful to her for two lifetimes.

But after leaving Lishi, we never saw each other again.


"Your teacher is really a good person."

Mother Yan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yes, she is very nice."

Yan Hui always feels happy when she thinks of the teacher who is giving serious lectures on the podium, because she has a very good teacher who has guided her for four years.

On the first morning after New Year's Eve, Muyuan got up at six o'clock and started setting off firecrackers. With the crackling sound, everyone also got up one after another.

Today is a day that children like very much, and they can't wait, because they all want to get lucky money! ! !

The twins send New Year greetings to the four elders.

I got four big red envelopes.

Even Yan He and Mu Yuan also gave it. They won six big red envelopes. They were so happy that they went back to the room and opened them to see how many they had.

"Brother gave me a piece."

Both of them were a little disappointed when they opened Muyuan's red envelope.

They all thought that big brother was so stingy.

Then my sister's brother, "Wow, ten dollars, great unity, my God, our first great unity!"

Next is grandparents.

Grandpa gave sixty-six cents.

Grandma gave fifty cents.

The twins are used to it, normal and normal.

Yan's father gave ten yuan, and so did Yan's mother.

"Wow, today we have 30 yuan!!!" Both of them felt unbelievable, just one day they directly received a worker's salary for a month, and they jumped up on the bed in excitement: "We got rich."

"I'm going to buy nice fabrics..."

"I want to buy something fun..."

Just when the two were having fun.

Granny Mu's voice broke in: "Show grandma how much money you charged."

Mu Siyan, Mu Simo: "..."

There is an inexplicable bad feeling.

Sure enough, when Grandma Mu saw it, she said: "Give me so much, grandma will keep it for you, otherwise you will be sure to lose it in one go, and we have to return the gift, don't worry, if you have anything you want, grandma Definitely ask your brother to buy it for you."

Mu Siyan, Mu Simo: "..."

The two obediently handed over the money.

Only the red envelopes given by the family were left behind.

How miserable! ! !

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