"Hello battalion commander." Zhang Bin saluted.Although Ji Yu has a good relationship with many soldiers in private, and is different from the general leader, but when he is serious, the soldiers under him are still very afraid of him.

"I want to ask you something." He saluted back and said.

"Battle Commander, tell me." Zhang Bin has already started to make up his mind.

"Well, have you ever given a gift to your childhood sweetheart?" Ji Yu felt a little embarrassed when he said it.

Zhang Bin was stunned?Commander, what does this mean?Although confused, he answered honestly. "Send it."

Give it away, that’s good, Ji Yu continued: "What kind of things do you think the girl likes as a gift?"

Holy crap, the battalion commander asked him to come here to ask about this. He never expected that the battalion commander really has a date, right?No, definitely.

Thinking about it in his heart, Zhang Bin replied: "I like beautiful clothes, hair flowers, and creams that girls can use at home." In fact, he has never sent them a few times, and he doesn't have much experience.

Even so, Ji Yu was satisfied when he heard the answer and patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, by the way, remember to keep it secret when you go back."

"Yes." Zhang Bin replied immediately.

"Let's go back to the team."

When Zhang Bin came back, the comrades in the queue were all curious, but the deputy company was next to him, so it was difficult to ask questions. Finally, after a break, everyone surrounded Zhang Bin.

"Tell me, boy, what does the battalion commander want you for?"

"That's right, tell me quickly."

Zhang Bin looked proud. "It's a secret." He's not stupid, so the battalion commander asked him about it. If it got out, who else could leak it?

After being coerced and lured by a group of people for a long time, Zhang Bin persisted in his heroic style of communist fighter who never leaked secrets!
After getting the answer, Ji Yu also began to ponder in his heart. When he had a direction, he also had to think about what to give, and when he was resting, he went out for a stroll.


After dinner, Han Xiaoxiao went over there to find Aunt Fang, and saw Qiao Jiu who finally came back.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?" Qiao Jiu thought she was looking for her and immediately stood up.

"Sit down and have a good meal. Xiaoxiao and I have something to do." Aunt Fang glared at her son.

After finishing speaking, he went out with Han Xiaoxiao, who was covering her mouth and giggling.

Qiao Jiu looked puzzled. When did Xiaoxiao get so close to his mother?He picked some vegetables for the bowl, and took the bowl to the yard.

Uncle Fat was sitting under the eaves of his own roof. There was a small table in front of him. There was a half bottle of white wine on it, as well as steamed buns, a plate of peanuts and a plate of stewed pork. It was obvious that the food was good.

"Uncle Fat, are you drinking again?" Qiao Jiu came over with a bowl.

"Two or two drinks a day, happy like a fairy." He doesn't drink too much, he just likes to drink.

"Well, did anything happen while I was away?" he asked.

"You boy, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't go around, I don't have the time to guess your mind." The fat uncle picked up a chopstick of peanuts and threw it into his mouth.

"Hey, fat uncle, do you know where my mother and Xiaoxiao are going?"

"They? Went to trouble Xiaoxiao's younger brother about going to school." Fat Uncle answered truthfully.

"Oh, let me tell you." Qiao Jiu was stunned, no wonder, this kind of thing is really a nosy that his mother is good at and willing to take care of. If it wasn't for that, he would have missed the opportunity, and his mother would definitely be working in the neighborhood committee now.

With Aunt Fang, an old aborigine, what Han Xiaoxiao wants to do is really much easier. The household committee asked her about her situation, asked her to show some certificates and letters of introduction, and prepared all the things before she could enroll her brother. Fortunately, their family is registered in the city, otherwise, it would not be so easy to go to school.

The household registration system in this society is quite strict. Urban household registration is very different from rural household registration.

Because Han Xiaoxiao came here to go to school, not to work, the household registrations of the three of them are still in their hometown county, and the food relationship can't be transferred. If they can't get the corresponding distribution items, they can only spend more on their own The money went to buy it, and Han Xiaoxiao was already prepared for it.

I happened to come to the neighborhood committee to get their grandparents and grandchildren's temporary residence permits. With Aunt Fang as surety, the process was much faster.

Going back with the newly issued temporary residence permit, Han Xiaoxiao thanked Aunt Fang for her help over and over again, and grandma also came out to say a lot of thanks, Aunt Fang was all smiles, and bluntly said that if you need help, just ask her, with a warm-hearted look, Qiao Jiu, who was looking directly, smacked his lips.

At this end, Ji Yu was about to leave the gate of the barracks when he saw the little soldier on guard arguing with an old lady with a little boy, so he hurried over.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Hello, Battalion Commander." The soldier immediately saluted, and then replied: "This old lady said she was the mother of Deputy Battalion Commander Dou. I said to call him to check first. She can't do it, so I have to go in immediately."

Deputy Battalion Commander Dou's mother?Coincidentally, Deputy Battalion Commander Dou belonged to their battalion, so he immediately looked over.

"Hello, are you the mother of Deputy Battalion Commander Dou?"

The old lady squinted over. "I've said it several times. I'm who I am, so I won't let me in. I can't even come and see my son. What a mess, this is Chunsheng's only son." She pulled her grandson over as she spoke. .

Ji Yu was not annoyed at all, and explained: "Family members can come to visit relatives, but the rules must be followed, please understand, I am Dou Chunsheng's superior, and I will wait here with you." After winking, the little soldier hurried into the guard box to make a phone call.

Hearing that it was her son's superior, the old lady finally didn't dare to quarrel. She is not stupid, and the boss can't easily offend her. Otherwise, it would be fine for her to wear small shoes for her son. However, the way she looked at Ji Yu was still a little weird. She is her own at such a young age. Chunsheng's superior?Wouldn't it be a bluff?

If Han Xiaoxiao was here at the moment, she would definitely recognize that this old lady was the one who was begging for meat on the train.

This old lady's attitude is so bad, on the one hand, it is due to her personality, and on the other hand, it is because of all kinds of troubles on the way here. She is holding back a fire in her heart, so she started to get angry at the little soldier.
Leaving aside the encounters on the train, when I finally got off the train and found a car to sit in, the old lady hated the high ticket price and insisted on saving her grandson’s fare, but the conductor didn’t like it, so she started She made trouble, and once again showed her identity as a member of the military, but she didn't have anything on her body that could prove that she was a member of the military. The conductor ignored her and drove them out of the car without pulling them away.That car happened to be the last one of the day, so the grandparents and grandson had to spend another night at the station when they didn't get in the car. Unexpectedly, when they woke up, they found that all the money had been stolen, but the old lady was very angry. If it weren't for the old lady who had some money left, which was hidden in the pocket sewn inside her clothes, she and her grandson would almost have come here to beg for food.

Feeling the unscrupulous eyes of the old lady's scrutiny, Ji Yu kept telling himself that this was the family of his comrade-in-arms, although he felt a little uncomfortable, so he endured it.

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