Liu Jing's phone call was still timely. Ji Yu on the other end had just asked for leave and planned to leave. If it was later, it would be a long time before Ji Yu learned about it.

Hearing that the other party has done so many evil deeds and intends to use power to overwhelm others, and the major incidents have been reduced to minor ones, Ji Yu is grateful for his family background for the first time. He was still troubled by his family background, and even after joining the army, he never told outsiders When revealing the family situation, except for a very few leaders, no one else knows his family background, that is, Liu Jing. Because he followed his grandfather, he knew that Ji Yu was the grandson of the old chief.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yu slightly changed his itinerary. Originally, he planned to go straight to Han Xiaoxiao's county seat, but now, since the other party wanted to intervene in the case, he would inevitably visit some people.

After buying the nearest train ticket, he returned home directly.

In the early morning, he suddenly stood in front of his house, and Qiu Anhong, who went out to work and saw his son, was extremely happy. "Ayu, why don't you call home when you come back." She scolded.

"Mom, I left in a hurry and it was getting late, so I didn't call."

"Are you on vacation?" She was not sure, after all, her son could not come back once a year, and he only came back not long ago, so she was a little suspicious.

"No, I asked for leave. I have something urgent to do. Is grandpa at home?"

"Your grandfather went out for a walk early in the morning. There is still food at home. You can eat while it's hot. Mom is going to work."

"Hey, mom, slow down on the road."

After greeting his mother, he didn't enter the house, and went straight to his grandfather.

There were some things that he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so he planned to come back and talk to grandpa face to face.

Mr. Ji, accompanied by the guard Xiao Ma, was walking with his old man with his hands behind his back when he saw his grandson approaching from a distance. "Ayu, why did you come back suddenly?" The old man was surprised.

"Hello, Grandpa Zhang." Ji Yu first greeted the elders beside him before answering his grandfather's inquiry. "I have some things to do, so I asked for leave and came back."

Mr. Ji's expression immediately became serious. He knew his grandson's personality well, and he would definitely not ask for leave at will if it was nothing important. "Go, let's go home and talk." The old man made a decisive decision.

"Old Zhang, then you can slip away by yourself first." He turned his head and said to the old man.

"Let's go, let's go, I can't go by myself."

The grandfather and grandson were walking back and met a woman head-on.

"Uncle Ji, this is Ji Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time," the woman said.

"Fang Fei, are you looking for your father?"

"Yes, someone called my dad, so I'll come out and tell him to go back." Zhou Fangfei smiled.

"Hello, Aunt Zhou." Ji Yu nodded, and when his eyes moved to Zhou Fangfei's face, he paused for a moment. Aunt Zhou's face did not feel familiar before, but now he feels a little familiar.

"Ji Yu is really a good-looking talent now. If Zixi knows that you are back, she must be very happy." Zhou Fangfei knew what was on her daughter's mind, and she couldn't help mentioning it when she saw Ji Yu.

After a few more words, they said goodbye to each other.

On the way back, the old man suddenly said: "I see you have been staring at your Aunt Zhou just now, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." He laughed. "I just suddenly felt that Aunt Zhou had a similar face to Xiaoxiao." He also felt amused by his discovery.

"Well, speaking of it, I still don't know what that girl Xiaoxiao looks like. Your Aunt Zhou and her daughter Zixi look nothing alike." The old man chatted.

Neither the grandparents nor the grandson took this episode seriously.

When they got home, Ji Yu's father, Chief of Staff Ji, was there, and he was a little happy to see his son back.

When Ji Yu came back last time, his father happened to be absent, and he was also happy to see him at this time.

Chief of Staff Ji frowned knowing that his son had asked for leave and came back. "How serious is it that you need to come back in person?" As a soldier, he was not very satisfied with his son asking for leave to leave the army.

"Okay, you don't know about Ayu's temperament, Xunzi will also watch the time." The old man interrupted.

Sure enough, the father was closer to his grandson than to his own son. Chief of Staff Ji could only shut up, got up and left to read his newspaper.

With his father not in front of him, Ji Yu felt much more at ease when he brought up Han Xiaoxiao's matter. After all, the agreement between himself and his grandfather was not clear to his parents.

In a few words, he made it clear his intention to come back.

After listening, the old man's reaction was very flat. After all, he has seen a lot of big winds and big waves. This trivial matter is not enough to make him change his face. He just asked: "So, what do you want to do?"

"It's their fault for this matter. I remember that my grandfather has an old subordinate who works in Jin Province. I want to pay a visit."

The old man nodded. Many things are not that complicated. If the other party wants to interfere, they only need to have someone with weight intervene and say a few words. Well, the people below, even if they were willing to help in the first place, for the sake of their own future, they dare not intervene at will.

"Okay, I'll make a call later, and you can just go there when the time comes."

Grandpa agrees, the matter is basically done, and Ji Yu is also relieved.

In the afternoon, when my brother returned from his grandmother's house and his mother also came back from get off work, the whole family got together to have a good meal and stayed at home for a night before Ji Yu set off.

After the summer vacation, Zhang Zixi went out to have fun with her friends for a day, and she came back very late at night, which caused her mother to complain a lot, but when she heard that her favorite brother Ji Yu was back, she was also excited, but it was a pity that she came back late. It's too late, and it's not good to go to the door at night, so I slept patiently like this, and went to Ji's house after dinner in the morning, but learned that Ji Yu had left, so I could only go home with regret.

On the train, Ji Yu went through the information of the two people he was going to visit this time in his mind.

One is an old subordinate of my grandfather, and now he is the second in command of the Jin Province Military Region. Although the position is quite high, the military and government have always been separated, and it is not good to meddle too much in local affairs, so he has to visit another person. Speaking of which, this person There is also some relationship with Grandpa's old buddy, Grandpa Zhang's family. Grandpa Zhang's eldest son, Zhang Minsheng, used to work in a county in the lower part of Jin Province. Coincidentally, it happened to be Han Xiaoxiao's family. His secretary back then is now a certain county in the province. He is the head of the bureau and married a cousin of Zhang Minsheng's wife Zhou Fangfei, who has a close relationship with the Zhang family.

Mr. Ji's decades of friendship with his old buddy, he also knew about many relationships in his family, so he told his grandson about this.

Thinking about this information, he suddenly remembered that when his grandfather heard him say that Xiaoxiao and Aunt Zhou looked alike, he made a joke about making Zhang Zixi, a real daughter, look alike.Uncle Zhang once worked in Xiaoxiao's county, and Aunt Zhou and Xiaoxiao look alike, so it's really fate. Pu's parents are much stronger, but just thinking about it, he quickly shook this outrageous idea out of his mind.

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