Although Xiaoxiao and her schoolmate are in the same school, they are not in the same dormitory. She lives in the same room with another Asian student who is studying in France.

After arriving at the dormitory, Xiaoxiao also had to praise that the accommodation conditions in this school are good. There are two students in a dormitory, and there is a bathroom in the dormitory. There is a bedroom on each side, and the living room is shared.

When she moved in, the Asian student in the dormitory was not there, so she went to pack her things.

These students were sent by the government to study abroad, and the government borne their daily expenses, but the living expenses were not too much. After all, everything in the country needed money, so how could they let these foreign students who used public funds spend a lot of money.

When sending Xiaoxiao and the others to their respective schools, the teacher leading the team gave each of them some francs, which are also for their current use, and their future living expenses will also be transferred to their bank accounts in France , they take it by themselves.

Before Xiaoxiao left home, both the Zhang family and the Ji family helped her exchange some francs and even US dollars. Xiaoxiao also exchanged some privately, so she was not so nervous about money.

In fact, after seeing her accommodation conditions, Xiaoxiao was very happy, because her bedroom is independent, so it is much more convenient for her to access some things in the space. There are many domestic specialties hidden in her space. If she is not used to the food here, she can secretly improve it for herself in private.

This night, Xiaoxiao also tossed and turned, and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

After coming to this world, this is the first time she is so far away from all relatives and friends.

After Xiaoxiao fell asleep, she vaguely heard the sound of the door and the living room, but she was too sleepy, so she didn't get up to go out.

Early the next morning, Xiaoxiao woke up early, put on her clothes, and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out to the living room, she saw that there was an extra person in the living room. roommate
"Hello, my name is Han Xiaoxiao, and I'm from Huaguo." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, all in French.

The short-haired woman glanced at her, took out a cigarette, lit it and sat down. "My name is Yu Meiling, from Hong Kong City." Yu Meiling answered in Hong Kong Pu.

They were also compatriots, Xiaoxiao ignored the detail that Yu Meiling didn't shake hands with her, and secretly became happy.

Hong Kong City has already decided to return, that is, when the time is up, Xiaoxiao originally guessed whether the roommate is from the island country or the Bangzi country, but she did not expect it to be Hong Kong City.

"I will stay here for a year, please take care of me in the future." Xiaoxiao is still very polite.

Yu Meiling rubbed her temples with a cigarette in her hand, and laughed lightly. "Just take care of yourself." After speaking, he took two puffs of his cigarette, then extinguished it in the ashtray, got up and went back to the bedroom.

Xiaoxiao shrugged, this one seemed quite aloof, but her roommate could speak Mandarin, even Hong Kong Pu, it was much better than she imagined.

After changing her clothes, Xiaoxiao put on her bag and left the dormitory to stroll around the school.

Yesterday, she was only busy going through various formalities, and didn't take a good look at the campus where she was going to stay for a year. It happened to be a good time to get acquainted with it before classes started.

Xiaoxiao was a little surprised by the many facilities on campus, there was even a cafe, Xiaoxiao thought she had come out quite early, but unexpectedly there were already customers sitting in the cafe.

When she went out, she also brought a camera with her. She looked at the scenery in the school, and when she saw something good, she would stop and take pictures. She wanted to develop the photos and choose some to send back to China, so that her family could have a look. The place where she learns to live.

There are not many students with Asian faces in the school. When she walks on the campus, she occasionally attracts some attention. Most of these eyes are curious, but some people are obviously contemptuous and hostile. Xiaoxiao is not afraid of each other, but newcomers are not afraid She didn't want to cause trouble casually, she simply ignored the other party just because she didn't see it.

After shopping for a long time, she felt a little hungry, so she went to the school cafeteria. Before entering the door, she glanced at the meal time hanging outside, raised her hand to look at the adjusted watch, and sighed helplessly.

At this point, the restaurant has not eaten yet, so she can only find another place to solve the problem of eating.

In addition to the restaurant, there is only a cafe in the school, and I don't know if there is food in the cafe, so Xiaoxiao went back and went in.

After finding a place to sit down, a waiter came over and asked her what she wanted to order, and handed over the menu. Xiaoxiao glanced at it, and found most of the words she knew, but some words she didn’t, but there was indeed something to eat. I ordered a beef sandwich and a cup of coffee.

While waiting for something, she also looked around the cafe.

There are middle-aged people who are holding a newspaper while drinking coffee and reading it, and there are students who look like lovers in sportswear.

When the things she wanted were delivered, Xiaoxiao began to enjoy them.

The beef sandwich was quite satisfactory, not too delicious, but it was not unpalatable, maybe because she was not used to it, since she spent money to buy it, of course she would not waste it.

While Xiaoxiao was eating, a young man in the corner glanced at her several times, then suddenly got up and walked over.

"Hi, can I sit down here?" A strange question came from Xiaoxiao's head.

Looking at the person who asked, Xiaoxiao froze for a moment, then nodded. "Yes." This coffee shop is not hers, so there is no reason not to let others sit.

As soon as the man sat down, he began to speak. "My name is Drake, your face looks very strange, are you a student of our school?"

Xiaoxiao listened carefully to what he said, because Drake spoke very quickly, Xiaoxiao only understood the general idea for a moment, and then she understood again, before replying: "My name is Han Xiaoxiao, and I am a new student studying abroad. I am a Chinese."

"Oh, mysterious oriental country, you are very petite and cute." Drake praised.

"Thank you." Xiaoxiao said thank you, and she was already muttering in her heart, why does this French man look so familiar, he has been sitting here asking questions, and he is too embarrassed to eat.

Xu Shi could see Xiaoxiao's embarrassment, but Drake didn't ask any more questions, just bowed his head and flipped through the book in his hand.

After arriving here, Xiaoxiao also discovered that the French seem to like reading very much, and many people can see that they have books in their hands.

Drake stopped talking, and Xiaoxiao quickly finished the sandwich in her hand.

The beef sandwich was not big, and after eating all of it, Xiaoxiao felt that she was still not half full, so she took a few sips of coffee, then got up and went out.

As soon as she stood up, Derek, who was still reading a book, got up. He was much taller than Xiaoxiao, and looked about 1.8 meters five.

Xu felt that Xiaoxiao's name was difficult to pronounce, so he called Ms. Han directly. "May I invite you to dinner, please?"

Xiaoxiao was shocked, she was not familiar with this French man, why did she invite her to dinner just after meeting, she immediately shook her head. "No thanks." After saying that, he ran away in despair.

Seeing Xiaoxiao's back going away, Derek, who was rejected, laughed. "Lovely oriental girl."

Although Master has told that France is a very romantic country, and the relationship between men and women is much more open than in China, Xiaoxiao did not expect that people can be so enthusiastic. She was a little scared when she was always bold, and she hurried away when she left the coffee shop. Run back to the dormitory.

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