Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 99 Letter from Prison

Going to school, eating at home, embroidering things, and occasionally going to the supply and marketing building or the alley to search for old things, Han Xiaoxiao lived a peaceful and fulfilling life, and the heat brought by saving lives gradually dissipated, and everyone went to Focusing on other hot issues, this is also what she hopes, she has too many secrets, the most fearful thing is that everyone will focus on her, it will make her very uncomfortable and insecure, fortunately, time is the most powerful.

After she and Ji Yu exchanged two more letters, and received a share of embroidery from Qiao Jiu, she ushered in her first exam after entering high school.

This exam, high school students generally attach great importance to it. A few days before the exam, after school, Han Xiaoxiao found that many students were not in a hurry to go home and continued to study in the classroom. She was quite touched, but apart from studying, she There are other things to do, and she will not follow the trend. In her opinion, as long as the time at school is fully used, her learning goal has been achieved.

The day before the exam, the head teachers of each class announced everyone's exam room and exam number in their class, which were sorted according to the grades of the students when they entered school. It is not a unified proposition, so this ranking cannot absolutely explain the ranking and strength of the students, but it is generally the same.

Not surprisingly, Han Xiaoxiao was assigned to the first examination room, but it was the fifth seat, which meant that there were four students in front of her. The moment she saw the examination number, she had a strong fighting spirit.

If there is someone ahead, then she still has someone to defeat.

On the day of the exam, she rode to school early and drank a glass of water mixed with spiritual springs to refresh herself.

After sitting in the examination room, she secretly looked at her competitors, and those few people also secretly observed the other students in the examination room. After all, those who can sit in their examination room are all people of comparable strength. What about competition?

Everyone is familiar with Han Xiaoxiao, and it was only at this meeting that everyone knew that this girl who has the value of force and has saved many children is actually very good at studying.

Han Xiaoxiao didn't care what other people thought of her. When the exam bell rang and the papers were handed out, she wrote down her name and class with a brush, and began to answer the questions seriously.

Since there are many subjects in the first year of high school, the test lasts for two days. Even Han Xiaoxiao, who is always full of energy, is a little tired after the test, mainly from the spirit.

The school is also considered kind. After the exam, they gave them a collective day off. In fact, the teachers were anxious to correct the papers and had no time to go to class.

When Han Xiaoxiao arrived at home, she saw her grandma frowning, and immediately became worried.

"There's a letter from the prison," said Grandma.

"Which one of them belongs to?" Han Xiaoxiao frowned.

"Jiang Wenlan, she wants to meet Xiaofeng." It stands to reason that as a grandmother, it is not easy for her to prevent her biological mother and child from meeting, but Xiaofeng finally became a person who looks good in all aspects under the guidance of her and her granddaughter. My child, what if I met Jiang Wenlan, a terrible mother, and was affected badly?That's why she's worried.

"Grandma, actually, I think we should leave the choice to Xiaofeng." If Xiaofeng wants to see him, he will see him, if he doesn't want to see him, he won't. They should respect his brother's choice.

"Well, then ask him."

During the meal, grandma mentioned this matter.

Mom wants to see me?Han Xiaofeng's first reaction was to be happy, and he nodded immediately.

Jiang Wenlan, who looked terrible to grandma and Han Xiaoxiao, had nothing to say to Han Xiaofeng's son. After being separated for so long, Han Xiaofeng actually missed his mother all the time, but it was obvious at first, and then he only thought about it in his heart.

Seeing this, grandma and Han Xiaoxiao were both stunned. They thought he would think about it to some extent, but they didn't expect it to be so unthinking.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other.

"Grandma, why don't we go there when Xiaofeng and I are on vacation, and we'll go back and have a look." Jiang Wenlan's prison is in the county next door to her hometown, so it's very close.

"That's how it is." Grandma nodded, and when she brought it back, she also missed people in her hometown.

On the day of the holiday, Han Xiaoxiao made full use of it to embroider and embroider. The things she asked Qiao Jiu to give to the manager for the second time before were not all sold out. If it is good, continue to do it, and if it does not sell well, reduce the quantity, which can be regarded as being flexible with the market.

Qiao Jiu enjoyed the sweetness from the share, and now he is thinking about whether he can get rid of the manager. He and Han Xiaoxiao set up a shop alone. After all, [-]% of the profit is shared every time. If they don't share, wouldn't they earn more? Of course, he also considered the client connections in the hands of the manager, so he didn't act rashly immediately, but he had already mentioned his thoughts to Han Xiaoxiao.

Who wouldn't want to make more money, as long as Qiao Jiu can do it, Han Xiaoxiao will support him, but she also knows that the two of them still have to rely on the manager to sell goods abroad, so she is not in a hurry to encourage Qiao Jiu to startle the snake.

Qiao Jiu has been out in the past few days to inquire about the store. He has a keen sense of business. He has heard some gossip. He knows that there are ideas from above to open up individual businesses and encourage the educated youths who have returned to the city without work to be self-reliant and make a fortune. Xintiandi.

Although he is not an educated youth returning to the city, he has always had the idea of ​​doing business. How can he let go of such a good opportunity? Before things are confirmed, he will start planning first.

The early bird catches the worm is not a casual saying.

Forerunners certainly have risks, but they also come with great opportunities.

After living in the yard for three months, grandma has completely given up on buying a house and moving out. She likes the atmosphere in the yard very much, and also likes neighbors like Mrs. Fang and Uncle Fatty. Living outside is not easy. If In a new place, what if the neighbors are unfriendly? She was also moved by the neighbors who tried their best to help when her grandson was lost. She wanted to move because she was worried about money. The second dividend, it seems that the business is very stable, and she no longer worries about money, she wants to live here with peace of mind, and stop thinking about it.

Han Xiaoxiao also supports grandma's idea. Leaving aside Mrs. Fang and Uncle Fatty, as far as the cooperation between her and Qiao Jiu is concerned, she feels that it is more convenient to live closer.

After returning to school after a break, the results of the midterm exam were also posted. Seeing that her name was listed as the number one in the school, Han Xiaoxiao's face was filled with joy, but when she saw the score of No. There is a sense of urgency again, it seems that I still can't relax at all, if I relax a little bit, I may be surpassed.

When Han Xiaoxiao's grades came out, her homeroom teacher, Teacher Su, was also very happy.

There are a total of eight classes, and the first place in the whole year is in her own class. Just seeing the envious eyes of her colleagues makes her feel very happy.

Wang Jinsong also did well in the exam. He entered the top [-] of the grade and ranked third in the class. However, seeing Han Xiaoxiao's grades, he was still a little surprised. The tablemate was a real person who didn't show his face. He thought he would listen to the exam, but the other party The test was even better, and it seemed that he was catching up, and he immediately regarded Han Xiaoxiao as the target of catching up.

Friends belong to friends. In terms of study, we still can't talk about friendship.

Yang Dachui started bragging about Han Xiaoxiao again. "Look at my boss, she is amazing, not only can fight, but also studies well, she..."

If it wasn't for not being so cruel to Yang Dahammer, Han Xiaoxiao really wanted to make him dumb.

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