As soon as Han Xiaoxiao rode her bike into the yard, the grandma who was picking vegetables in the yard stood up and looked shocked at the box tied to the back seat of the bike. "Xiaoxiao, did you really buy it back?"

"Of course, grandma, let's move into the house and try." She was eager to try.

"Hey." Grandma wiped her hands and came over to help carry the box.

The landlord aunt and the others also came out to watch when they heard the movement.

"Yo, Xiaoxiao bought a radio?"

"Yes, I think it's a waste of money, and she insists on buying it." Grandma seemed distressed but proud.

After moving the box into the house, Han Xiaoxiao took out the radio, adjusted it a little, and then played it.

First there was a stinging sound, and then the announcer's clear voice came out.

The people around the radio said happily, "Grandma, the voice is louder and clearer than ours."

Brat, do you think grandma didn't find out? The landlady's aunt is sore. I didn't expect Xiaoxiao to buy a new bicycle for a long time, and then bought a radio. The days of the grandparent and grandson really get better and better.Turning to sourness, she naturally wouldn't say anything to spoil the scenery, she just envied her grandma for having such a promising granddaughter as Han Xiaoxiao, who was only too old to buy things for the family, and she didn't know when she would be able to enjoy the benefits of the younger generation. Kind of blessing.

After listening to storytelling, news broadcasts, and operas, Han Xiaoxiao turned off the radio unsatisfied until she was hungry, and went to Zhang Luo to cook with her grandma.

If the Great Yin Dynasty could have something like a radio, it wouldn't be crazy to be robbed. Even if the price is expensive, there are plenty of wealthy businessmen and dignitaries who are willing to buy it. Of course, she is just thinking about it.After coming to this world, she knew from history books that there had never been a dynasty like the Great Yin in the past in this world. It would be a lie to say that she was not disappointed at all, but even if there was, so what, she couldn't Going back, but the memories of the past era have never stopped.

New items were added to the house, and grandma’s enthusiasm remained undiminished. After the meal was cleaned up, the grandparents and grandchildren gathered around the radio for entertainment. Grandma’s favorite thing was listening to operas, while Han Xiaoxiao liked listening to songs. Although the grandparents and grandsons have different preferences It doesn't hinder listening to what the other party likes. After all, with this thing at home, it will be much more lively than before.

At night, grandma boiled hot water, Han Xiaoxiao took a shower, dried her hair, and went to bed early. Tomorrow is the high school entrance examination, which is also her first threshold after coming to this world!
Fearing that her granddaughter would not be able to sleep well at night, grandma even brought a fan over and sat by the bed to fan her granddaughter. Han Xiaoxiao's facial features are keen, so how could she not know, but she would not reject grandma's kindness. Falling asleep in the breeze.


"Xiaoxiao, have you taken everything, why don't you check it again." Grandma worried.

Even though she had seen it several times, in order to reassure grandma, Han Xiaoxiao took out all the things and looked at them one by one. "It's all about grandma, then I'm going to take the exam."

"Go, slow down on the road, don't worry, it's still early."

"Got it, grandma."

"Xiaoxiao, take the test hard." The landlord aunt shouted.

"Thank you, aunt, I'm leaving." She got on the bicycle and waved back.

Riding all the way to the school gate, she locked the bicycle, and people walked by. There were many parents who sent their children to take the exam at the school gate, but there were also many children who came to the exam alone. After all, many parents still have to go to work. I will not ask for leave specifically.

Wei Bin, who was being nagged by his father, saw Han Xiaoxiao's figure, and his eyes became resentful. It was this guy who hurt him.

"Dad, I'm going to take the exam." No longer listening to his father's nagging, he ran to the school.

Coming early, Han Xiaoxiao didn't enter the examination room right away, but sat outside first. Many students did the same, and some of them didn't know what they were reciting silently.

It's all here, and Han Xiaoxiao doesn't bother to review what to watch, so he relaxes his mind and lets his brain rest.

Looking at Han Xiaoxiao in the distance, Wei Bin's evil thoughts arose. Anyway, he has graduated after the exam. He doesn't have to be afraid of the school's teachers and principals. Open the lid.

Han Xiaoxiao was squinting her eyes to enjoy the sunshine, when she felt something coming towards her, she hurriedly flashed, although she moved quickly, some water stains were still splashed on her body, when she opened her eyes and looked over, she saw Wei Bin smiling smugly .

"Sorry, I didn't see you sitting there." Wei Bin smiled.

"That's right, then I want to congratulate you for being blind." Han Xiaoxiao wiped the water off her arm with an indifferent expression.

This girl hid quite quickly, otherwise her clothes would be completely wet, how could she function normally in wet clothes, but it was a pity that she only splashed on her arms, Wei Bin regretted for a while.

"Just keep your mouth shut, I wish you good grades in the exam!" Wei Bin bit the last three words very hard.

"Don't worry, even if I close my eyes, I can still do better than you in the exam." She sneered.

"You!" Wei Bin was angry.But this is really true, Han Xiaoxiao's first grade in this grade is far behind him in the bottom of his grade. "Don't get complacent too early, we'll wait and see after the exam is over!" The man turned around and left after the harsh words.

Watching him go away, Han Xiaoxiao's eyes turned cold.

She actually did something to herself before the exam. If she didn't take precautions, wouldn't she really be splashed with water? Summer clothes are already thin. Normal performance is not immune to some influence, this Wei Bin is really vicious, after the exam?Coincidentally, I really want to get revenge.

A voice came faintly from the side. "Do you want paper?"

Han Xiaoxiao looked over and saw that she was a strange girl. "I'm in the class next door, and my name is Zhou Min."

"No, thank you." Han Xiaoxiao smiled.

"Well, I also bought the information you summarized, and it's really good." Zhou Min smiled shyly.

"Well, it's good that I can help you. If you have any problems in the future, if I can help you, you can also come to me." For kind people, Han Xiaoxiao is not stingy with kindness and smiles.

"Then I have a question, I haven't figured it out all the time, can I ask for your advice now." Zhou Min rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, tell me." Anyway, there is still some time before the exam.

The two sat under the tree and discussed.

Fifteen minutes before the exam, when the reminder bell rang, Zhou Min bid farewell. "Thank you. I only planned to ask one question, but I didn't expect to ask you so many at once."

"It's okay, come on, take the exam well." Han Xiaoxiao raised her fist.

"You too!"

With a raging fighting spirit, Han Xiaoxiao walked into the examination room.

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