"Xiao Pang, come with me." Sister Zheng said.

Although she didn't like Pang Qingqing quite much, Sister Zheng still cared about the Pang family's face, and she also thought about Xiao Yun, and wanted to talk about him in private, after all, there were still many people sitting here.

However, Pang Qingqing did not understand Sister Zheng's painstaking efforts.

"Aunt Zheng, if you have anything to say, just say it." Pang Qingqing still counted on Big Sister Zheng to help her uphold justice.

Sister Zheng laughed angrily. "Small things between children, don't go on the line at every turn, and even make threats to sue. We must have a high level of ideological awareness as military dependents. If everyone does it like you, can the family courtyard still have a peaceful life? ?”

I dare say that she was reviled, Pang Qingqing never expected that, knowing her family background, Sister Zheng would not give her face so much, and she also had opinions on Sister Zheng in her heart.

Heh, if it weren't for the fact that your husband is the immediate boss of my family, Xiao Yun, old godmother, do you think I would treat you so well?

Pang Qingqing looked at Sister Zheng, then at Xiaoxiao and his wife, and suddenly thought of something, "Okay, so you are in the same group, let me tell you."

Ji Yu frowned, and Sister Zheng's face became even more ugly. "Xiao Pang, what nonsense are you talking about, I am thinking of the peace of the family courtyard."

Sister Zheng and Xiaoxiao were confirmed to be in the same team. Pang Qingqing didn't stop, snorted coldly, and left with her crying son.

Xiao Yun was resting there when the door of the house slammed open. He immediately sat upright and saw his wife rushing in angrily with her son.

"What's the matter?"

"It's too bullying, just your teacher's wife, I just met that family again, good guy, let us Weiwei suffer again, seeing the teacher's wife coming, I still want her to uphold justice, As a result, his buttocks have long been crooked."

Xiao Yun heard the meaning of the words and thought about it. Ji Yu came earlier than himself. It is possible to say that he has a good relationship with Mr. Liu. He couldn't help blaming his wife, why did he provoke that family again.

Pang Qingqing's departure made Sister Zheng very angry. "Unreasonable, unreasonable, who am I doing this for?"

"Aunt Zheng, calm down, calm down." Xiaoxiao quickly relieved.

And Mrs. Jun hurriedly took a chair for Sister Zheng to sit down.

Not even giving face to the teacher's wife, everyone has a further understanding of Pang Qingqing's arrogance.

Xiao Yun can't figure out what's going on with Ji Yu now, so he can only tell his wife: "Take it easy these few days, don't confront them, wait until you understand what their family does."

This is the capital city after all, and Xiao Yun felt that he had to be more cautious in case there was something he didn't know.

Pang Qingqing was reluctant and unwilling to agree, thinking of Xiaoxiao's car made her feel even more uncomfortable
"I want to buy a car too."

Xiao Yun's head grew dizzy when he heard it. "Our family's money is all added up to buy an imported car. If you want to use a car, you can use mine." As the team leader, he naturally has an assigned car and attendants.

"Then you jeep, I don't want to sit, I want something more western."

"Qingqing, our family only pays for my salary and allowances. Buying a car will not affect you well." Xiao Yun's head grew big.

"Then why is that woman able to drive it, and I can't drive it? Doesn't it matter if she drives it? I don't care, I will buy it, and I will ask my dad and them for the poor money."

But that is all the savings of the family, so it is used to buy a car that is not a necessity, Xiao Yun is not happy.

But this time, Pang Qingqing was extremely stubborn and insisted on buying a car.

As soon as the phone was installed in their house, Pang Qingqing called her old father crying and begging for money.

Deputy Commander Pang felt sorry for his daughter and immediately sent money to her.

At this time, obtaining a certificate is more complicated than buying a car.

Pang Qingqing booked a car with a relationship first, then hurriedly learned how to drive and get a license, and even sought contacts to speed up the speed of obtaining the license.

Because Xiao Yun suppressed his wife for the time being, Pang Qingqing never had any conflicts with Xiaoxiao and the others, but after Sister Zheng returned home, she didn't have a good word to say about Pang Qingqing.

After listening to his wife's words, Mr. Liu kept sighing, so he just threw Xiao Yun away. Since he has a good relationship with Yi, why not transfer him directly to Yi's subordinates?

In fact, Xiao Yun didn't want to, but it's a pity that Deputy Commander Pang always wanted to cover up when he used his relationship. He wanted to show his justice and didn't want to get his son-in-law directly to his old subordinates to be criticized, but he also knew that the Capital Military Region was the most powerful. For the future, I still wanted my old subordinates to help take care of him, so Xiao Yun finally transferred him to Ji Yu's division.

Some people and some things cannot withstand deep investigation and scrutiny.

When Xiao Yun stopped, the Ji family also gradually found out a lot about the Pang family and Xiao Yun.

Anything done will leave traces.

Xiao Yun and Ji Yu belong to the same teacher, and they usually look up and look down. The two have already settled Liangzi, but they haven't completely torn their faces. That Xiao Yun is quite good at acting, even if Ji Yu is cold-hearted to him, he can still laugh.

Although Commander Liu didn't like Xiao Yun as a subordinate, he also hoped that the division would be safe and peaceful. As long as the two of them didn't fight each other in the army, he didn't care about anything else.

During another weekend break, Ji Yu and the others took their children home. After eating, the old man called his son and grandson to the study together.

Although Ji Yu didn't mention his entanglement with Xiao Yun to his father Ji Hongqi, the old man still told his son about it later, which was regarded as a reminder to his son and asked him to contribute.

When Ji Hongqi learned that his children and grandchildren were being bullied by that family, he was also suffocated, and he worked very hard to investigate.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

Since Xiao Yun became the son-in-law of the Pang family, anyone who doesn't deal with him and has no background will either be transferred or change jobs. Even if they are pure competitors, they may encounter bad luck because they stand in Xiao Yun's way thing.

It can also be seen from this, why the other party dared to toss out a teacher to embarrass Ji Yu for such a small matter this time.

In addition, Pang Qingqing's father has done a lot of business-for-private things over the years. He has arranged a lot of work for the nephews and in-laws in the family, scrutinized, and even resold military supplies.

After the old man saw this shocking evidence, he was also very angry and cursed "moths". The country they worked so hard to build was ruined bit by bit by these moths.

Ji Yu originally just wanted to check by the way, maybe he could find something that could be used, but he didn't expect to get such a big harvest.

Anyway, Xiao Yun and the Pang family were at odds with him, and now he knew that the family didn't have many good things. After the three of them communicated, the old man made up his mind.

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