Reborn 1980 Girls should be self-reliant

Chapter 366 The Magical Coke

After the steaming dumplings came out of the pan, they were served on the table in plates. Everyone ate them with vinegar or garlic. There were also side dishes and chopped braised meat on the table.

In Ji's dumplings, Qiu Anhong also wrapped a cleaned coin.

When Xiaoxiao ate the third dumpling, she just put it into her mouth, and bit something hard when she bit into it. When she spat it out, it was the coin.

Seeing this, Qiu Anhong smiled. "Xiaoxiao got it, Xiaoxiao is lucky, this year will be smooth."

Although Ji Ze is already in high school, he still has the habit of a child. He was still eating dumplings. Seeing that his sister-in-law had already eaten up the coins, he lost his motivation when he was full. He put down his chopsticks and ran to the room to see himself. Before the holiday, he bought several idle books from his classmates that he hadn't read before, and he was reading them with gusto.

Xiaoxiao helped her mother-in-law serve the dumplings, so she ate a little late, but she still ate the coin. Although she is not superstitious, she is in a good mood.

After lunch, the continuous sound of firecrackers can already be heard outside.

Xiaoxiao had just helped her mother-in-law clean up the dishes when she heard her uncle Jize rushing out of the room excitedly. "It's snowing, it's snowing outside."

Xiaoxiao went to the window and looked, isn’t it? It’s snowing like goose feathers outside. She is wearing a bright red tight sweater and standing in front of the window. There are still snowflakes floating outside. Ji Yu looks at this picture of a beauty admiring the snow The picture is a bit crazy.

Xu is nourished, and Xiaoxiao has become more charming and beautiful than before marriage.

Although they had dinner, Qiu Anhong and the others couldn't rest peacefully. After a short rest, they began to prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner at night.

This year their family has a new daughter-in-law, Xiaoxiao, and the New Year's Eve dinner is prepared more sumptuously than in previous years. Besides the usual chicken, duck and fish, Qiu Anhong also asked someone to get some scarce seafood.

When Qiu Anhong and his new daughter-in-law Xiaoxiao were busy with the New Year's Eve dinner, Ji Yu was not idle. He took his younger brother to paste the couplets, and used the prepared paste to brush on the door. He was in charge of pasting, and his younger brother Jize was in charge. Help him keep an eye on it.

After posting the couplets, the childlike Ji Ze suddenly grabbed a handful of snowballs and smashed them on the head of his unsuspecting brother.

Ji Yu froze for a moment, grabbed a handful of snow and threw it on his younger brother. After a while, laughter and Ji Ze begged for mercy resounded in the yard.

Xiaoxiao and the others were startled when they heard the movement, and ran to the window to have a look. After fully understanding what was going on, they couldn't help laughing.

Qiu Anhong had never felt that the New Year was so lively at home, and after returning to the kitchen with Xiaoxiao, she felt emotional. "Xiaoxiao, it's great that you're married. I haven't seen Ayu so happy for a long time." Before, how could she have imagined that the elder son who was over thirty could have a snowball fight with the younger son in the yard. It can be seen The eldest son is really in a good mood, and all this is the change brought about by Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao laughed. "Mom, we will be better in the future."

"Yes, it will be better." Qiu Anhong smiled broadly.

Hearing the conversation between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the kitchen, the old man and Ji Hongqi who were sitting outside watching TV also looked at each other and smiled. Xiaoxiao, the granddaughter-in-law\daughter-in-law are indeed married well, and they all say that marrying a wife should marry a good man, the old ancestor's truth is true It is the experience summed up by thousands of years of wisdom.

Ever since Ji Yu decided on Xiaoxiao as his daughter-in-law, the atmosphere in their family has been getting better and better, and Ji Yu is willing to be closer to home. When the family has a next generation, it will definitely become more and more lively.

The cold dishes are all cut and seasoned, the stewed meat is cut into platters, the hot dishes that need to be fried are also cut and placed, and the time-consuming ones that need to be stewed are already on the stove.

When everything was almost ready, Xiaoxiao and her mother-in-law Qiu Anhong came out to drink water and rest.

At this time, Ji Yu had already returned from the fight with his younger brother, fearing that the two of them would catch a cold, Qiu Anhong hurriedly urged them to drink a large bowl of hot ginger tea, which was always kept at home since the weather was cold.

While sitting idle, Qiu Anhong also started chatting with Xiaoxiao about some household matters, mainly about the people and things that she should pay attention to during the New Year's greetings tomorrow. , lest Xiao Xiaoming's eyes be smeared.

Xiaoxiao naturally understood Qiu Anhong's kindness, and listened attentively.

In fact, this is the housekeeping skills that a housewife needs to master in the Great Yin Dynasty. A good mother-in-law will teach the new daughter-in-law the skills that need to be mastered little by little as soon as the new daughter-in-law enters the house. It's grinding.

Xiaoxiao is also very fortunate that Qiu Anhong is a very good mother-in-law, although she is not afraid even if she meets an evil mother-in-law, she may live comfortably, who wants to bother with intrigue every day.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went into the kitchen again to work, cooking, steaming, and all kinds of aromas wafted through the house.

When Ji Ze was growing up, he was also consumed quickly. The dumplings he ate at noon were quickly digested. He smelled the aroma, so he couldn't help but go into the kitchen and taste something from time to time.

Xiaoxiao's sister-in-law winks at Ji Ze's uncle from time to time, and then steals some delicious food for him.

Jize also liked Xiaoxiao's sister-in-law more and more.

When it was completely dark outside, the Ji family's New Year's Eve dinner was officially started. There was more than enough room for six people to sit at the big round table, and the table was fully packed.

As soon as the old man spoke, everyone picked up their chopsticks.

There was also a bottle of high-quality white wine on the table, and Ji Yu also drank some with his grandfather and father. Xiaoxiao and mother-in-law Ji Ze only drank drinks, and it was a foreign soda specially bought by the mother-in-law from the Friendship Store. It is said to be called Coke Yes, looking at the dark liquid, Xiaoxiao was a little taken aback at first, it felt like traditional Chinese medicine, and she wondered if it would taste good.

But as soon as the Coke was taken out, Jize became very excited, "Sister-in-law, I heard people say that this Coke is delicious, and it will still get steamy after shaking it. I have wanted to drink it for a long time."

In fact, with the status of the Ji family, it is natural that they can't even buy a bottle of Coke. It's just that although Ji Ze is the youngest son and is favored, Qiu Anhong and his wife have been very strict with him in the past two years, mainly because they are afraid that their son will also be spoiled. If Changwai becomes like Zhang Zixi, then they will die of anger, so Ji Ze has been greedy for a long time, and he didn't dare to ask his parents to buy a Coke.

If you shake it, you will get angry?Like a curious baby, Xiaoxiao experimented with her uncle Jize.

The Coke was packed in a transparent glass bottle. Jize picked it up and shook it vigorously a few times, and then saw that the air began to rise. He was excited and immediately went to open the bottle cap.

Ji Yu felt bad when he saw the gas coming out, but it was too late to stop his younger brother. When the bottle cap was opened, the Coke inside flew out like a fountain.

Ji Yu only had time to quickly turn sideways to block Xiaoxiao in front of him, but he felt that his back was wet and cold.

Jize stood there blankly, unable to believe what happened. He was drenched, and he looked down at the glass bottle in his hand. There was only half of the Coke in it. He didn't mind being drenched. , Just seeing the loss of so much Coke, I started to cry.

"My Coke!" He felt distressed.

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