Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 415 Helping Roommates Blind Date

The life of Xiaoxiao's family became happier and happier, but Zhang Zixi, who was trapped and unable to go out at will, almost went crazy and broke out again.

"I want to see your boss."

"Boss is busy, so I don't have time to see you."

"Then ask him for me, when will he be able to attack Han Xiaoxiao and the others, why is he not as good as a woman."

Zhang Zixi was slapped when she finished speaking. "Show respect to our boss."

Zhang Zixi calmed down a bit, but soon after, she got the answer she wanted.

"Both the Zhang family and the Ji family are not easy to mess with. Once you want to touch their husband and wife, you have to seize a perfect opportunity to kill them with one blow, and you can't leave any lies."

Zhang Zixi was not reconciled to not being able to take revenge immediately, so she could only ask: "Then can you let me do other things, I don't want to stay here like going to jail."

Soon, Zhang Zixi was arranged to secretly leave the capital and head to the south.


Not long after returning from Beidaihe, when Xiaoxiao went out again, she found that someone had taken something as big as a brick and pinned it to her waist. She wished everyone could see it, and occasionally she would gather in her ear and talk loudly.

After a little understanding, I realized that after the pager, now the rich have started to use big brothers again. Coincidentally, Qiao Jiu bought one first. Xiaoxiao went to see Qiao Jiu and saw the big brother with the same style on his waist. After growing up, I was almost killed laughing.

"Brother Jiu, wouldn't it be uncomfortable not to have such a big thing on your waist?"

Qiao Jiu patted his eldest brother and started shrieking. "Bosses are like this now. If I don't take a big brother out, I won't be able to do business with people. Xiaoxiao, you should hurry up and buy one. It's so convenient to use, it's just a mobile phone."

The mobile phone is really convenient, but looking at the big brother's head, Xiaoxiao is really a little panicked, she doesn't want to have such an extra thing on her waist when she goes out, even if she buys it, she has to carry it in her bag.

Although the mobile phone is very bulky and the price is not cheap, one costs [-] to [-] yuan, the battery is used up quickly, the phone bill is not cheap, and there is often no signal, but it is indeed much more convenient. After thinking about it, Xiaoxiao finally bought a pair After she took it home, Jize was so curious that Xiaoxiao let him study it as long as he didn't mess it up.

The big brother quickly became a beautiful scenery in the capital, just like what Qiao Jiu said, any boss who brought the big brother would have more confidence in negotiating business with people.

There are still some houses to be divided in the dormitory of the garment factory. After a meeting after the year, construction began. After a few months, it was basically completed. Now it is waiting for the post-work of installing doors and windows.

These houses are built on the open land next to the garment factory. Watching the houses being built day by day, the workers in the garment factory have hope in their hearts, and work harder and harder. They all hope that they can get the qualification for housing allocation, even If you only live in a dormitory, that's not a bad thing.

As the efficiency of state-owned factories declined and closed down one after another, everyone gradually began to change their thinking about iron rice bowls. Some large factories that could not be supported were led by the government to find someone to purchase and reorganize their assets.

Xiaoxiao and Qiao Jiu didn't have the strength to take over other big factories, but they also got a lot of benefits from them. For example, some equipment that was not really old was bought at a relatively low price. It works, but saves a lot of cost.

Because of the establishment of the garment factory, in order to ensure sales, they also negotiated cooperation with some shopping malls. At first, the shopping malls naturally looked down on them, with a high profile, but after hearing the news, some customers came and complained that they did not have their brand. After the clothes, the shopping malls gradually changed, and clothes from garment factories were allowed to enter the shopping malls.

In addition to discussing cooperation with outsiders, Qiao Jiu has not stopped building his own sales channels. In just half a year, he has opened more than a dozen stores in different places.

Their clothing factory is doing well, but they can't afford to keep expanding and spending money. Therefore, since the establishment of the factory, Xiaoxiao and Qiao Jiu haven't received any dividends, and they have used it to continue expanding production. Don't care about the benefits of this moment.

Every month, Xiaoxiao always takes the children to go around the family courtyard of the army, so as to show their sense of existence. People in the army are no strangers to their mother and child, but they just think that Xiaoxiao is in the capital, but they have been with each other all the time. Husband Ji Yu separated, some sympathize with Ji Yu.

In September, Zhou Wenjing, who lived in Jin City, informed Xiaoxiao that they were going to get married. The time was set on the National Day of the [-]th. Zhou Wenjing got married two years after graduation. In Xiaoxiao’s opinion, it was later than expected. Fortunately, when it finally arrived, several people in the dormitory also left one day earlier. After all, Jin City is not the capital, even if the distance is not too far, they can't wait until the wedding day to go there, and the time is a little too late.

Zhou Wenjing didn't find her unmarried roommates as bridesmaids, but her high school classmates and a cousin. Xiaoxiao was married a long time ago and never thought about bridesmaids. Mind, it can save some trouble.

After attending Zhou Wenjing's wedding, everyone joked about Wang Hui, Sun Yan and Xue Xiaobei who were still single.

Wang Hui and Sun Yan have been busy with Xiaoxiao's career all the time, and they don't care about lifelong affairs. Wang Hui's family doesn't urge her, while Sun Yan's parents are far away and can't care about her. Now that she has graduated from graduate school, her family has begun to urge her. After all, she is much older after two years of graduate school.

Speaking of this, Xiaobei was very distressed, and I asked a few roommates, if there is a man you know well, you can introduce her to meet, yes, she would rather trust the eyes of her friends than the elders at home, even if it is a blind date I also want to follow my own mind.

Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that Ji Yu had mentioned to herself a few days ago that there seemed to be some event in their army recently to help single officers solve their personal problems.

Everyone in Xiaoxiao's dormitory knows how good Ji Yu is to Xiaoxiao, plus he naturally has a good impression of the soldiers. When Xiaoxiao said this, not only Xue Xiaobei, but even Wang Hui and Sun Yan expressed interest.

Xiaoxiao had no choice but to ask for clarification as soon as she went back, and if it was possible, she would introduce a few of them to participate in that event as well.

Xiaoxiao is still very worried about the lifelong affairs of her roommates, and as soon as she gets home, she waits for Ji Yu to come back and ask.

This year's National Day coincides with the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Ji Yu and his family member Ji Hongqi are busy, either organizing training or participating in activities.

In the evening, Xiaoxiao saw her husband who had returned home from work, and immediately asked about the event.

Hearing that Xiaoxiao's roommates who are talented students are interested in participating, Ji Yu immediately said that this is possible, and when he goes to the army, he will help Wang Hui and the others to sign up for the spot.

After this matter was settled, Xiaoxiao immediately notified Wang Hui and the others one by one, and learned that she was going to participate in activities in the army in a few days, which could be regarded as a group blind date in disguise, and they looked forward to it and became a little shy.

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