Finally, it was the birthday of Yuanyuan and her brother Tuantuan. Yuanyuan got her wish and ate her own big cake, and also received a lot of gifts, but the child was overjoyed.

By the time Xiaoxiao and the others moved back to the courtyard, it was already November.

Their mother and son have been away for a long time, and the military wife is missed very much.

This time I went back to the family courtyard, and when I was sitting and chatting with the military wives, Xiaoxiao heard something again. A few years ago, the army was greatly disarmed, but many soldiers who were not qualified for transfer and resettlement went back to support themselves.

Fortunately, after the reform and opening up, there are more ways to make a living. Pledging hard work is hard, after all, you will not be hungry.
However, there are too many people, and there will always be people who get along badly.

The military sisters-in-law discuss the current status of the relatives and friends they know who have served as soldiers, and they are also full of embarrassment.

In fact, apart from the soldiers who caught up with this trend, in the past few years, there have been quite a few soldiers who have changed jobs or even been discharged directly. Except for a very few who can be resettled, most of them may not be happy after returning to their hometowns.

After hearing this, Xiaoxiao was very emotional, and kept thinking in her heart if she could do something for these cutest people.

Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu hardly had any secrets before, because she was still pondering over her thoughts during the meal, so she was a little lost in thought, so she couldn't help asking.

After Xiaoxiao expressed her thoughts, Ji Yu was a little moved, and began to analyze with her what could be done.

People who come out of the army have several characteristics, they are rule-abiding, disciplined, and strong in action. If you look at the specific types of arms when you were in the army, you may be able to dig out some technical talents.

It is said that three cobblers can beat Zhuge Liang. After discussing with Ji Yu, Xiaoxiao went home on the weekend and chatted with the old man and her father-in-law, and her mind was completely opened.

Not long after, she told Ji Yu that she had made a decision to benefit the veterans.

First of all, in the business that she and Qiao Jiu cooperated with, they should give priority to hiring suitable veterans.

For example, the guards and security in the company's factory, the cargo transportation and drivers in the factory, first gradually implement these, in fact, she has bigger plans in mind.

She thought of the bodyguard bureau in Dayin, which could protect both people and property.

Then in the modern age with more advanced technology, it is possible to establish a company with this capability.

In fact, when she was studying in France, she had heard about the so-called security company, but she didn't know it in detail at that time. Now that she had this thought, she immediately acted.

Xiaoxiao directly found Yu Meiling's contact information and called.

Needless to say, security companies have long existed in Hong Kong City. Many wealthy people in Hong Kong City will more or less hire bodyguards to protect themselves and their families. They may also hire people from security companies to escort some valuables.

After chatting with Yu Meiling, Xiaoxiao asked the other party to find some information about the security company and fax it to her, so that she could find out.

Yu Meiling's action was still very fast. After Xiaoxiao received the information and studied it carefully for a few days, a more mature plan was born.

In the following time, Xiaoxiao carefully wrote a plan and came out. After Ji Yu saw the plan, he also knew that his wife really put her heart into it this time, not just thinking about it.

After the old man in the family knew Xiaoxiao's plan, he also expressed his full support for her.

With the backing of her family, Xiaoxiao is more motivated to do this.

Register the company, choose the office location, and choose the initial staff.

Xiaoxiao's original intention in doing this was not to make a profit, so she didn't plan to pull others to do it together at the beginning, but Yu Meiling had said earlier that Xiaoxiao could find herself if she needed investment.

This time, after Yu Meiling helped Xiaoxiao find information about the security company, she later called Xiaoxiao and learned of her detailed plan. She was also interested in it, and she was very optimistic about the prospect of this matter.

If someone is willing to cooperate, Xiaoxiao can't wait for it.

Yu Meiling was also straightforward, because she was either in Hong Kong or abroad, and it was inconvenient to manage those, so she told Xiaoxiao that she was only in charge of investment.

After Yu Meiling came to the capital and met Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao soon got a lot of money.

When Qiao Jiu knew what Xiaoxiao was busy with, the basic framework of Xiaoxiao's company was set up.

In fact, Xiaoxiao also saw that Qiao Jiu was already very busy every day besides worrying about the factory and the physical store. Now that she has a child, she didn't want him to worry too much about this business that might not be profitable, so she didn't tell him.

Busy until a year ago, the security company is also ready for everything, just waiting for the opening.

Thinking that after the Chinese New Year, no one would be in the mood to do anything else, so Xiaoxiao set the opening time of the security company to the new year.

When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming in the next year, she will also work hard.

Except for the front desk and accountant that Xiaoxiao found in the security company, the rest of the staff were all veterans recruited by the old man and Ji Hongqi.

The old man was always proud of having Xiaoxiao, an excellent granddaughter-in-law. Now that his granddaughter-in-law is going to do such a good thing for the veterans, he is even more proud in his heart.

Xiaoxiao also asked the old man to help name her security company. After thinking about it, the old man wrote down the word "Tiger".

It's still Chinese New Year, and those people are still there, but the dinner table of Ji's family has become more and more abundant. Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are one year older, and they can officially eat some meals that children can eat.

Perhaps in order to bring more good luck in the new year, Xiaoxiao moved home to have a lot of fireworks. After the family had the New Year’s Eve dinner, they enjoyed the fireworks show in the yard.

The fireworks in their yard kept going up to the sky, and many people in the compound were attracted.

There are many people with power and status in the compound, but not many rich people. Xiaoxiao is in business, and many people in the compound know that the Huamei brand is not a household name now, but in the homes of these people in the compound, there is still a lot of money. It is well known.

Just looking at the price of Huamei's custom-made clothes, everyone felt that Xiaoxiao had made a lot of money. Now, seeing how much a firework they set off can be enlarged for half an hour, how much does it cost?

Some people are envious of this, while others are sour. They still think that if Xiaoxiao didn't rely on the face of Zhang Ji's family, how could she make such money, and some people even have some bad thoughts.

After the lively Chinese New Year, Xiaoxiao began to organize people to prepare for the opening of the security company.

When Xiaoxiao was busy working for the security company, a report letter was sent to some departments and some people's desks.

The combination of Zhang Ji and his family looks powerful, but there are always people who can't understand their hostility, and even want to find a chance to pull them down and occupy the resources of the other party.

The report letter was written in a decent manner, and the higher-ups were not good enough to ignore it, and there were people facing the Zhang Ji family and those who did not deal with them. When someone went to Huamei to investigate, someone immediately found Ji The old man spoke.

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