Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 405 Refreshing Cognition

Knowing that the courtyard house was Xiaoxiao's own house, Yu Meiling and the others boldly moved in.

The roast duck and other side dishes were served quickly. Lan Kexin was amazed to see the chef slice the duck himself.

Xiaoxiao showed the two of them how to roll a roast duck, and Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin also imitated it.

The freshly baked roast duck is very sweet, served with sauce, scallions, and shredded cucumbers. It's not greasy at all, and the two of them said it was delicious.

They ate to their satisfaction, so Xiaoxiao felt relieved.

After a few people were full, there was still some unfinished duck meat left, so Xiaoxiao didn't waste it, so she asked the waiter to pack it and take it away.

After a long flight, Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin were also quite tired. After eating full, they felt a little sleepy, so Xiaoxiao took them to the courtyard to rest.

When the car arrived at the courtyard, Ji Yu and Xiaofeng who ran out helped carry the luggage, while grandma greeted Yu Meiling and the others warmly.

Although there was an extra Lan Kexin, grandma was not surprised. She let Xiaoxiao and her friends come in for tea, and then she hurried to tidy up another guest room. Just change things.

I was really curious about Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin in the courtyard house, put down my luggage, and looked around inside and outside the house. I didn't even bother to drink tea, and I didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Yu Meiling was even more amazed when she found out that the quadrangle was front and back.

"Xiaoxiao, what exactly do your parents do?" She asked curiously.

Xiaoxiao knew what Yu Meiling meant as soon as she heard it. "My father is a government official, and my mother is now a housewife, but this house has nothing to do with them. Something happened to me. I only met my parents two years ago. I bought this courtyard house before that. .”

Unexpectedly, her roommate's life experience is also very tortuous. Yu Meiling was shocked and also calculated, wait, when Xiaoxiao said that she bought this courtyard house, she was still in school, right?Then how on earth could she afford it? Could it be that her adoptive parents are rich?
This time, before Yu Meiling asked, Xiaoxiao explained first.

"I started a business partnership with someone when I was in high school and made some money. This house was bought with the money I made."

Yu Meiling only felt that today she had to completely refresh her understanding of Xiaoxiao, a former roommate.

Lan Kexin doesn't care about these anymore, she likes dogs very much, and found that Gou Bao was locked up in the backyard, and asked Xiaoxiao to release Gou Bao.

Xiaoxiao let her grandma lock up Goubao because she was afraid that Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin would be afraid of dogs. Seeing that the two of them were not resistant to dogs, she let Goubao out.

"Baby Gou, this is a guest of our house, and he will be staying at our house for the next few days, remember, don't bark when you see them." Xiaoxiao reminded her.

Xu understood. Gou Bao went around to Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin to sniff around.

Although many dogs can easily communicate with their owners, seeing this scene made Lan Kexin fall in love with Gou Bao even more.

Although Yu Meiling doesn't hate or be afraid of dogs, she likes cats more, and she can't put it down a little bit for the little raccoon, but facing outsiders, the little raccoon is very cold, and it is difficult for Yu Meiling to touch it, and she feels a little regretful.

After grandma cleaned up Lan Kexin's room, the two finally went in to rest.

Because Xiaoxiao lived in the courtyard today, Ji Yu also lived there. He finally had a holiday, so naturally he didn't want to be separated from his wife.

I wasn't sure where Yu Meiling and the others lived before, and Xiaoxiao and Ji Yu hadn't decided whether to go back to the courtyard or live in the courtyard tonight. Still waiting for them to go back.

Xiaoxiao first picked up people, then accompanied her to dinner, and was a little tired now. When Ji Yu came over from the phone, she found that Xiaoxiao had fallen asleep leaning against it, so she quickly helped her take off her shoes and covered her with a summer quilt. He also lay down beside him.

Looking at his sweet wife's sleeping face and her slightly bulging belly, a smile overflowed on Ji Yu's face.

Xiaoxiao woke up by herself after sleeping for almost an hour, looked at her watch, and after washing her face, she went to wake Yu Meiling and the others to get up.

It's not night yet, if you sleep too much during the day, you won't be able to fall asleep at night.

As soon as Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin woke up, they opened the suitcase and started to take the presents for Xiaoxiao.

There are cosmetics and skin care products, as well as baby bottles, small clothes, and diapers.

Everything else is fine. Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up when she saw diapers. This thing is really convenient after having a baby. Isn’t it better than washing diapers all the time? I don’t know if they are sold in Beijing now. If not, At that time, I have to trouble Yu Meiling and the others to help me send it from Hong Kong City.

They didn't go out for lunch, but grandma personally cooked home-cooked dishes for them. Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin also praised grandma for her cooking skills, and grandma was also grinning from ear to ear.

After dinner, a group of people watched TV and ate watermelon, Xiaoxiao also asked Yu Meiling about their plans for the next few days.

After finally coming to the capital, Yu Meiling and the others naturally wanted to visit all the famous landmarks in the capital. If Xiaoxiao was not pregnant before, she could accompany them to visit one by one, but now even if she is willing, the elders in the family They didn't agree yet, so let's not go along, Xiaoxiao was worried about them, so in the end they compromised, and when they arrived at the scenic spot, Xiaoxiao was looking for a place to rest outside, and Yu Meiling and the others went in by themselves.

Ji Yu is going to work on weekdays, and he can't escort Xiaoxiao, so he can only trouble Xiao Ma.

Ji Yu went to work on Monday, and when Xiaoxiao went out with Yu Meiling and the others, Yu Meiling and the others dared to ask about Ji Yu.

"Xiaoxiao, your husband is so kind to you." Yu Meiling couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Because of her parents, she had a very pessimistic view on the marriage relationship, but now seeing Xiaoxiao getting along with her husband, she suddenly felt that she You can believe in love.

Xiaoxiao accompanied Yu Meiling and the others to go out for several days in a row. They went to the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the Old Summer Palace in the Temple of Heaven. They also went out for at least one meal every day to taste the special food of the capital. It can be said that Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin had a good time Very happy.

After they had almost gone to all the places they wanted to visit, and found out that Xiaoxiao still had her own company, Yu Meiling and the others strongly demanded to take a look, so Xiaoxiao had no choice but to take them to Huamei, her company.

When she was abroad, Yu Meiling received gifts embroidered by Xiaoxiao herself, and she also saw Xiaoxiao wear the clothes she designed herself. She knew that Xiaoxiao had a good design talent, but she never expected that Xiaoxiao now has her own company.

Although in their eyes, Huamei is still a small company, but the clothes displayed in it still attract their attention.

Before Xiaoxiao came over, she called the company, so Wang Hui and Sun Yan were ready to receive guests.

It's a pity that Xiaoxiao's clothes are currently only made to order, even if Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin want to buy them, they can only measure the size first and wait.

Xiaoxiao can still afford a piece of clothing as a gift, and they don't need money from the two of them. Let them each choose a style they like, and promise to send it to them when it's ready. The two are also looking forward to it.

After staying in the capital for a full week, Yu Meiling and Lan Kexin left. When Xiaoxiao went to the airport to see them off, the two said they would definitely come to the capital again. Still welcome them.

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