Although Xiaoxiao's plan is ambitious and exciting, everyone knows that one bite will not make a big fat man, and they still have to develop step by step, but fortunately, everyone is full of energy now.

After returning to the company, Xiaoxiao seized the time to make wedding dresses for Yindi. The two families had already discussed the wedding date. Mrs. Fang went to the capital accompanied by a daughter, and Yindi's side was covered by her older sister. Zhao Di came forward.

Both parties are very satisfied with each other, so when talking about the details of the marriage, they tolerate and understand each other. I only hope that the young couple will be happy after marriage.

Qiao Jiu can now be regarded as settled in the capital. Influenced by Xiaoxiao, he also hoarded houses and shops in the capital. After he planned to marry Yindi, he took out a suitable house and let people decorate and tidy it up. My home in Beijing in the future.

As for Mrs. Fang, Qiao Jiu originally hoped that after she got married, the old mother could continue to live with her, but the old lady couldn't let go of everything in her hometown, thinking that her old house was still lively, and the few daughters were very busy. She will come here every now and then. She doesn't plan to move to the capital for the time being. She plans to wait for her daughter-in-law to get pregnant and have a child. Then she will come over to help take care of the child and let her son and daughter-in-law live first. little days.

As an elder, she is so considerate of Yindi's daughter-in-law, Zhaodi is more talkative about her younger sister's marriage, and the bride price and other things are also in accordance with most people's standards. Fortunately, Qiao Jiu and Mrs. Fang are very good. Paying attention to Yindi, even if the entertainment is not much, but still give a lot, far exceeding the marriage standard of ordinary families, and it also makes Zhaodi more confident in the happiness of her sister.

Xiaoxiao designed, proofed, cut, and finally finished the wedding dress a few days before Yindi's wedding, and quickly called Yindi to come and try on the clothes.

After putting on the freshly baked wedding dress and looking in the mirror, Yindi was pleasantly surprised. "Xiaoxiao, it's so pretty."

Qiao Jiu, who followed Yindi, also showed surprise on his face, and only hoped that he could quickly marry Yindi back home.

Zhaodi has done a good job in business in the past few years. She even sold the store next door to her, expanded her girlfriends, and hired someone to help. She always remembered that it was her younger sister Yindi who rescued her and her daughter Huahua from the quagmire. So I gave Yindi a lot of dowry.

Yindi was not willing to ask for it, and advised her sister to leave it to her niece Huahua, but Zhaodi pretended to be angry, and Yindi had no choice but to accept her sister's wish.

Xiaoxiao sent a wedding dress made by herself as a wedding gift, and Wang Hui and others also gave Yindi things. In mid-August, Xiaoxiao, Xue Xiaobei, and Sun Yan rushed to Yindi's residence. Xiaoxiao is going to make up for Yindi early in the morning, while Xue Xiaobei and Sun Yan are going to be for Yindi for half a year.

After Zhaodi made money, she also returned the rented house and bought her own house. It was a small yard, but it was enough for the three of them to live in. Now that Yindi is married, only she and her daughter Huahua are left in the yard. Also less and less.

In the evening, Yindi and Xiaoxiao chatted a lot. She was a little nervous about being a newlywed, so she asked Xiaoxiao, the only one among them, for advice on her experience.

In the end, it was Xiaoxiao who was afraid that she would go to bed too late and would not be refreshed when she woke up tomorrow, so she stopped the night chat and went to sleep separately.

It was still dark, and Yindi was woken up by her sister Zhaodi. After washing, Xiaoxiao hurriedly put on makeup and hair for Yindi. Xiaobei and Sun Yan who were beside her also helped as much as possible. Before the transformation was completed, Wang Hui and Zhou Wenjing came over. Zhou Wenjing also arrived in the capital yesterday, but she didn't want to be a bridesmaid, so she lived in Wang Huina.

After Yindi finished her makeup and put on her wedding clothes, a beautiful girl appeared in front of everyone. Before everyone saw that Xiaoxiao gave herself up when she got married, they thought Xiaoxiao was very good, but after all, Xiaoxiao had no foundation at all. Well, she is beautiful, even if she is even more beautiful after makeup, the shock is not as great as Yindi's. Yindi's appearance is ordinary, but now she has changed drastically. How can Wang Hui and the others not be amazed.

During the year Xiaoxiao went abroad, she not only made great progress in fashion design, but also improved her fashion sense and makeup skills. The French makeup is also very good. She came back from France with a lot of cosmetics.

Seeing that Yindi has become so good-looking, Sun Yan and the others couldn't help but want to ask Xiaoxiao to make up for them when they get married in the future.

The yard gradually became lively. Zhaodi Yindi had no other relatives and friends in the capital except Xiaoxiao and the others. However, after Zhaodi moved here, she was very good at life and had a good relationship with her neighbors. All were invited to come and join us.

When "the groom is here" was shouted outside, Xiaoxiao and the others immediately stood up for battle.

Under the excitement and joy of everyone watching, Qiao Jiu finally broke through all the barriers and took away his bride.

Inspired by Xiaoxiao's marriage, Qiao Jiu's wedding ceremony was also held in a hotel. They were not in the capital at all, and there were not many guests. Fortunately, the atmosphere was not affected at all.

Seeing that her son was finally married, Mrs. Fang shed tears of joy.

After Qiao Jiu got married and rested in the capital for three days, he brought Yindi back to his hometown, where they had another event, this time, Xiaoxiao and the others did not follow.

Thinking that she had already graduated and would not be able to live apart from her husband Ji Yu, Xiaoxiao also took the time to learn to drive and get a driver's license.

In fact, after she had plans to buy a car before, she learned it one after another, and she is not stupid. Ji Yu would teach her when he was free, and let her practice with his own car. She got used to it very quickly. Yes, but some processes still have to be completed.

While learning to drive and waiting for a driver's license, Xiaoxiao hurriedly went to a foreign trade company to book a new car. Most of the privately driven cars are imported, and she has to queue up to buy a car. She doesn't want to get the license after all. Yes, but there is no car to drive by then.

When she didn’t get the certificate, she and Ji Yu were still the same as before. Basically, Ji Yu would only live together when he had weekend breaks. He would probably find time in a month to live in the army’s family compound for a few days, so as to save her from showing up for a long time. Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their marriage.

When she went back to live in the compound, Xiaoxiao would occasionally go to the Zhang family, her mother's house, to sit and sit. Although the Zhang family prepared a room for her, she had never lived in it since she knew her relatives, but now she still came here from time to time. , I don’t forget to buy things for my natal family during the holidays or when I go outside. The Zhang family is already very satisfied.

At the end of October, the car Xiaoxiao booked through a foreign trade company finally came back. Because she drove it, she chose a red color. When she saw her own car, Xiaoxiao was very excited. Unfortunately, the driver's license has not yet been issued. You can only watch the car passing by first.

After she came back from France, she never took defensive measures when she was in the same room with Ji Yu. It has been several months and she has not seen her reaction. A little big, or where is the problem with the body?

Unbeknownst to Xiaoxiao, Ji Yu picked a time to go to the Urology Department of the Military Region Hospital.

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