Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 39 Examination magic weapon

Han Xiaoxiao's expression is quite normal. When she was a young lady, she had never seen any princes and relatives of the royal family, and there were many handsome people. After all, regardless of the family or the royal family, the appearance of the women married from generation to generation is the same. With such improvement, there will be no one who looks too bad.

"It's nothing, it's nothing more than a little effort." Han Xiaoxiao said lightly, then looked at Li Wei. "Let's go, class is about to start."

Li Wei still wanted to say a few more words to Zhao Zheng, but she couldn't bear to leave when she saw this. On the way back, she didn't stop talking. "Xiaoxiao, do you know who that is?"

"I don't know, what's the matter?" She has never been very concerned about the affairs of the outside class.

"That's Zhao Zheng. When you didn't take the first grade exam, he was always the first grader. Even now, he is still the second grader. He is good at studying and good-looking. Oh, it's too much. Excellent." As she spoke, Li Wei became nympho.

"Oh, that's not bad." The second grader still has some strength.

Seeing her friends recognize her, Li Wei was even happier.

"Then why was he beaten?" According to what she discovered after coming to this world, top students seem to get some favor from the teacher, even if they don't do anything, self-protection is still okay, right?

"Well, I don't know either." Li Wei couldn't answer.

Zhao Zheng, who watched them leave, became softer in his heart. This was the first time someone stood up to help him, and in this way, was she Han Xiaoxiao, the man of the hour in everyone's mouth.

In fact, this is not the first time he has been beaten by Wei Bin. He and Wei Bin are from the same village, but Wei Bin's father is the secretary of the village committee, and he only depends on his frail and sick mother. Borrowing money from the villagers, Wei Bin's father always used him to educate Wei Bin because of his good studies, Wei Bin hated him because of this, as long as he could block him, he would do it. He can bear it all first, because he knows Wei Bin's temperament, if he chooses to sue, Wei Bin will only get worse, until he becomes strong enough to bring his mother out of the village, he can only endure it.

Knowing that the person Wei Bin beat up was Zhao Zheng, the teaching director, Teacher Li, became more and more angry. Zhao Zheng naturally knew that he was the teacher's darling just like Han Xiaoxiao, so he gave Wei Bin and others a good lesson, and called him parents.

Father Wei was called to school, only to find out what his son had done to Zhao Zheng. He beat him up and warned him that if he bullies Zhao Zheng again in the future, he will make him look good.

In fact, Zhao Zheng had many injuries on his face before, but no matter what his mother or the teacher asked, he would always say that he fell by himself. It wasn't until Wei Bin was exposed that Zhao Zheng's head teacher knew what was going on. He also blamed himself for this, and paid more and more attention to Zhao Zheng.

There was Han Xiaoxiao before, and Zhao Zheng later. The school leaders also paid attention to campus bullying incidents. They held a special meeting to let the teachers pay close attention to the students' movements, strictly prohibiting such things from happening again, and also carried out some ideological education for the students. .

Knowing that his son had bullied Zhao Zheng many times, Father Wei felt very guilty. Not only did he bring things to the house to apologize, but he also specially gave Zhao Zheng's mother some easy work in the village.

Under the double warnings of his teacher and father, Wei Bin did not dare to do anything to Zhao Zheng again. Zhao Zheng finally lived a peaceful life. He felt that Han Xiaoxiao brought these things, and was very grateful to him for this.

Han Xiaoxiao didn't take this little help to heart, but she didn't know that someone had already written down the kindness, and she was only waiting for the opportunity to repay it.

One week before the senior high school entrance examination, Han Xiaoxiao came to school after a day off. Han Xiaoxiao found a few baked bird eggs in her drawer, and asked about her deskmate in surprise.

"Did you see who put something in my place?"

"I didn't see it." The deskmate shook his head.

When it was evening tutoring, she asked Li Wei and the others again, but everyone shook their heads. Now she became suspicious. The most likely person was the one who took her tutoring class. If it wasn't them, who else could it be?If she couldn't figure it out, she didn't waste any more time.

In the last few days, Han Xiaoxiao did not explain any new content to Li Wei and the others. Instead, she summed up all the questions she had assigned to each subject, and asked them to do it separately. After finishing, they will correct and explain together.

Two days before the senior high school entrance examination, the school was on holiday, and the students left the school with their own things. Luckily, Han Xiaoxiao now has a bicycle, so she can take all her books home.

At the gate of the school, the people in the tutoring team stood together.

"Xiaoxiao, I have an exam the day after tomorrow. I'm so nervous." Li Wei patted her chest.

The others also nodded.

Han Xiaoxiao smiled. "After so long of hard preparation, don't you have any confidence in yourself? When it comes to the examination room, just perform normally."

Xu Shi has been tutoring everyone for a long time, and she has gained prestige in front of everyone. After she said this, everyone's tension really dissipated a lot.

"Anyway, take the test well, come on!"

"come on!"

Everyone's hands were pressed together, and the youthful smiling faces formed a circle.

Zhao Zheng looked at them from a distance, and silently sent his blessings in his heart.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Han Xiaoxiao got on her bicycle and went home.

As soon as I got home, I saw grandma reading a letter with reading glasses.

Seeing her come in, grandma talked happily. "Ji Yu wrote a letter, telling you to take the exam well, don't be nervous, if you are short of money, tell him, after the exam is over and the exam is on holiday, let's go to the capital to play."

Is it the capital?This invitation is good, I really want to see it.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, where do you take the exam the day after tomorrow?" Grandma asked after taking off her glasses.

"Oh, I'm lucky, I took the exam in our first middle school."

"That's great. Grandma will accompany you to the exam then."

"No, grandma, I'm not familiar with my own school. You just wait at home and see that I get you a good grade in the exam."

"Okay, I'm waiting for my granddaughter's good grades."

While talking, the landlady walked into the house with Zhuang Zhuang.

"Xiaoxiao, knowing that you are going to take an exam, Zhuang Zhuang insists on giving you a gift." The landlady's aunt was overjoyed.

"Sister, here you are." Zhuang Zhuang raised the plate he was holding in both hands.

Seeing a fried dough stick and two boiled eggs on the plate, Han Xiaoxiao burst out laughing.

Grandma couldn't help laughing too.

"Okay, my sister accepted Zhuang Zhuang's gift, thank you Zhuang Zhuang." After taking the plate, she patted the little guy's head.

Zhuang Zhuang looked proud. This is the magic weapon that his mother prepares for him every time before the exam, saying that no one else knows about it.

Not far away, Yan Gongan led people into the door of the director's house.

"Yang Xing, you are suspected of deliberately arson and murder, and you are now officially arrested..."

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