Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 469 Extra Story: Being a Mother is Strong

How do you think, the principal seems to be very familiar with Ji Fangxuan's parents.

Director Li regretted that he had been a little reckless in this matter.

"Principal, you know something about Fang Xuan's character. Although she is not as smart as Fang Han, she has many advantages of her own. One thing is that she never lies."

"I know, I heard from Mr. Ji." Principal Ling nodded.

Ji Lao, who is that?Director Li's brain started working quickly.

"Fang Xuan missed two quarters this morning and was punished to stand on the playground."

Principal Ling was not at school in the morning because he had something to do, and he only came in the afternoon, so he really didn't know about it, so he frowned.

"Fang Xuan said that she heard some students say a lot of nasty things about her. As for what, she didn't go into details. She was so angry that she went to ask others to argue, but the five students wanted to do something to her.

You may not know that Fang Xuan and Fang Han have practiced with Ji Yu for a few years, and ordinary children really can't beat them. Fang Xuan's temperament is not the kind of resignation, she will fight back when others want to hit her.

Those few students couldn't beat her, maybe because of this, Fang Xuan became the wrong party, not only was asked to call her parents, but was almost expelled. "

"What, expulsion?" Principal Ling looked at Director Li in disbelief.

"Xiao Li, what's going on?"

That is Ji Lao's great-granddaughter.

Leaving aside Ji Lao who is over [-] years old and still tough, even looking at Ji Yu, a rising star in the army, he would not dare to open Ji Fangxuan casually.

Director Li was questioned by the principal, and cold sweat broke out again.

What exactly does Ji Fangxuan's family do?

"This, this, principal, it may be a misunderstanding, and I haven't fully investigated it yet." The words in his mouth have begun to change.

Xiaoxiao pretended to be surprised. "Oh, is that so? I heard Director Li that you were going to fire Fang Xuan before, and that I, as a parent, didn't educate Fang Xuan well, and I deliberately found fault, alas."

At this moment, there was another knock on the door of the principal's office.

This time, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan came in with a few students who were willing to testify.

Under the confession of Yuanyuan, the person involved, and several witness students, Principal Ling became more and more angry as he listened.

"Xiao Li!" Principal Ling patted the coffee table.

Director Li shivered.

On the school side, after Principal Ling investigated the ins and outs of the matter, he specially convened a meeting with the teachers and leaders of the school, first severely punished Director Li, and immediately suspended him from his post.

Principal Ling is not stupid. In the past, Director Li was fairly fair and dedicated to his work, so he didn't pursue some small details.

But now, from such an incident, he can see that Director Li is no longer suitable for the current position.

The matter did not end so easily.

Five students headed by Wang Luoyan were also punished by the school.

As for Yuanyuan, since she didn't take the initiative to provoke her, nor did she do it first, she was not punished, but she was given some verbal education.

For example, how to deal with problems, you can't solve them blindly, and you can't be hard-pressed. You must learn to use your brain and not act recklessly.

The parents of Wang Luoyan and others originally wanted to seek justice for their children, but in the end, justice was not sought and the children were punished. How could they be willing.

However, before they went to school for theory, each of them ran into trouble first.

The person from the Education Bureau was also suspended for investigation to investigate the problems of using the public for personal gain.

In business, the partner suddenly stopped cooperating. After he asked his grandpa to sue his grandma, he finally got a call from someone who had a good relationship with him, reminding him if he had offended someone who should not be offended.

There are also two parents who are finding fault, and they also encountered a little trouble in work and life.

Only the parent who didn't go to school to make a fuss and didn't call Director Li was the least affected.

After the parents learned about each other's experience, they immediately thought of Yuanyuan, that is Ji Fangxuan.

Director Li was suspended because of this incident, so he was naturally unhappy, and felt that Principal Ling had made a fuss out of a molehill.

However, when he was dissatisfied and went to find Principal Ling, after sitting there for a while and leaving, his complexion became extremely ugly.

Principal Ling only revealed a part of Ji Fangxuan's family background to him, and let him know that he would never be able to offend him, but what happened now, the other party had already "stopped" him.

This is also the first time Xiaoxiao has used her strength and connections to "bully" others, just because she is also a mother.

After Ji Yu learned of what happened to her daughter, she was also very angry and blamed herself.

I blame myself for neglecting my family because of work, and I don't even know that my daughter is being bullied. Everything needs to be handled by my wife.

Because of this incident, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan's family background has become somewhat mysterious among the school students, and I don't know how many versions have been circulated.

Only the classmates who later had a good relationship with the two of them knew what their parents did.

However, being able to become a good friend of Tuanyuanyuan is also a person whose Sanguan character is recognized by the brothers and sisters. They know that they don't want outsiders to know their family background, and they have not revealed it to others.

Tuantuan and Yuanyuan have been the school's influential figures throughout their junior high school years, and secretly they don't know how many boys and girls have a crush on them.

However, no one dared to confess in person.

Tuantuan has made persistent efforts in his studies. In the three years of junior high school, he has been ranked first in his grade, and has won awards in various competitions.

As for Yuanyuan, she is not as good as her brother in studies, but she is very good in other areas.

Taekwondo, the champion of martial arts competitions, and the face of the school's sports team, I don't know how many honors he has won for the school and the city.

After the senior high school entrance examination, the two brothers and sisters not only did not have the same class, but even the school was not the same.

Although no matter Xiaoxiao or Ji Yu came forward, they could transfer the two children to the same school or even the same class.

But the children are getting older, after discussing with her husband, Xiaoxiao still respects the wishes of the children.

Whether it is Tuantuan or Yuanyuan, there are always many friends around the two of them.

Tuantuan is because he is smart, excellent and has a high EQ, there are always people who want to get close to him unknowingly, and there are even many people from superior families among them.

As for Yuanyuan, it is because of her character, generous and cheerful, kind and loyal. In a word, Yuanyuan is especially easy to eat, and has a variety of friends, from all backgrounds.

When the children were growing up, the parents Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu also encountered many problems.

The two also learned lessons little by little, and worked hard to raise their sons and daughters into excellent and healthy people who are worthy of the society, the people, and themselves.

Raising children knows how difficult it is to be a parent. As the children grow up, the relationship between Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu has become more and more harmonious with their parents.

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