Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 465 Belonging to Her Happiness

At night.

Because they remembered what the boss Xiaoxiao said, Little Six and the others wanted to see the face of that formidable friend, so they stayed awake.

Whether a person is asleep or not, breathing is different. Xiaoxiao is very helpless when she senses the small thoughts of these subordinates.

You talk about these guys, they don't sleep, how can they act on their own.

In desperation, Xiaoxiao got all the young men who were squatting with a stick of incense, and then walked out of the house and carried Shen Ye to leave.

Xiaoxiao didn't intend to send Shen Ye back the same way, God knows how many people are guarding the hospital ward, even if she is good at it, she can't make everyone blind.

Thinking of this, Xiaoxiao carried Shen Ye to the gate of the Public Security Bureau, and before leaving, she even did some tricks on Shen Ye.

There was someone on duty at the Public Security Bureau at night, and suddenly the window was smashed, and the person on duty immediately got up and rushed out, only to see a person lying at the door.

In the past two days, due to the case of Rush, many people have been working overtime in the bureau. This person appeared at the door unexpectedly, with a big white paper on his body, with a confession written on it, and a lot of self-reports at the bottom. Sign Shen Ye's name.

It's hard for people in the Public Security Bureau not to take it seriously.

It was because Shen Ye's name had already been registered in the bureau.

Seeing that Shen Ye was groggy, the people from the Public Security Bureau had to send him to the hospital first.

As a result, when he went to the hospital and was diagnosed by the doctor, he said that this person had suffered a severe blow to the head, and either he couldn't wake up, or he was a fool when he woke up.

Shen Ye is not a good person in the eyes of the police, and the police don't feel sorry for him whether he wakes up or not.

On the contrary, the confession letter was confirmed to be Shen Ye's handwriting after inviting experts to appraise it.

Now the police were surprised. They knew before that there was a smuggling criminal organization hidden in their province, but some of the leaders were very mysterious, and they never found out the specific identity of the other party.

Until not long ago, the public security system only had the name Shen Ye, and they have been following up and investigating, and vaguely found out that the smuggling organization was hiding in their city.

The leaders of the hall have already organized a meeting, intending to mobilize the elite, and the criminal organization has been wiped out.

Unexpectedly, before the action even started, there would be a big incident of fighting first.

Before they had a clue about this matter, Shen Ye was sent to the gate of the Public Security Bureau with the confession.

Tell me, which policeman doesn't think it's weird.

Some people even privately commented that the person who sent Shen Ye could not be the Robin Hood of their city.

Xiaoxiao waited until dawn, then called her husband whom she was thinking about, and reported her achievements.

Ji Yu immediately called to inquire about the results of Shen Ye's treatment. Hearing that he had been guarded by the police and that he would deal with him after all his crimes were clarified, he felt relieved.

Xiaoxiao learned that the police had formally taken over Shen Ye, and would deal with him and the organized crime behind it according to law, so she could finally leave with peace of mind.

When the little six sons woke up in the morning, they found that Shen Ye had disappeared, and they had no idea how they fell asleep last night.

Several people also have a better understanding of how powerful the boss's "friend" is.

Knowing that they can return to the capital, everyone is also happy.

They go out for a few months, although they have money to use for work, but who would like to go out every day.

Before leaving, Xiaoxiao also called home again.

She has been away for a few days, and the children at home are already very unhappy. Although they are not crying for their mother, the mother-in-law told her that even Yuanyuan, which is always delicious, has been eaten less. Does Xiaoxiao feel distressed? .

Several people got into the car and hurried back.

In fact, Mr. Ji suspects that his daughter-in-law's dealing with the factory is just a cover, so he might go out to do something important again.

But now the old man is also turning a blind eye and closing his eyes. Seeing that Xiaoxiao can call home from time to time, he puts down his worries about her for the time being.

When Xiaoxiao Fengchen hurriedly entered the house, the cheers of the children also rang out in the house.

Zhang Zixi died first, but now Shen Ye is nothing to fear.

Xiaoxiao's family can finally live a happy and safe life.

When Ji Yu returned home and saw his wife whom he had not seen for many days, he also expressed his deep thoughts with his own actions.

Without worrying about the safety of her family, Xiaoxiao took the children and returned to the military family home again.

And the tiger's subordinates who protected the people she cared about were all withdrawn.

For the subordinates who have worked hard for a long time, Xiaoxiao has prepared generous red envelope rewards, and also gave everyone a vacation to have a good rest.

After moving back to the family home and resting for a few days, Xiaoxiao resumed her normal life.

Going to work, picking up the kids, cooking.

Xiaoxiao cherishes the time with her family very much. Whether it is a weekend or a holiday, she will try her best to reunite with her family or go out for fun.

Because she secretly used Lingquan water for her family, apart from the unstoppable natural aging, Zhang Ji's family and even grandma Xiaofeng are in good health, and there are no minor illnesses throughout the year.

In the summer of [-], Jize officially graduated from university and returned to work in the capital.

In the past few years, there have been more and more college students. Although assignments are still included, there has been a "cold wave" of college graduates being returned after assignments.

Even if it is a prestigious university, it is not as sure as before that you can be assigned a good unit.

Fortunately, Jize has a registered permanent residence in the capital, and there are so many units in the capital. He is also a key university, so he was assigned a good job.

Xue Xiaobei and Zhang Xinjie's child was born in autumn, and gave birth to a fat boy.

The elders of the Zhang family were not to mention how happy they were.

With a younger child to take care of, he finally won't fight for a reunion with the in-laws of the Ji family.

With the iron rice bowl assigned by the package gradually being smashed, Xiaoxiao's own company and the company partnered with Qiao Jiu have welcomed more highly educated talents.

With talents, there is a basic driving force for development, and the faster their companies expand.

After all, Xiaoxiao still has to consider her husband's work, so as her business gradually expanded, she also gradually retreated behind the scenes, focusing more on family and charity.

Build Hope Primary School to aid abducted women...

She does her best to contribute to the society.

However, her wealth is not short at all. Even if she works hard to do charity, the property under her name is increasing year by year.

With Ji Yu's status, she can't go abroad at will. After Xiaoxiao and her family have visited all the fun places in the country, she leaves her husband and goes to various countries either with friends or with her children and elders.

Ji Yu is envious and sad, but what can he do.

His position has gradually risen, and apart from visiting abroad on official business, he really can't accompany his wife to travel abroad at will.

When he chose to put on his military uniform, he had to give up a lot, and of course, he also gained a lot...

Occasionally, Xiaoxiao would think of Da Yin and his relatives, but the faces of those relatives gradually blurred in her mind, replaced by the current family members.

When she came to this world, she didn't regret it at all!
Because she got her own happiness.

(End of text)

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