In order to choose a birthday gift for Ji Yu, Han Xiaoxiao went home for dinner, and told her grandma that she was going out to buy something in the supply and marketing building. Grandma didn't ask her what to buy, but just reminded her not to come back too late.

After Han Xiaofeng was abducted, he no longer blames grandma and the others for not letting him go out alone, but now he is familiar with the children around him, and the adults in each family also recognize him, as long as he plays around the house during the day, there is nothing wrong with him. The traffickers dared to take him away in broad daylight.

And after this incident, Han Xiaoxiao also made some preparations for her younger brother. She specially prepared a small bottle with some spiritual spring water in it, and asked her younger brother to take it with her. It can be taken out for life-saving purposes.

In addition to these, she watched her younger brother exercise when she was free. After all, relying on no one is worse than relying on herself. My younger brother still needs to be able to protect himself a little bit.

In the past, if Han Xiaofeng was restrained by his sister to do things like jumping horses and doing other things, he would definitely not be willing to suffer. It can be seen that after seeing how powerful his sister is, he also wants to be like his sister who can beat wolves and human traffickers , so obviously very tired, but also gritted his teeth and persisted.

Fearing that outsiders would see her thinking wildly, the siblings both closed the door to guide the practice in the house. Ever since grandma said those words that day, Han Xiaoxiao knew that although she didn't need to explain some things, she didn't have to keep covering them up. Like she taught her younger brother to keep fit and practice martial arts.

In fact, she can only teach her younger brother some external moves, and she doesn't intend to tell anyone about the secret of internal strength.

Riding a bicycle to the supply and marketing building, she looked around inside and out, but she couldn't find a satisfactory gift, and went to a few shops on the street, but also couldn't find a suitable item. She was anxious and helpless, so she had no choice but to Try your luck at the place where you bought the dowry.

In a familiar place, the faces of the stalls did not change a lot. Seeing her coming in, the stall owner who sold her dowry recognized her first. "The little girl is here again, come and see my new things." Although the little girl can't afford a lot of money, she has taken care of her own business after all, and she can be regarded as her client, so he showed some enthusiasm.

Han Xiaoxiao scanned through his booth, but couldn't find any suitable as a gift, so she could only shake her head and went to another booth to look.

Perhaps it was because she had used up all her good luck last time. After sweeping all the stalls, she couldn't find anything that satisfied her. In the end, she only bought a small item that she liked, and then went home.

Sitting in the yard, helping grandma choose vegetables, she is still thinking hard.

Qiao Jiu came back from the outside, and when he saw her, he walked over with a smile on his face.

"Xiaoxiao, I have something good to tell you."

"What's the matter?" she wondered.

"The things you made last time have been sold out."

"sold out?"

"Isn't it? Not only foreigners like the things you make, but some of our compatriots who accompanied the foreigners liked them very much after seeing them. After one after another, they were sold out. You come in with me, and we share the money. ’ He shook his bag.

Han Xiaoxiao glanced at grandma.

"Go." Grandma brought the dish she chose to herself.

Han Xiaoxiao hurriedly wiped her hands and followed Qiao Jiu into the house.

Mrs. Fang looked at them as soon as they entered.

"Mom, Xiaoxiao and I will talk about business."

"Oh, then I'll go out." The old lady went out.

"Aunt, you don't have to go." Han Xiaoxiao felt embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm impatient to listen to what Lao Jiu said, you can tell it yourself, I'll find your grandma." After saying that, he opened the curtain and went out.

Han Xiaoxiao looked helplessly at Qiao Jiu.

"Don't look at me, my old lady has such a temper, it's okay, the money is the big deal." He turned his bag upside down and shook it, pouring out a lot of money.

"How much is this?" Han Xiaoxiao was a little dazzled.

"A total of more than 900." Qiao Jiu said happily.

"So many?" I probably gave a total of [-] things, and more than half of them were things that didn't take much effort. For example, small embroidery such as sachets and handkerchiefs. sold for a good price?She guessed.

"I was shocked too, but let's ignore him, the more money the better." Qiao Jiu said excitedly.

"Of course, Brother Ninth, let's take two pairs and a half." She said.

"No, you worked hard to do this. I just help to tie the strings and run errands. How can there be so much." Although Qiao Jiu likes to make money, he is not greedy.

"But without you, I wouldn't be able to sell these things." Han Xiaoxiao insisted.

"Okay, don't say anything, I'll take [-]% of this, and the rest is yours."

"No, that's too little."

In the end, under the tug-of-war between the two, the share ratio finally became [-]% for external stores, [-]% for Han Xiaoxiao, and [-]% for Qiao.

It only takes a month to earn [-]. Han Xiaoxiao expressed her satisfaction. Their rent is only [-] a month. Even if they can’t earn [-] in the future, they can earn [-] or [-] a month, which is enough for their family Don't waste money when you spend it, you can save a lot.

Qiao Jiu also expressed his satisfaction when he got [-]. After all, a worker outside only earns so much a month, and he doesn't feel tired doing this at all.

After getting the money, Han Xiaoxiao became more motivated to embroider things. When she took the money back, grandma was shocked by the amount, and immediately contracted all the housework, and never let her granddaughter interfere. The granddaughter can earn a lot by embroidering whatever she wants, and doing housework for herself is simply too wasteful.

What can Han Xiaoxiao do, she can only embroider things seriously, but before embroidering, first take the embroidery that she has accumulated these days to Qiao Jiu, and ask him to send it to the manager as soon as possible. There can be no delay.

When she came back again, she patted her head as soon as she picked up the embroidery needle. She was really dark under the lamp. Since she couldn't find a suitable gift for Ji Yu, why didn't she make one herself? Show your own intentions without making the other party feel that you are perfunctory.

As soon as she said it, she immediately searched for a suitable match from her own materials.

That night, she worked very late before turning off the lights and going to bed. Thanks to her good health and the addition of spiritual spring water, she was able to get up to go to school the next day still full of energy.

When she arrived at school, as soon as she sat down, she took out a small sachet and handed it to Wang Jinsong.

"I made this. You can use it. Take it out and smell it when you're tired. It's very useful. It can also prevent insects when you wear it on your body." When she made it for Ji Yu last night, she thought of her colleague. table, I just made one.

Wang Jinsong took the sachet and put it under his nose and smelled it, his face was amazed. "Student Xiaoxiao, tell me the truth, what else do you not know?" My deskmate is simply a treasure.

"What about this? It's really too much, let me think about it." She held her chin in a contemplative state.

Soon, the two laughed loudly, attracting the attention of many students in the classroom, and the two quickly restrained themselves.

Gu Qing, who was in the front row, turned around and saw something in Wang Jinsong's hand, and asked curiously, "What is this, it's so pretty."

Nowadays, few people really know about sachets.

Han Xiaoxiao explained to Gu Qing, but the greedy Gu Qing begged to order a sachet to go out. She was so scared that she didn't dare to show off at will. It's okay to have one Wang Jinsong and one Gu Qing, and more people beg for it. If so, she will really turn into a embroidered lady.Of course, she was willing to give it to Gu Qing because the relationship between the two was really good, and she might not give it to another person.

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